WoW in-game pride event similar to other games?

It doesn’t. Realistically, what company would try to portray that sort of thing in game? Realistically, why would BLIZZARD of all companies, try to portray that sort of thing in game?

Steve Danuser didn’t say it doesn’t exist. He just said homosexuality does exist.

You don’t have any evidence to counter Steve Danuser’s “Homophoba doesn’t exist”, other then what you feel.

Feel free to look at the link anytime. :point_down:

Wut? He clearly said homophobia doesn’t exist.

No, pretty sure it just exists lol.

Show me, then. The quote that was given to me says nothing of the sort.

Didn’t you already make a thread for a official wow pride event?

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That’s because you clearly didn’t understand it.

And i don’t know why you want him to be wrong on the whole “Homophobia isn’t canon” thing here. It just sounds to me you’re upset he has made that decision. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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The lore doesn’t state it. Steve Danuser doesn’t state it.

So I guess we’ll just resort to insults now?

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But he did state it lol.

And yes.

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He didn’t.

I mean he clearly did.

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Saying “you don’t understand” isn’t an insult…

Infact, you kind of insulted yourself by confusing the two mate. :laughing:

Well, there aren’t in-game drag shows run by MAPs. So, obviously the game is homophobic and racist and sexist and every other ist and ic… because, why think about things when we can insult other people and impugn the moral character of 8,000 employees of a video game company?

How about this, if there’s an example of homophobia, then show it. But, if you can’t find an example, then you have to admit that it doesn’t exist.


No kidding. I think Rudly is pushing an agenda here.

You can keep deluding yourself. Someone acknowledging the existence of something doesn’t mean it something else doesn’t exist. Until you’ve shown me that Steve Danuser has explicitly stated “Yeah, homophobia doesn’t exist”, then you will continue to be wrong.


I’m going to put all of the Warcraft books I have in one text file and then use a regular expression in Sublime Text to find all matches of (non-whitespace substring)s husband and (non-whitespace substring)s wife and (non-whitespace substring)s boyfriend and (non-whitespace substring)s girlfriend.

I count 53 results for “his wife,” 2 results for “Rhonin’s wife,” 1 result for “Wyll’s wife” (idk who that is but it sounds like a dude)

I count 41 results for “her husband”

0 results for “his husband,” 0 results for “her wife”

The word “boyfriend” is never used. The word “girlfriend” appears once, when Flynn Fairwind asks Mathias Shaw, “That from your girlfriend?”

That proves that there is a taboo against homosexuality in the WoW universe and therefore Blizzard must add pride parades into the game immediately!

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Not sure how I could continue to be wrong when I’m not wrong lol.


So you have no evidence to back up anything you’ve been saying with your “Nuh-uh! he didn’t say that! It’s not explictly in the lore!!” because you haven’t been paying attention clearly and just resorts to insults like you said.

Your Hetrophobia or strong hatred against straight relationships doesn’t count. :clown_face:

Because he didn’t, and the whole argument stemmed from someone saying that the lore explicitly stated homophobia doesn’t exist.

That’s so crazy it MUST be true!
