WoW is a cesspool of online bullying

I don’t see this bullying behavior at all now if you started when I did in 2007 yeah it was pretty toxic it took a while for the company to start doing something but they did.

Now even if you innocently make a wrong comment people go into instant victim hood and your a racist bigot. I can’t and refuse to help new players now due to the give me and your NOT helping me enough attitude. The other issue is the entitlement crowd in game. I’m sorry if you do NOT raid or do Mythics then you should not expect top level gear and I still see people complaining over that.

Also if you are afraid to socialized and engage the community and do group content how is that Blizzard fault?


Will you marry me

Who Me? looks around innocently.

Were on the same brainwave with what you just said.

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I’ve made this exact same point multiple times that people are so entitled they think they deserve everything because they pay a subscription. I joined in 2007 and it wasn’t toxic at all to me and I went straight into raid leading heroic raids despite being a complete noob.

I think the game was more friendly to new players back then compared to now where everyone demands your loot when you get something and rage at you when you don’t give it to them.

I had this happen to me on my feral druid because I had a 475 weapon and looted the heroic maut weapon which is MUCH better.


i do dungeons a lot, i play with underperforming players a lot

95% of the time, nobody says anything about it, and when something is said, my experience is that it’s constructive.

ymmv, i’ve not experienced nor witnessed any berating at all in bfa personally /shrug

Yeah I don’t think I hate anything more than the spoiled/entitled participation reward player, I think they started showing up in wod tbh.

I feel like a lot of players overreach or are incapable of setting aside enough time to commit to a raid schedule.
When I was working 60-70+ hours a week I knew I wasn’t going to get any major content cleared, I just pugged normal and heroic, did world quests and such.
You didn’t see me on forums saying blizzard give me loot or make it so I can clear mythic in the 1-2 hours a week I was playing.


Well I would but I have a wonderful partner on here and she plays a beefy male tauren name Digeroo and she thinks like I do.

I know many on here will openly disagree with what I just type out but facts are facts why play a game if you afraid of being told honestly you are just plain bad and learn to play. I mean when I started each new class i started I was told it each time so I went out and practiced and looked up for on line guides on how to play.

Now people can’t even do that and it really ticks me off when you have people go can I have that in Raids and Mythics. I usually will offer up gear to others if I don’t need it but if I am asked rudely forget it.

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I don’t agree or disagree, but I won’t tell anyone they’re playing poorly or even offer help unless asked, my experience is that there’s not a single person that exists who won’t be taken aback or at the very least somewhat defensive about being told they’re playing wrong, when it’s coming from someone they don’t know, and entirely unsolicited.

So I just let it be, nobody ever told me I needed to go learn to play, I just did it myself because I wanted to improve.

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I don’t mind helping like minded people or those I see potential in, I’ve even helped some of the top 50 players where they currently are for my class/spec, not saying I was the only reason they got there but I’m sure I sent them in the right direction. But yeah there’s wowhead/youtube/icy-veins/class discords and plenty of other websites where you can find out every single thing you could think of.

Those that can’t even google those things I have no pity for, nor do I hang out with them. Typically most casual friends I play with don’t really do what I enjoy so I just do it as a casual thing every now and then like norm/heroic when you’re already mythic geared. Not a big fan of alts so w/e.

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I tell people when they’re playing bad and give them the path to success since I play so many toons at high end. So if their talents are wrong or their azerite traits are wrong I help with and can prove it with raidbots that swapping passive talents out does in fact give you more dps.

Not once has anyone been mad at me for helping them play their class better and always thank me for helping them because most people on average want to do better and become a better player. This is the reason why my friends list is always full. I enjoy helping people and improving the community.

People on the forums think I’m some bad guy because I use words they don’t like but the fact is I do more for the community than these toxic forum goers do. I’ve helped 100s of people get their AOTC mounts since WoD and don’t ask for payment or anything silly like that. I want the community to be healthy but the forum and entitled gamers here make it hard. Not to mention the snowflakes that can’t handle strong words.

I hope in the next expansion they remove all the passives carrying people like corruptions and azerite traits have been doing. It’s really created more toxic players in mythic+ compared to legion.

I agree and disagree with this method, I mean if you look at it like this if they’re bad and noone tells them how will they know they need to fix something. But on the other hand I’m the same way I can typically tell within the first 5-10 minutes of a run if it’s going to be like stabbing my eyes with a fork bad, I mean I expect people to know when they’re bad, it’s usually pretty obvious and at that point I’ll just dip. But I could see both ways working, this is why I typically only aim for a higher caliber of player.


I don’t either but many I have seen just flip out I usually do not say anything and I make it know if I am running a mythic I will not boot people who are actually trying. But I do see many who are still expecting to be carried along and it pisses me off to no extent.

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I don’t even go that far, if they can’t use their class discord or icy-veins to find out those things they’re a lost cause in my opinion. Not worth wasting my breath on, you answer 5 questions, they’ll come back later with 10, you answer those they’ll come back with 20 more it’s a never ending cycle they should’ve put an hour or two into looking into it themselves.

Basically they need to research it themselves to make a foundation, the questions should come after you have that foundation and get into more niche/difficult things that aren’t answered there, like how to min max your cds on a boss or how to take advantage of something.

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I think being a raid leader and gm for a long time has me better prepared to help people maybe. I always worked hard on getting people better so I didn’t have to replace them. I’d rather help gear you and teach you how to play your class so you’ll stay with me. It’s like an investment for the future. My kindness can inspire them to be kind.

I always tell them to pay it forward when I help them.

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They really need to stop trying to shove an e-sports shaped peg into this RPG shaped hole.

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I’ve been in a raid lead/gm or officer position since vanilla, I’ve taken a back seat since about mid wod, just got tired of the hand holding. put in the same effort as me, I’m not subbing and playing this game to teach them their class. My end goal is to clear content, get gear and mounts and have fun doing it on a serious level.

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When I raid lead I play WoW like a RTS and control multiple units. We all play differently and enjoy different things.

For sure. I hate sports let alone e-sports. I want to have a fun escapist distraction away from reality. I still think mythic difficulty could work like hard modes in ulduar.


Well Said there trying and there there is flat out just not even caring but getting upset they can’t have the same thing as other players.

Want to see stupid crap all the time do TW it’s the same common mistakes every time and known mistakes even when the dungeon was current. Yet some think we can skip mechanics or we can just pull them all and get them down.

It’s annoying to me since my old guild made each and everyone one of us go farm off old dungeons and raids for practice and to remember mechanics it’s been a huge success for me and my new guild cause I teach them the same thing.

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