Me personally I don’t think it affects the game as much as people think, the only bad thing that comes from it is the tuning as far as I’m concerned, there are some people that class stack but fewer than you think at a serious level. Most if not all players just look at how experienced/geared you’re instead of your class, this coming from a ret pally btw. I don’t have any issues getting into raids or groups, but I don’t push keys seriously since there’s no reward other than io score but still over 2300 at minimum basically just to get into groups in the first place.
You can get a 2k io by 1 chesting 15s which is a joke. I might put in the effort to push everything up to 18s but it’s not high on my to do list. BFA m+ is just boring af, rather have legion back.
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Those games are nightmares for anyone that doesn’t self censor. I refuse to act like a robot in a video game. WoW has the best community where you’re free to be yourself and aren’t gagged for being a normal adult.
Personally I’m all about the having thick skin or don’t be online type comments. There are such things as parental controls and such but as far as I’m concerned if you can’t accept there’s going to be good and bad attitudes on a multiplayer game they probably shouldn’t be on there or online in general.
It’s not my responsibility to censor my self, obviously you have to do this to a varying degree so you don’t get suspended on here for example but in gaming generally there’s going to be some back and forth, no matter if it’s group oriented or pvp oriented, if there’s a competitiveness to any game there will be toxic or bad behavior when someone gets mad or is trying to make someone else mad, it’s to be expected.
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I did TW on my DH to help a guild mate and I really didn’t want too but I did it and the sheer amount of stupid mistakes people made and did on Garfrost and Krick and Ick really made me struggle to finish and after all this time you think people would know what to do…
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just makes me more frustrated.
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This is like reporting people for cussing after turning off your profanity filter.
I’m not advocating bad mannered behavior
Lol welcome to life. Sorry to break it to ya kid but unless you grow a back bone and stand up for yourself you’ll always be bullied. Blizzard obviously can’t out right say this.
Every single game has people like this when it comes to anything involving group content that rewards progression or status.
Even if you were perfect it wouldn’t matter. Play the game, do your best and strategize mistakes that are on your behalf.
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Don’t get me wrong there is bad bullying out there like that 6th grader that committed suicide because someone of her age was telling her nasty things and to kill her self, I don’t condone that. That is nothing to joke about but calling someone a bad player or using a derivative of that is to be expected, if you can’t handle it I would reconsider the type of game you’re playing.
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And this, short of an Uber-like player rating system, is the only way to fix it.
People need to quit being so offended by words and demanding people’s heads when you say something they don’t like or hold an opinion that offends their feelings because you value truth and choose to live in reality.
People shouldn’t be cowards and have their actions tied to their permanent persona.
Particularly with CRZ and instance chat.
Ok now that I’ve brainwashed all of you send me your gold.
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-Simps away
Wasn’t planning on staying up for the chest but 7 and a half hours later, may as well stay up another hour or so.
THIS 100% Reputation was everything on your server. You knew your class, you were always ready with raid food, potions, pots, enchants, gems, ammo soul shards these things set you apart from others. CRZ took that away.
Hands you a big bag of gold will 50K do?
I agree CRZ is great but it should only pertain to like lfr or casual stuff, not end game, don’t know if you could split it up in that regard but w/e. I just think they need to delete the 1000000 servers they have and merge us all into like 15-40k pop realms and keep it like that, be proactive in keeping the population high.
All of these 3k pop realms with 1 guild on them is dumb.
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I’ve advocated for servers should matter again. Atm they’re just mythic progression realms or good economy realms.
They should condense servers and allow you to select phases that you want to be in that way you can always see the same people, I really miss that.
Guess what people doing mythic plus are often PvPers. They have to go into those to get their gear.
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Dude we live in a society where everybody is coddled their entire lives growing up. Constantly told how special they are etc etc etc.
So when they finally hear something that doesn’t go along with this they don’t know how to properly mentally handle it
I agree, like when people are called out for their horrible, abusive behavior and they throw a fit and cry about PC culture and thicc skin.