WoW is a cesspool of online bullying

Honestly it’s just trolls feeding on reactions and attention. Whatever the ‘main’ point of view is they’ll go against it for easy trolling.

Real life isn’t a video game and there’s no reason we can’t just be better toward each other.

I’ve never played Fable but I’m guessing everyone starts as the exact same thing there. Real life isn’t that way. Not everyone is going to be that strong, or that capable, to just “take the punches” and that’s why we have the problems we have today. The classroom of the world as we have today does end up killing people.

There needs to be a culture change, which is really hard. I think they should really focus on this and throw tons of different types of systems at it and see if anything helps. It would be better than just giving up.

Positive systems like being able to commend or thumbs up strangers you play with, mentoring systems, rewards for helping new players, and stricter and swifter punishments for bad behavior should all be on the table plus whatever they can come up with.

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This they will. Also if it’s semi-credible then it can be reported to most local authorities in many places. If the authorities investigate and find the threats credible then those that made them can find themselves in some real life trouble.

If anything, the authorities just contacting those people alone would be enough to scare them into (maybe) not making such threats in the future.

Nothing is ever going to get better about the WoW community since people are not held accountable for their actions and how they treat each other. It was never perfect but the community was better when we had server communities, where players were held accountable for being horrible people. It will only continue to get worse.

Years ago, at the start of Cata when heroic dungeons were considered hard, I wrote an addon called the Turing Test. Basically when someone was verbally abusive in chat you would click the addon and it would spit out something random like “sorry I did not heal you but I got my nose caught in my keyboard”. As a healer it actually made the stress of running with pugs much better because I then would look forward meeting with offensive jerks.

It would be hard for in-game instance chat to be moderated any less.

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Gonna say what about everyone is thinking: It’s literally online culture, people don’t give a flip and will say the nastiest and most disgusting things about people cause they have no real repercussions. They don’t care if they get temp banned or perma banned, they literally can just make a new account and keep going. This is nothing new and you can’t hold or force anyone’s hand without hard modding chat to where it limits what you can and cannot say. Your simply going to have to suck it up and deal with it, ignore it the best you can and don’t feed into it as it only fans the flames. Just keep a personal blacklist and move on from them and try to grow as a person.

Yep, someone said I was a bad tank at the end, when I was playing a blood DK in a random wotlk dungeon and I said “yeah you’re probably right” because it was almost certainly true even if I found it annoying to hear. That’s where the conversation stopped and I left the dungeon and moved on with my life. I don’t tank that much so that’s my worst story fortunately.

That’s not bullying bud.

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Context is important there.

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Lets be honest though,‘Constructive criticism’ is very rare from wow players… There’s barely any communication and when there is it’s just bashing and kicking lol

“Is it weird how the nasty mean people always seem to be the ones in groups and established guilds while the nice guys are the ones no one wants to hang out with?”

Suits me if they form their own virtual asylums.


You I believe him,seen it myself.

How bad do you have to be for people to be toxic at you?

I haven’t had anyone chew me out for performance

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The internet has been this way forever tho, you just have to learn how to interact online.

What I don’t want is them to start clamping down too heavy and start handing out unnecessary bans. Look at the wonderful trade chat, people speak there minds freely. And that’s a good thing imo. Now if it’s something real, like real death threats, or trying to really hurt someone personally for whatever reason, they deserve a ban. But having controversial opinions is fine

Oh I’ve seen people who crack me up.

I say to them hey bud your talent choice is horrible, you may want to pick these because it helps alot for this content. Use your cooldowns etc. Just some tips not being mean or anything.

Then you see them 5 mins later in trade/general chat saying how someone was bullying them because they said their talent choice sucked.

Perception is key.

Only bullying I ever get is when I express an unpopular opinion on the message boards. I haven’t ever had an issue of anybody being nasty to me in game over the way I play or anything.

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I don’t think I’ve seen someone get hammered for talent choices for … a long time

I’m yet to have people notice I’ve been using slice and dice for most of the xpac