WoW Is Back!

Either way, even if the GCD does feel clunky with certain abilities, classes are, in general, a lot more fun.

I agree though. It’s good to be cautious. I just think we’re in for a good expansion. We know about this stuff so early, whereas Asserite Gear was basically a week before launch.

Alien lifeforms from another dimension

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What’s going on with the AoE Cap?
It was framed as the majority of AoE capped, but Ion’s not sure that it’s true. This serves to increase the distinction between “cleave” and “AoE”. A lot of melee specs used to excel at cleave and then you had your Rain of Fire or Arcane Explosion for AoE.

Now, see, Im a reasonable man.
Explaining the destruction of my Butchery in those terms makes me think they were thinking it thru and not just hacking up anything they could to slow the game down.
With THAT explanation, Im actually ok with the change.

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I have relatives that do that, but it’s more like background noise than them actually watching it.

This is a common conspiracy theory that I’ve read ever since I’ve become the President of “Shadowlands Ducks INC.” (about 30 seconds ago).

We believe that those are just sculptures of what many Azerothians believe to be an undiscovered god or goddess. Until we have proof that an Azerothian duck looks like that, we will never know.

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Its a family tradition at this point.

I agree. And they’re actually changing dungeon mechanics too. They had to work around no AoE cap by having stupid stuff like knockback, which they’re removing.

I’m happy about the AoE cap. It’ll be more realistic, and dungeons will be more fun without mechanics to prevent mass-AoE airstrikes raining down.

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Little early for this.

We thought they learned with WF/TF and ended up with CF which is a thousand times worse.

So yeah…

Warranted cynicism aside… I do agree it sounds promising at least.


All they had to do is revert half the changes they made in the past 4-5 years.

As happy as I am that a lot of things are coming back, it irks me that they took stuff away and charged us then gave stuff back and charged us again.


Master Looter
No plans to bring it back. Involving agency and Personal Loot. That’s the path they’ve committed to.

Lotsa raiders aint gonna like that one, lol

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But we have no forging whatsoever now? This is exactly what we wanted as a community, iirc.

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Good news is they have already stated there will be none of that in Shadowlands nor any system to replace any of it. Very good news to say the least


Im not happy with it but Im at least ok with it now that Ive seen the reasoning behind it.

Yeah lots of people were really angry but Ion does have really good counter points as to why they chose to do it

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I’m a little leery of this, if AoE caps are all they’re doing.

It’s not going to change the strategy - you’re still going to grab the largest packs you can and AoE them down. The only reason you didn’t do this in Classic or BC or Beginning Cata was because of how hard the mobs hit - you physically couldn’t and live.

So long as AoE is better damage than Single Target/Cleave, folks are still going to be playing the same way… it’ll just take longer to kill things.

Classic has been out for like a year now.

Well based on what they have said they are also changing the ways dungeons and raids work to make up for the AoE cap. To my knowledge we dont know how exactly it is all being changed yet though


AH HA…for all of you who claimed that the AP grind wasnt alt unfriendly
Even ION says it was/is, lol

Alt Unfriendliness
On all fronts, Shadowlands should be better. There’s no AP system – one of the things driven alt unfriendliness.


AP grinding was what made me leave the game for a while. God awful. There is nothing to enjoy for anyone when you always feel behind.

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oh it killed it for me.
I had two characters and boosted 9 more to really tear into BFA.
And then the AP grinding started. I just gave up 6 weeks in.