WoW is a cesspool of online bullying

Well…birds of a feather and all that.

Nah man, the rise of M+ and the push to make WoW PVE an e-sport has for sure increased toxicity in the game.

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You calling me a coward? Say it to my face!
runs away

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I don’t notice this. Maybe stick to content you don’t underperform in if you are doing group content.

Why are you insulting the cute monkey? :frowning:

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I respectfully disagree, I even had to just plain silence DCUO’s chat just because of the pure amount of racial discrimination, insults, slurs, profanities etc in ALL chat areas from actual raids and qued group content to it’s open world (the chat was area wide anybody shouting profanity on one side of a map was broadcasting whatever they said to ALL corners of the open world). meanwhile running around WoW’s open world areas I don’t typically see much communication in general chat and it’s usually a friendly emote like “player X hugged player Y” or something like that.

EDIT: we’re also pretty lucky in that we don’t have gold/currency bots spamming chat everywhere making communication impossible.

No, but often times, a big red button is not a be all end all button.

Well, this isn’t as shiny as a red button, but it’s pretty darn close. :point_down:

What boss was that with the big red button…ugh on the tip of my tongue lol.

A bit over stated, but still it’s important to remember that good players make those around them better. It’s only players who are insecure with their own abilities and self that depreciate those around them.

That’s the best way to look at it. If some one is insulting you, they are really just insulting themselves so take the highroad.

But still, being new or inexperienced is no excuse for underperforming.

Do what you can to improve every time you log in and you won’t feel so bad when some random mediocre player insults you.

Doing your best every time is enough to totally invalidate that type of immaturity.


Mekgineer Thermaplugg?

They’re just words. Don’t give them power over you.


The mechanical boss in Ulduar I believe. There is a big red button behind him for hard mode. Does that guy have a red button too?:stuck_out_tongue:


Quick, what’s everyone’s favorite insult?

My all time fav was being told I’m such a crappy healer a rogue with bandages could perform better.

For Mekgineer? Yea.


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Also,this is me playing:


oh personally I don’t care really, my mother cursed and ranted and raved enough at me over 21 years to qualify her as a military drill sergeant I’m pretty sure :rofl:. but still that place was a literal slum :face_with_monocle:.

Ha! well jokes on you, i’m not part of that demographic cause THIS Is how i typically play MMO’s!! :rofl:

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the internet is a double edged sword sure its where a lot of social misfits and outcasts come to find a place they fit in however on the other hand it does tend to attract the wrong crowd as well

people come here think itll be like cheers when the reality of it is the place is closer to being mos Eisley

but regarding the internet to borrow a phrase from Star Trek TNG Q " If you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It’s not safe out here. It’s wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it’s not for the timid."

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well everyone knows you cant say no to a panda they tend to get upset rather easily


I wish you would take your own advice here on these forums. :slight_smile:

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