WoW is an elitist mess

WoW, at least compared to other games, seems to have an excessive problem with elitism. You see it all over these forums, all across in-game chats, and across into other social media platforms. All the hatred and despising of casuals and the excessive use of simulations which put NASA to shame before putting on a single piece of gear is insane. No other MMO’s, from what I have seen, do this. If they do do it, then it is away from the public eye.

When people talk about covenants this expansion, this elitism and over-optimizing the fun out of the game is seen very clearly. For some reason, everyone is under the misconception that it is impossible or more difficult to que into groups if you do not pick your exact BiS covenant, your exact BiS soul binds, and your exact BiS conduits. They will also tell you to be constantly switching covenants for any minor build change, such as a post which was previously on the forums where a person mentioned switching covenants just because they wanted to “try out” healing. Meanwhile, in reality, all anyone looking for even higher end Mythic +'s is looking at is if you have a high Ilvl or maybe Raider io.

Speaking of which, Raider IO is not a problem itself. Raider IO is a symptom of the community’s excessive toxicity and elitism, and until that core problem is addressed, its always going to be there. Petitioning Blizz to get Raider IO banned is like trying to cure the cough instead of trying to cure Covid. You need to target the source to stop the symptoms. The various (probably bait) threads about Raider IO do come from a good place, but they are addressing the wrong problem.

Tldr: WoW has an excessive elitism problem.

Edit: I put a single reply to what a lot of people were saying. Should be 270 on this thread.


Find theb right folks and you’ll never have an issue again…


This is very rare in my experience. Even around here.


Probably bait, but I’m bored so… :man_shrugging:

See this one sentence, is what’s wrong with this image many players have of “elitists”

Sorry to burst your bubble, but optimizing = fun, for a lot of players. Primarily raiders. It’s also one of the primary goals in an RPG, you know to get stronger. But that’s beside the point. :sweat_smile: And I’m sure some would say WoW isn’t much of an RPG which, I’m unfortunately inclined to agree with. It’s an MMO with RPG elements.

What confuses me even more then all that, is why some players have such a problem with how others play? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Like just play how you want to play? Who cares what others do.

The what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe I just ignore it or don’t see it. But bashing the “elitist” seems to be the trend now a days. Not the other way around. From what I’ve seen anyways.

This I agree on though.

RaiderIO isn’t inherently bad, it’s the players that use it that makes it “toxic” or that the invention of said addon was “necessary” in the first place. Which is “toxic” in of itself.

Also I don’t think there is a way to “fix” or change this. And I say that for various reasons.


Try playing a Kyrian Fire Mage without Infernal Cascade.

Try it.

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I stopped caring about min/maxing and “challenging” myself in WoW a long time ago. I find the game way more fun when I’m relaxing collecting stuff and just exploring. Collections tab is true end game.


This is rare. It happens, yes, but it’s rare. I know because the people you call elitists think of me as a casual, even if others on this forum don’t.

I don’t raid mythic, and I don’t run high keys, but the people who do are almost universally kind to me.

In what groups? I chose Night Fae because I’m a druid, and I would’ve chosen it even if it wasn’t “good.” I was determined to go Night Fae even back when everyone had the vapors over how OP the Venthyr one was supposed to be, and all the trolls were saying they’d never take anyone who wasn’t Venthyr. /eye roll

We knew they were full of it then, and that level of covenant favoritism didn’t happen in the game, either.

The ONLY time you see people looking for specific covenants is when someone is trying to do a mythic key in a dungeon where having at least one member of a particular covenant is helpful. Mists = need a Night Fae, Halls of Atonement = need a Venthyr, etc.

Even then, it’s not elitism. Not even close.

Everyone is not true, and who is “they?”

I can feel your frustration here, and I’m sorry for it, but is this about a run of bad pugs? Is this about guildies who are playing Spreadsheets, The Game, and it’s irritating you? Because I just don’t see this in the larger community.

I even pugged a few M+ dungeons this week b/c I felt it was just time to check that out again, and they were all delightful. Very nice people. I know that there are baddies out there. I’ve pugged with them in the past, and I know it’s awful, but the fact remains that I did some nice lower keys (6’s-9’s) with some pugs this week, and every one of them was decent.

I simply don’t think this is true. I think the FORUMS have an elitist problem on occasion, but I don’t think the ingame masses do.


Honestly I am one of 3 druids who did not go Night Fae for OP convoke and I hate myself cause rerolling covenant would drain what little remains of my soul with this game. Lol tbh I am actually prepping a level 20 dwarf shaman to let my sub lapse and just pvp on with.


From what I’ve experienced, it’s the other way around. Far more threads about the “casual player” hating how the “elitists control” the game.


Seems like a pug issue to me as someone who only interacts with guild have never seen one of these issues

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I’ve never experienced this, and I’ve always been (on and off) fairly casual.

But then, there are more ways to be Elitist; rare and removed-from-the-Game Titles, Achieves, Mounts, Transmogs and Pets, as well as longevity hold their own prestige. :seedling:

Confirmation bias on your part. You agree with it, apparently, so you don’t even see it.

I’ve seen it in the forums, in trade chat, and in guild chat. Everybody who doesn’t raid mythic and already have KSM is a lazy good for nothing who deserves zero gear and should be forced to play naked. Oh, look, their content has been removed anyway, so they should consider themselves lucky they are even permitted to log in and do nothing.

No. Elitism is thinking that elites deserve more, and those who aren’t elite deserve less or nothing.


It does sound familiar, lol. Maybe I just leave these posts very quickly! :smiley:

It is ridiculously fast getting it back up. I’ve watched two guildies change covenant. One did it because he chose for stats and decided he’d rather be the one he liked, so he re-rolled for head canon and pleasing aesthetics. He was back up to current in like 6 days of gameplay dailies.

My husband actually re-rolled because he started as a Necrolord BM monk and swapped to Kyrian. He, too, was back up to current in less than two weeks. If you want to swap over to Night Fae, just go for it. Now, the switching BACK is the part that gives headaches, so if you leave a covenant, make sure you’re not gonna want to go back to THAT one at some point.

How awful when I actually picked the covenant I am in right now cause I liked them the best. Your post is not really a comfort.


Well…then stay with that one! These things will get “balanced” and fluctuated through the game. They just will. In season one, convoke is so good that you KNOW it will get the nerf bat at some point. Just stay where the look and the story makes you happiest.

Convoke is big, but it’s not the only thing in our kit. I’m sorry I made it worse! ha ha…that was not my intent at all. /grin

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Yeah it kind of is. You only really need to min-max when you’re pushing early mythic raids or anything over +15 keys. Anything else can be done with any spec, and the community either doesn’t understand it or does but chooses to ostracize people because they think “Perceived OP spec = easier time,” when in reality, I’ve played with Survival Hunters that dominate multiple Boomkins.

Don’t think because you’re inviting the Unholy DK over the Enhancement shaman that you’re going to have an easier time. If you’re doing a +10-+15 or doing any raiding (since people have started to outgear the raids), you can bring whatever.

I can’t speak for PvP, though I assume it’s probably the same thing until you get to around 2200-2400.


… what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Are you the same person that said a random lying to keep his loot was elitism? Don’t think you get to say what elitism is and isn’t.

Seems like there’s often a pretty big gap between the story people like to tell on the forums, and the actual reality.