WoW is a video game, not your source of self worth

This actually does not sound funny.

When there are multiple choices there will always be a best way to do things. Min/maxing will always exist, and there’s nothing the devs can do about it.

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It is pretty hilarious, I just wish they also whispered me so I can have fun myself xD

Holy moly tired of seeing annoying spam Ralph threads. Like seriously how has this guy not been silenced for spam yet?

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So why ya think your opinions is more valid. Sounds like you think higly of your worth here. Its human nature dude stop beinf a hypocrite it just makes ya look silly.

Projecting much?

Commenting on a ralph post

I would say the opinion of Ion, the person who designs the game is far more important and the devs choose the direction and the rules of the game, and also what they consider toxic and negative and try to battle and remove.

I share a similar opinion to Ion’s oftentimes which seem to be opinions really disliked or even hated by the community yet they still dont realize that their opinions dont matter if they go against the dev team’s intended design.

Ion pretty much told preach his high end community aint the priority and this game is for the broader community.

HE SAID THAT TO HIS FACE, and he still asks why at times lol

Animals are indeed bound to their nature, intelligent humans are meant to understand and control their nature, if not then it makes them no different than the former.

Saying it’s nature is not an excuse

This already exists in classes. Why do covenants need to address this? What makes you think the purpose of covenants is to address this?

I don’t think anyone obsesses over achievements as much as you obsess over making these pitiful posts that you make everyday.

Quite the opposite. It seems that the toxic people who can’t enjoy the game unless another player’s idea of fun is squashed before their eyes is exactly the audience that is being catered to this time around.


I suck at this game and at living a productive healthy life. I’d say it correlates pretty well.

Unrelated, but why are you posting on a tauren now? o.O

Projecting much OP? lol


I’m not a toxic try hard. If someone sucks. That’s cool. Were here to have fun. I look at it this way, it’s an mmo and people are free to play how they’d like to play. Try hard guilds are just sports teams. They have 1st, 2nd, 3rd strings. 1st string is filled with the best players and the best specs. So and so not doing well? Bench them for the greater good of the team.

If you dont like these types of players then dont play with them. I dont.

I will say, any toxic behavior should be left out of pugs. Let’s all just have a good time. Want to be a terrible person? Dont pug.

Ok I will explain this to you once and only once in case you arent arguing in bad faith.

Ion when talking about RP in RPG he said there’s the story and erp part, but there’s also the stat side of RP which is exactly why I like RPGs.

I like RPGs because i get into one, i see classes, specs, passives, skills, talents, systems and think of a ton of possible combinations, what I want to play and how I ll combine x spec with x talent and x system which leads me to create builds with strengths and weaknesses. I read stuff, try stuff out and then decide to stick to a specific build of my own choosing and improve that which is nothing like min maxing, min maxing focuses on optimal builds and trying to milk even the smallest amounts of dps out of everything.
What I am doing is finding a build I enjoy gameplay wise, then start playing around with it, simming a ton of different things till I make it perform good enough, it wont perform as good as the meta build but it is enough even for mythic.

That is what makes RPG fun for me, so adding an entire system on top of classes and specs allows for even more possible combinations and fun builds, I am really excited to try the soulbinds and conduits on my venthyr covenant etc because I am not a meta slave that doesnt give a damn about the game and just wants the best dps for X boss to “win” the game and get the achievement to make them feel better.

Even azerite is part of that stat type of RP, it is a new system on top of classes to play around with.

That is what Ion is talking about, he is talking about my main reason of enjoying RPGs and them being locked not only leads to more balanced experiences where people cant just roflstomp encounters by stacking meta/100% optimal builds but it has benefits story wise and like i said, stat wise, because your choices matter.

The moment you choose a covenant you know you will be sub optimal in some content and ulta optimal at another, you can still play around with soulbinds/talents but the days of “change everything to be 100%” optimal are thankfully over, MAKE A CHOICE.

I always change my forum character to indicate the character I am playing the most, decided to change to boomie from spriest for shadowlands so I am not playing spriest as much so it would be silly to post on a character I aint using much.
Plus I am not that sad to need the character I post on the forums to have the most progress

Are you telling me my oven, fridge, dishwasher & TV don’t notice me :cry:?

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This can be done without covenants, and locking covenants doesn’t have anything to do with this.

It’s a lot closer than you think.

Locking covenants impedes trying different combinations, no? Why would I want to try out all the covenants if I’m told that I’m actively punished for leaving them as I try them out?

