WoW Is Back!

We still have rental powers and the mission table, though.

Rental powers suck because they are good, and when you lose them going into a new expansion, it feels bad.

And I honestly thought BFA would have killed the mission table with how pointless it is, the war resources are worth more than the reward imo. (since you can use them for getting weekly reroll tokens, and you don’t get them by merely existing like in WoD)

Well Ion has stated they are looking into bringing tier sets back however they wont be in the launch and if they do show up would be in one of the patches that follow launch. He also stated they are looking at changing tier sets as they dont like that if you get a tier set it negates any other armor or gear that can drop as it wasnt worth it to break up the set

the problem was they tried to take the original characters and simply be gender swapped

if they had taken the time to make their own unique characters instead the movie might’ve been better received not to mention leslie jones getting on social media and badmouthing the public calling them all kinds of names and trying to downplay it by claiming the only reason people hated the movie because of male chauvinism and being racist

the truth is the movie was a box office disaster from day one because of the recycled characters and cliché lines it was like the Friday the 13th each sequel was a rewrite of the last one

teenagers reopen the camp crazy old guy warns them to leave or die they laugh at his rambling then teenagers start making out Jason appears starts slaughtering them they barely manage to survive then the next movie starts all over again

Tell that to FFXIV which released the safest expansion possible to make sure not the break the mold.

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I still think people are insane saying FFXIV leveling is better then WoW. I wanted to rip my teeth out trying to level in that game but I suppose it just comes down to playstyle and preference

Anima Power

In our interview with Ely Cannon and Jeremy Feasel, Anima was described in a little more detail. Here’s a summary of the mentioned.

You will, during the course of your adventures in the Shadowlands, be gathering anima from various sources and you can put it towards a bunch of different ends. and one of those is powering up your soulbind. but we want it to be something that you can do at the beginning of your play session. It’s something you can take a little bite out of, get yourself an additional “Talent point” or soulbind ability, and then go out and play with it for the rest of the day. The name of the game in Shadowlands is player agency. We don’t want there to be an infinitely grindable system like Artifact Power or Azerite. We want you to be able to feel like you can do that, and then you can go off and do some other stuff.

Wowhead : So you don’t like people farming islands for 80 hours a week?

There’s no infinitely grindable system in Shadowlands. We want there to be tons of different things you can do. You can do what you want to do for anima.


I’m not gonna be hyped until I play it, People get hype for every xpac, we shall see but I hope it will be a success and what your looking for OP.

Ah. Thank you for that. Like Ive said lots of confusion going around on where they go and how you get them. I like what I see here though. Alot. Its nice

well that actually sounds interesting.
Not like an AP grind at all.

Yeah but this AP is actually enjoyable based on what Im reading compared to the horrors of BFA AP

well the expansion isnt live yet and weve been down this road before and it always ends badly for players

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If it is a grind that doesn’t go to the core of our game play then it should be fine .

If it gives us little bonuses here and there cool if it goes to the heart of our abilities like the Artifact and the neck did then no .

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Well, to be fair, we literally knew almost nothing about BFA compared to what we know about Shadowlands, even during late beta.

Yep. Hence why I said based on what I have read however I do agree. Im waiting until I get to actually play before I sign my soul to the game again :slight_smile:

Now if they would just give abit with flight…

They could very well.

At BlizzCon, they said no tier sets. Now, they’re saying tier sets are probably returning in a Shadowlands patch.

Maybe they’ll budge on Pathfinder?

more like move the goalposts and make us wait longer between unlocks Watcher wont quit until hes killed all desire by every player to want to fly

Eh. He’s budged in the past few days on countless systems that we disliked, and they’re getting rid of most of 'em altogether. Pathfinder doesn’t necessarily bother me, but it’s definitely not the best thing to exist. I’m sure they’ll consider it, at the very least.

I hope to see Pathfinder gone. I get what they were going for but at this point I understand they want to save it before killing it but I think its time to pull the plug on pathfinding. Its tedious, obnoxious and downright insufferable

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Yeah, it’d be best. I’d even be fine with Pathfinder as long as you could unlock flying in 9.0 through it tbh