WoW is a cesspool of online bullying

I suspect Blizzard is moving to that direction. They seem to be removing everything except BGs. Not sure how they will deal with high end raiding.

Most if not all of my achievements were casual pvp, never did anything to a serious extent and I personally don’t enjoy pvp unless there’s a mount like the red proto drake worth getting, clearly their ability to judge people is way off or if they really think random bgs is serious pvp I guess that’s compared to someone that only does lfr.

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hm this certainly wont get you banned

Why would telling someone the truth be a bannable offense? Is this some sort of Orwellian world where you’re persecuted for wrongthink?

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cause people here are snowflakes and will report you for anything. I got reported for saying “trashy behavior”(and the ban went through :slight_smile:)

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I’ve gotten suspended for calling someone that, that’s how embarrassing these forums are. I really couldn’t care less if I got permad from these, as the topic uses the same term these forums are a cesspool.

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its so inconsistent. It really just depends on how the mods are feeling.

Facts dont care about your feelings.
Same as my flag of ownership doesnt care about your feelings.

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Well it’s mostly automated but then you have to wait a day for them to restore your comment.
I made a pretty nasty comment the other day which I was expecting to get suspended for but it wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, they restored it lol. It was a pretty toxic comment referring to how dumb people can be or something. I regret nothing. It wasn’t bullying anyone, it was a generalization referring to what ever the topic was at the time which I forget what it was. But yeah these forums are a joke, the mods are a joke and they don’t even pay attention to these forums.

I laughed so hard at asmongolds video reading a tweet from the cs mod or whatever saying to post articles here for feedback, everyone laughed. Then he tweeted back and saying yeah is this why you deleted the alpha/beta forum posts or what ever, i forget the exact wording. When our feedback isn’t something they want to hear they delete it or just ignore it.

The only time they ever fix something is when it’s a core system like corruptions and the vendor but they created the problem in the first place without listening to feedback about it early on. They really need to fire whom ever tests their stuff if there is an actual team that does it.

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No, i mean a mod reviewed it and i got suspended for 3 days. I just got off a monthly ban (and tbh i completely deserved it i kind of insulted the entire staff) but before that i had another monthly ban that was totally over blown because i said someone was “stupid” god protect me someone called me stupid ;(

they do ban

Yeah, I’ve had a couple suspensions, one was for calling someone a snowflake. By definition means you get offended easily, there are other definitions for it but that is typically the norm in this day and age. The other I think If I submitted a ticket could’ve gotten it removed but tbh I wanted the vaca, I already lost too many brain cells at the time being on here.

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yeah definitely, honestly this is just a guilty pleasure of mine, ik its a huge waste of time and i am a lot more productive when i am banned

Lol already flagged by the horde of snowflakes despite acting like a normal person in real life would react to crazy nonsense.

i didnt flag you, but unless youre new here you should know something like that is an insta ban

Naw I wasnt suggesting you’ve did it or anything like that just stating its begun.

So, someone came up and took your flask money?

Or did they just say something you don’t like…

Always remember, sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you.

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People are so bored they invent their own oppression because they have nothing better to do because they’re so privileged.

People have even gone to great lengths to make blacklist discords to blacklist people for 1 bad experience as well which is really unhealthy for the game. which there isn’t anything blizzard can even do about it.

I mean most people can’t even find wowhead or icy-veins, don’t think they’d be able to find a discord strictly for blacklisting people. So it must not be a big thing.