WoW Is Back!

Wow is back?

“However, less loot will drop.”

no…its really not :roll_eyes:


That should be the case. Less loot is good.


I mean, we’re probably not going back to the days of 2 drops for 40 people for this statement yeah?

no…its not…trust me. It REALLY isnt.

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That’s an opinion, my friend. I’d MUCH rather have less loot than RNG gear.


If they think Im wasting MY game time running in groups 14 times just to get some random crap drop they are LITERALLY out of their everlovin minds.

We had more loot in the previous few expansions because of the necessity. More loot dropped in order to increase the chances of titanforging and warfogring. With less loot, the need to keep farming gear will be less necessary. Eventually, you will have BiS and you will be as strong as you can be.

Less loot is good so long as loot is reasonable.


There were other ways to do it.
Smaller increases for instance instead of one god gear drop once every 3 weeks.


What the duck? That is ducking ridiculous. Which stupid duck forgot the ducking ducks in WoW?

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Shadowlands Best Selling Feature: "We’re taking pretty much every single system we had in BFA out to the backyard and shooting them in the head with a shotgun. We’re then telling the forum MVPs and White Knights that ‘BFA’s systems are still alive and well, just being implimented on a farm in upper state New York.’


“No plans for Master Looter,”

Thats not surpising either.
sorry to you real raiders who liked having it.
Maybe next expansion.

It’s one negative in a flood of positives. I do hope they bring it back though.

So basically they are looking at it. They’ve been looking at azerite gear for a while too and look where that took them.

Again, just being cautious. I’m digging all the early feedback, but unless we see hard evidence then gotta wait…


So far the expansion looks VERY promising and like a return to form for WoW. However, before I preorder I am going to continue to watch very closely how they change the expansion through alpha and beta. I dont want to see another BFA scenario whereas everyone got super hyped and it blew up in our faces. However, that being said. Blizz is doing a very good job right now keeping everyone updated and making changes to please both sides of the player base

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When the gear themselves isn’t RNG then yes it is fine. We had epics raining from the skies with much being garbage. If a piece drops and its always as strong as it can be then more useful loot drops instead of bags of waste.


You already do this by even running M+, raids, or rated PvP.

fixed it for you. Master looter never served anyone’s needs only the whims of the master looter.


Wait. If Azeroth doesn’t have ducks, what the hell were these modeled after?

Where is the Continent of Ducks?

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well some people actually watch the 24hr marathon of Christmas Story on TBS every year from start to finish

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Yeah, once bitten twice shy as they say and legion and bfa bit me pretty hard.