Yeah there needs to consequences for it, but blizzard don’t seem interested in doing anything.
I haven’t had any comments about my performance, but I was once (recently) I guess bullied because my leveling pug didn’t like my mog. It confused me because it was a leveling mog, slapped together to hide the ugly heirlooms, and nothing more. Yet it was a source of ridicule.
I didn’t bite back at them, just kept destroying dps and doing my job. Couldn’t help but wonder how a new player would feel meeting these… people… in that situation.
And no, because I rarely play plate wearers, my mog actually did suck. I knew it, it wasn’t skimpy or anything, yet for some reason it drew their ire.
As someone who suffers bad social anxiety as it is, I actually coped better than I expected.
Aside from that I’ve only had rage whispers after bgs.
I guess I’m speaking more to the general, zone, trade chat banter-whatever you want to call it. I’ve played all three games for a good number of years, and while I’ll admit it’s only anecdotally, the other two just aren’t as troll heavy. Like I said, I think the precedent was set back when this game started and internet anonymity was novel, that wow was a place you could come and act that way, and the game hasn’t been able to shake that since.
Mentality of this community honestly, won’t change it. But don’t worry though, when this game gets a content drought they will ask “Well did you already clear all of mythic (current raid)? No well you didn’t do it all!”
Toxic players have existed since this game started, the only reason you didn’t see it alot prior to CRZ was because reputation mattered, that and the majority of players that start playing today are entitled/spoiled brats, mostly because of how blizzard has designed the game. But I would say since around wod the toxicity level has gone up but as far as I’m concerned if you can’t handle the heat get out of the kitchen, you’re going to run into people that don’t care about being kind to those they don’t know or care to. It’s the internet like you said and the anonymity does create a toxic platform in any area where you can talk.
I would have to agree that this game is full of bullies, I play this game daily and those toxic jerks will get to me at least once per week, if not more. They will make fun of your corruption choices, your spec, your azerite traits, if you make a mistake in a dungeon or raid they can be quite vicious.
The latest occurrence was this evening, I made small error using a cannon in Tol Dagor and that was enough to set someone off. Apparently I am subhuman trash and should kill myself, because I made a mistake in a video game. This is not normal and should never be accepted as such.
I have a thick enough skin, but I would not want to imagine how someone who is dealing with depression would react to some of the stuff that has been said to me in game. We really need to take a stand as a community against these types of people before they cause anymore harm. I’ve had enough of it personally.
I wouldn’t be able to. That would affect me for weeks, honestly. I’m not that tough as a person. But thankfully I don’t pug, and will only run with folks who I can trust won’t do that.
I know those feels. Totally depends on the night for me, lucky I usually game with someone who understands me pretty good and helps me out when they see me slide.
That’s a wise choice. They have been hurting people for years and getting away with it for the most part. I will not put up with it any longer and I would encourage fellow World of Warcraft players to join me.
I sure wish that solved the problem, it’s so widespread that ignoring is a temporary bandaid. You ignore one bully and you run into another one within a week or two. It’s unacceptable, enough is enough.
I mean like I said before if you can’t shrug it off then you probably shouldn’t be on the internet, there are going to be toxic/racist/sexist/elitist people where ever you go. Complaining about it won’t get rid of it no matter where you look, it may be more common in some places more than others but this is why there are solo player games, ignore systems and plenty of more things you can do to deal with it. Why do you think they have parental control on most things anymore, use the tools you have available, it’s noone else’s job but yours to filter out what you don’t want to see on the internet.
I would have to agree, I have had stuff said to me in this game that was so vile that it made me feel depressed for days. I’m no shrinking violet either, I have worked in retail for many years, I know how terrible some people are. They are nothing compared to World of Warcraft players.
That’s more stupidity than anything, their parents or they themselves are the only ones responsible for using their parental controls or knowing to avoid playing a multiplayer game that may have that possibility of having those people in there, same thing goes for any website you visit, we have ad blockers for spam or content that may contain viruses, we have parental controls to block out multiple things like content and in game chat systems and such. It is your responsibility to use these tools, if you’re weak and consider suicide due to someone bullying you you probably shouldn’t have been on that platform in the first place.
It’s not like you hang out with the kids bullying you at school, you avoid them, this is obviously a common sense thing to do so why wouldn’t you do that online as well and look into the tools that are available to you to do exactly that.
And I ignore and report them too. What else do I as a player have the power to do? All I can do is that enough folks find them toxic enough to do the same.
This community needs to take a stand, we need to work together to change that toxic culture. I also think Blizzard needs to do more, but they can’t or won’t.
I agree with that as well, but you are correct. The community has been pretty toxic for a long time. Fortunately I can play in a way where I don’t have to be so beholden to it, unlike the early days of WoW.
It’s also why I had a hard time getting into Classic.