WoW in-game pride event similar to other games?

Let’s say they do implement an ingame pride event because of these “troll” thread, would you be upset or happy/thankful?

I’d ignore it as I do other events. I have no interest in it.


I’d be pretty indifferent cause I have my own set of beliefs about pride, but I’d be happy for people who will enjoy them. My point here is that we have a megathread though, we should be talking about these things there.


Ok then it doesn’t affect you, so your stance is neutral.

You’d also be neutral.

See, this event is positive to some, and neutral to others, so adding it is a net positive after all.

FF doesn’t have a company-driven Pride event. Anything that does happen is community driven. So… hup hup.

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No, I don’t like things and events shoved in my face. If I choose to participate, that’s my business.

anyhow… why am I replying to a low post nobody…

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That doesn’t help them they know that thread would make sure they got flagged and reported, and removed from it. Notice how all the threads that didn’t get 404’d back when they first got flagged as spam are popping back up. It’s all random low levels doing the necromancy


LGBTQ+ Troll Necromancers.

I’ve seen it all

"The Running of the Trolls"

It’s June 18th at 9pm EST 6pm PST , be there between 8-9 pm Est or 5-6 pm PST.

It’s on Feathermoon. Make a 1st level troll, give it fun rainbow hair, do the run. It starts in the Troll Starting zone. Guilds will be waiting for invites.

While it’s not made by Blizzard, it’s an event.


“Yeah guys, look at the whole 2 likes i got! He contributes 50% of my likes!”

…Also, how Pompous you have to be to name yourself “The King of Internet”? :joy:

…It’s almost like he wants to be congratulated on being gay, as if that’s an accomplishment. :thinking:

…Then again, Pet’s a hetrophobe so…

No kidding.

Also, can anybody check the likes for me? Twitter is not letting me use my gmail for no reason and i’m NOT signing up with my phone number.

…Are they? Are those really the two feelings? … Are they? No any other feeling? :confused:

You can be in disagreement without being upset. If anything, i think people are more upset at people like OP who wants to contradict the WoW’s team’s stance against homophobia or make what message is suppose to be meaningful, meaningless in a Fantasy world where everybody is already getting along. Let me say it again. Fantasy world. Meaning you can have gay people just existing and have nobody care if they gay or not, and just accept them as people. That’s like the ultimate inclusion, meritocracy, treat them like people, equality.

And yet… what? You think not having rainbow stickers on everything, or have people say “I’m gay/bi, etc” or act stereotypical gay, or there being straight relationships at all, or a pride event that celebrates gays, despite the fact their already okay with each other, means their homophobic or it’s not enough for you? :man_shrugging:

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You can change it to whatever you want.

Does Blizzard adding official ingame Pride event (using whatever ingame lore or name they want) would actually affect you negatively?

Now this is a useful post. Hope you put in the megathread too :grinning:


Did you not pay attention to what i’ve just said?.. :point_down:

Don’t bring up imaginary “people”, just tell me how do you feel.

2 people that i asked said their stance is neutral (Don’t care or don’t affect them).

The point isn’t about the event itself, it’s about how threads like these are harmful to not just some members of the LGBTQ+ community who feel affected by them, but also in the way it can fuel some incendiary and hateful mentalities.

As I said:

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I’m refering to the people (who some of them are even LGBT) who clearly disagree with OP and others like him. And it’s never because their LGBT, it’s because they suggest something to contradict the “Homophobia isn’t canon” stance, or just makes it meaningless.

I’ve already did also because i’m part of that people i was talking about.

Put simply, i think putting this in here will cause more division, because people already getting along prior. It would either contradict the “Homophobia isn’t canon” stance (which is why Pride exists, to rid of homophobia), or be completely redundant and meaningless.

That’s fine for them to be neutral, i just think this idea would create more division then unity. And i’ve already explained this, and not to mention took a look at the runescape pride event that OP was talking about.

KingOfInternet is an enviable Twitter username actually. The site is probably used by like a billion people or whatever (idk) and no one managed to get KingOfInternet before me, and that’s because I get the best names. That’s how I got Pet for this character, Satan for my warlock, Treant for my druid on Moon Guard, etc.

Also if Chris Metzen agrees that Anduin and Wrathion have great chemistry and should get married then Blizzard better make it happen!

I don’t want Blizzard to use my sexuality for profits. Wow community is not very LGTBQ friendly and that is their right to feel that way. I am not going to force my views on them. So why should we have a celebration of something that many people don’t care about?


Ahh yes, i’m too envious of using a name like that. I’m sure nothing but Galaxybrained takes from a person with a name like that. /s

On the real though, i much rather have Rags’s name. That what i’m truly envious of.

…Well to be fair, that is the most fitting name i’ve seen for you, because you are essentially following orders from somebody else like a pet.

…So that’s 2 LGBT users here with names that has something to do with the devil. Odd coincidence. :thinking:

Or what? you’re gonna quit? I don’t think Blizzard would care if like 0.0001% of the people quit because they didn’t grant their shipping fantasy wish.

Much honestly, i much rather see Anduin punch more people in the face.

…Can i see that clip again? :grin:

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I’m not following any orders; I’m actually being pretty independent-minded if you think about it. The hivemind on this forum keeps complaining about the LGBT threads, and I’m one of the few brave enough to say “actually the LGBT threads are good and we should totally have LGBT pride parades in game!”

I wouldn’t name a character “Lucifer” unless I could reserve it with no special characters. If you look up my alts you’ll see that special characters aren’t my style!

Or they’ll be defying the implicit will of Chris Metzen, who created the lore of this game!