I agree! There’s too much toxicity and harassment.
And the bug that says “cannot find that player” when you hit ignore.
So sick of it!
I agree! There’s too much toxicity and harassment.
And the bug that says “cannot find that player” when you hit ignore.
So sick of it!
Slice and Dice is ok, I personally hate the RNG of dice.
And its usually the really bad talents that I call out, there are a few of them which no one should take.
“Dats just da internet culture!”
I get it but when it comes to under performing I’d suggest looking past blatant insults to find what they are trying to point out, be it dmg, aggro or healing.
Now if they first address you along the lines of “You’re a piece of ____!” DO NOT RESPOND TO THE OBVIOUS CRAZY PERSON. The greatest lesson I’ve learned in life and I am still trying to perfect is acceptance. If you can just accept them as they are you can ignore them. I do it all the time.
The only ones you should try and listen to are the ones that go “Hey you’re not doing a lot of dmg” then just say “Sorry I am a bit new to this class”. Saying “Sorry” is the best way to avoid conflicts. I’m Canadian and it works like a charm.
Are there any today that are genuinely so bad that they need to be called out though?
I take some liberties with my talent choices, when an “optimal” talent might be unfun or too tough to use and I do well enough with the less optimal one. As a frost mage in raiding I’m generally expected to take ice floes for instance, but I do well enough with shimmer.
Quit necroing these threads, I almost replied to OP like an ultra dingbat lol
For the first time 2 days ago, I got harassed for picking a talent that someone else doesn’t run but all my other friends do lol
Oh! And I also got harassed for being too low honor level.
I don’t really understand this, I accept the fact there there will be racist/toxic/stupid/elitist players when I play an ONLINE game, if you really think you shouldn’t be running into these types of players I don’t think a multiplayer game would be the best place to look.
As far as good players shaming bad players, I’m all for it, if you don’t know how will you know when you need to improve. But as far as I can tell most people in wow overreach and don’t play with players of their own level, if you’re a bad player for any reason you should expect to get booted in group content in my opinion, why would the other 4-19 players want to carry around a sandbag tied to their feet that isn’t contributing but has a chance to reap the same reward. I’d rather 19 man a boss than carry someone unless I was getting compensated.
If you all want to see some super toxic bullying, you should look up, “wyrmguard secrets” which is a Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord blog used to anonymously bully others.
OP I agree with you. This is why I don’t socialize anymore and only play alone.
oh no, online bullying, so scary.
OP, when there is a fire. Don’t blame fire for burning your hand when you decide to touch it.
The same goes for trolls. When a troll speaks to derail you, DO NOT FEED IT by all means.
Unless it’s Club Penguin, there will always be trolls out there. The report feature can only do what it can muster.
Huh, I actually thought this was a new thread. Silly me, lol.
Tbh there isn’t much socializing on this game anymore anyway, just hope sl fixes that. Getting rid of CRZ would definitely bring it back but I doubt they’d ever do that. Just need to make content more group oriented instead of solo play, but then you’ll run into the people that only like to play by them selves or aren’t good enough to do group content and the circle goes around and around because most of those players then complain they can’t get any rewards because they lack the skill/exp and then blizzard makes lfr or other content like it.
The game shouldn’t change for the player, the players should adapt to the game, there are different levels where ever you fit in, if you’re an lfr or normal player stay there until you get better then move up. People tend to do lfr then expect to do mythic and get the same rewards without the time/effort spent to get there.
Kind of like expecting a CEO’s paycheck when they’re flipping burgers at wendys.
Agreed. Going into FF14 or ESO is like leaving the kids table and walking into an adult conversation, and it’s a shame because wow is a great game. I think people act the way they do in this game because a precedent has been set and they know blizz isn’t going to do anything to correct the problem.
The toxicity in WoW entertains me.
this make me very sad ,just want to let you all know that you great and you loved babies
idk, being a bad player is like dude don’t waste my time because you’re too lazy to learn how to use keybinds and other parts of the game. especially with the M+ atmosphere.
it’s like if i went into a CS:GO match at Legendary Eagle (high MM) and just kept running and shooting (in case if you havent played CS:GO, you literally cant do that with most weapons) and ruining your match by playing bad.
this game isnt rocket science
I really couldn’t care less about those other games, but I’ve seen dozens of comments saying they didn’t notice much of a difference when they left wow for them, if anything it was slightly more regulated. But as far as i’m concerned if you get offended easily by other players me personally I wouldn’t play with other players, there are plenty of solo player games out there that don’t have or require being social.
But most of the time I think what people think is toxicity is just elitism because they’re bad players and they get booted.
Yup most comments on these forums take your exact example and think it’s being toxic when you just don’t want to be carrying a sandbag around with you without them contributing to your end goal of beating content, they don’t deserve to be there or get a reward in my eyes if they aren’t carrying their own weight.