WoW is an elitist mess

You don’t actually need the addon to have an IO score. The IO score is tracked from your armory not the addon.

I didn’t care one bit if my covenant choice isn’t bis which for the record i find that term massively hilarious.

I chose the covenant abilities I enjoyed and found fun. That’s why none of my druids or hunters or mages or locks are night fae. I hated the abilities, they were boring.

Venthyr hunter and lock abilities are very fun, necrolord mage and druid abilities are fun too. Even necro warrior and dh is fun.

Miserable is a good description for it. I’ve gotten to where I dread doing my key every week. Sometimes I just do it once to gear up and then quit.

There’s always someone who says something. This week I got Theater of Pain. Well, I’ve played through this ONCE on a mythic+ over 2. I’m 45 years old. I’ve had my shoulder replaced. I’m going to die a couple of times until I learn this dungeon enough to have the reflexes to avoid one-shot attacks. I do decent enough damage for 201, I was second DPS on a couple of bosses, I did okay on trash. But I died a couple of times and at the end, someone goes “you are terrible, you didn’t deserve anything.” And that’s after getting through the dungeon. It’s not like I died and didn’t come back and do damage. It’s just always something. One time it was that I popped a bubble in the wrong place. lol It really is bad.

I’m hoping in a group of people who understand yeah mechanics aren’t down, let’s learn this together, things like that won’t happen to just destroy the whole experience. Not everyone is 20 with the reflexes of a jaguar to where they can step into things with a rotation and be quick enough to avoid unexpected mechanics without practice.

I wish you all the best in finding that group. It’s actually what I like about the new system, it gives players a goal to work towards other than simply “do 15s for the mount/cache”.

I take issue with the term “elitism.” People who work hard to get the latest addons updated, who research every ability they can, are not “elites.” They are just really hard-working and ambitious. Naturally, they get disgusted with people who haven’t put the same amount of work or have the same amount of experience. The problem is the game doesn’t really do anything to equalize players. It would be nice if people with same raiding or pvp backgrounds and general experience could play with each other but it’s always a clash between older players and newer players. It’s like people from 1st grade playing with people with Ph’ds.

Thank goodness for LFD and LFR, or I wouldn’t even bother with this game anymore.

Imagine thinking that spending an insignificant amount of time improving your character is elitism.

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Geez people do like writing essays on this forum defending this Xpac.

Plugging your character into raidbots is elitism.

Not everyone has the capacity to type /simc and then C+P that into a website.

This reminds me of what a friend told me about homework in public schools. Because new immigrant children could not afford to buy and use computers to do their homework, all homework was banned. Do you think that’s fair?

I hope that’s sarcasm

Raidbots is a beast far too complex for the casual man to tame.


Again the invention of said addon was “necessary” in the first place. Cause players wanted an easier way to read said information from the armory.

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No, it wasn’t. If the reason for the addon was to present the armory information in a better, more convenient format, then there was never a reason to add a rating system to it…since it’s not part of the information coming from the armory.

Elitism isn’t your target friend. Its poor game design. Below is my story of elitism sucker punching me, but I don’t blame them because its top end content. Elitist have their place and its high end content, pvp, mythic+, raids. Thats where it should be, competitive players trying to be the best. The problem is it’s boiled down so low to the average folks. Why? Game demands it. Instead of focusing on the class its covenants, cant change your convenant at all without backlash. The community didn’t have a chance. Plenty of more examples but others have done a great job of explaining it.

I was an elitist, kinda still am. Top 8 warrior for mythic+ on Illidan a couple weeks back, was 1200io when avg was 600-800. I couldn’t find a single group to invite me. The best of the best couldn’t find a group because some jerks on youtube said warriors weren’t good for mythic+ even though players reactions after playing with me were “who said warriors were bad? they’re strong!” - Go figure.

I don’t think wow is elitist I just think players have a bad understanding of what an mmo casual is vs casual of just about any other genre. mmos are built for long term play. play 3 hours a week of Mario 3D world, you play it casually. Play 3 hours of WoW you mine as well just stop playing cause unless you play at least 10 hours a week I wouldn’t even call you casual you’re more a tourist than a player at that point.

There are many ways to play this game. And almost as many labels thrown around GD. However, throwing those labels at people only throws fuel on the fire, hence I’m assuming this is simply a troll post. Define me then. I don’t raid. I do low mplus. I do not believe I deserve anything I have not earned in game, including mounts, mogs, pets, and gear. I do believe that people who put the time/effort into those areas do deserve the rewards for that content and that those who do not, do not deserve them. Does that make me casual? Elitist? If you have 2 brain cells to rub together, you can kinda see where this is going. Entitled is the problem. Not the labels you people throw around to get responses. Glhf.

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Is it? Cause I see it constantly.

“Form your own groups.”

“Your talents/spec/covenant/faction are wrong.”

“Lol nice armory bro (post on your main etc.)”

“Stop asking for gear.”

“Remove LFR.”

“PvP happened, turn off war mode etc.”

It goes on and on.

No one comes right out and says “I hate casuals!” But they say it without saying it.

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Do they tho? Because I frequently rub people the wrong way on here, and I’ve yet to be told any of those. Oh. But…I don’t ask for free gear, I don’t complain about getting into groups bc I know how to make my own, I don’t run with wm on if I’m not willing to fight, etc etc etc. Perhaps it is more the result of the persistent whines thrown onto the GD forums?

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Imagine that, the gm from elitist jerks becomes lead dev and the game becomes an elitist mess…hmmm almost as if there is a correlation somewhere.