Remove PvP from the game and you remove a whole lot of bad behavior. That is all they need to do. Nothing else is probably worth the bother of doing.
Planet Earth is a cesspool of bullying.
Or they can grow a brain and turn off warmode, most people that get triggered from pvp don’t even pvp so this is their solution they’re clearly ignorant of using.
Personally they should remove warmode and go back to pvp/pve realms, then you’d either have to xfer or live with your decision, as far as I’m concerned if you have warmode on you’re asking to get ganked.
That won’t solve anything. It is having PvP content period in this game that attracts certain types. Almost every PvP game out there is bad in this manner. Games without PvP or minimal PvP usually escape this kind of community.
You can’t really sum this up as a pvp only issue, it’s just the general mentality of old and new players. New players I personally think those that started in wod or afterwards are just entitled/spoiled/participation reward players, it’s not their fault but if you ever complain about something being too difficult or not getting enough gear you’re a joke to me. You can literally gear for mythic in a few weeks time, the problem is how efficient you are at it, how lazy they may be or lack of knowledge.
Sure I can. Other games have shown PvP games have the worst communities.
I suspect you are a PvPer though, so we are never going to agree.
Nope, my first/last arena season was bfa s1, I still don’t agree that you can narrow it down to the pvp community.
We can see your armory - you have PvP achievements going way back. And arena isn’t the only PvP in the game.
some of the time in cases like these, someone is genuinely playing terrible and ruining the experience for other ppl.Does that mean you can insult them and bully them? No. But when you are wasting people’s time you shouldn’t be surprised when ppl get frustrated. I don’t flame ppl very often, but i have close friends who do and honestly i cant blame them most of the time, the sheer amount of ppl who play like trash is mind boggling
no. People who have never done an arena in their life and just play m+ will do the same exact thing
I think 99% of my honorable kills were from vanilla/bc, the only time I ever pvped seriously was for bote essence and trying to get glad in s1 for the red proto. If you think I’m a pvper you need to work on your ability to judge someone lol.
shh pvp bad
It’s boring af, time spent and if you can win more games than you lose.
It’s not just WoW.
Have you ever played a round of Call of Duty, OP? lol
Arena isn’t the only PvP and having PvP in the game fosters this behavior so it becomes more acceptable. So you haven’t proven anything by that statement.
FR. I’d argue people are nicer in WoW, in cod theres no reason to filter yourself. I’ve had someone say “don’t stand in this please healer” and the healer leaves. In m+ you have to be super nice so that some person doesnt get offended and ruin your key.
ok so? PPL who are honor level 1 have the same capacity to be toxic as honor level 100 ppl. Tons of people who run keys and raids never touch pvp. Blaming the toxicity on pvp is one of the stupidest things ive ever read.
The type of communication that happens in PvP bgs is entirely different than what happens typically in dungeons. Even on this forum you can pretty well tell who PvPs just by their posting manner.
PvP attracts a certain type of people.
Tbh what others may perceive as bullying or toxicity is more than likely elitism in 90% of those cases. If you fit into the bad player category you may take offense to someone calling you a bad player, or using other words to convey that statement etc.
Obviously there’s a fine line between the two, bullying someone or just being toxic or insulting someone. Entirely depends on the language you use and how you use them.
I really cannot. I know tons of people who pvp that are super chill.
i havent pvped a lot recently, but people are super toxic in m+ a lot too. I’m sorry this is just such a stupid argument youre trying to make.