And I’m the one arguing in bad faith?

Azerite: living proof that systems for the sake of systems aren’t inherently good things.

You are truly dense if you think that covenants is going to bring an end to stacking. You’re even more dense if you think that this isn’t going to give yet another avenue for people to exclude you/others.

Ah, yes. Instead of choosing my covenant based on character/RP reasons, I need to choose it based on what content I want to excel in.

I did. I made a druid. Why is that choice suddenly not important, but covenants are, despite the fact that one of these things has a more permanent impact than the other.

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They can be done with any extra system with any name, not a point, my point was clear that the more systems the more combinations you can play around, especially when said systems arent spec locked like artifact weapons for example, artifacts were never a meaningful choice.

So covenants are great form of system that you choose to combine with your spec, the more locked choices like those the better for me.

No because on my spriest by not using the meta talent and corruptions I lose around 5-7k dps, that is impossibly huge for most tryhards to ignore because they care more about dps rather than how their class feels and plays.

And that is a red flag, because it shows they dont care about actual gameplay, RPG elements or building a character which is the hallmark of R P Gs

These are the same people that can be whining that they are “forced” to play a spec they dont like because it does 20k more damage while they are the ones forcing them to do so.

No, because the combinations are in your mind, when a person like me sees all the options we go “Oh that would be so cool to combine this passive with this passive and double down on that advantage”, then because this is an mmorpg we have to go out and grind and get gear to see how it plays and only then can you decide, unless you also suggest allowing people free gear so we can actually test how good the abilities are therefore removing all the grind from the rpg.

Though I would not object to a system where we can trial all soulbinds and abilities to test how they feel, but then you have to follow the slippery slope of we also need a place to test how a spec feels at high ilvl because specs feel incredibly different when at quest gear and when at mythic ilvl gear.

For you maybe, azerite was an addition layer of choice which i enjoyed because like i said before ANY ADDITIONAL LAYER OF CHOICE is good, classes with talents is not enough, we need more stuff to combine and choose from.

No tryhard and world first stacking wont ever be stopped, difference is a big number of said tryhards wont be ABLE to stack things because they wont be able to level and more importantly gear 4 of each characters in shadowlands with m+ only giving 1 item.

Let me make it simpler for you.

We have 100 tryhards, 10 tryhards will tryhard so much and level 4 of each class to be in all covenants as well as gear them, 30 of the tryhards will level 4 of each to max and then realize gearing them is too much of an effort and the rest of the tryhards(60) will simply stick to trying to mini optimize via talents/soulbinds because they know making another character and keeping them up to date is too much work.

Therefore 90 tryhards wont be able to stack uber optimal covenant/specs because they dont have the time or energy.

and 90 it is just a random number, it could be 70%, 50%, doesnt matter, what matters is forcing tryhards to play the game the way it is meant to be played and stop their hyper optimization from the game.

If that’s your choice that is still yours, I ll choose venthyr on my boomie due to a number on factors from theme, to weekly event to ability. Will i be subpar to let’s say nightfae in single target? possibly, but that is what you give when you make a choice, remember STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
Not “let me change to X strengths for X content and Y strengths for Y content”

The more choices the better the RPG

WoW has lost many RPG elements trying to pander to the elitist gogogo crowd, it is time they ignored them and moved back to an RPG direction.

Ion pretty much told Preach at his face that the high end community aint their priority and will be ignored.
“the higher up you go the more that bothers you, we understand that feedback, it isnt a surprise to us but across the totality of the game and the broader audience "

In other words, they care about the entire game rather than the whims of some tryhards, they clearly say they UNDERSTAND the feedback, they CHOOSE TO IGNORE IT because their goal is to make a game for the broader audience

it seems more likely that it’s impossible for YOU to ignore. if you enjoy it, why do you care so much what they think?

I agree with the sentiment…not sure about the credibility of the source, but thats another topic.
But you only have blizzard to blame for the toxicity in this game.
You hand a kid who likes to burn stuff a can of lighter fluid and a book of matches tell me what you think is going to happen?
Sure not every kid will do it, but there are those who will.

Blizzard created the environment. They make the game overly competitive and some of that group of players who define themselves by video games are going to behave badly over it.
Some will, some wont.
We just keep running into the few who will.
I always put them on ignore when I cross them.

Can’t wait for him to completely switch his opinions after they end up caving and releasing Covenant ability restrictions.

Going to call the game dead and all that.