Wow heading for another wave of player loss

When what other people enjoy is restricting other players gameplay, this is arguably something that should be ignored. And it usually is. When Blizzard wants to make a change, the change happens.

You are straight up dismissing that people love wow’s end game and that’s why they play

It’s not restricting other players gameplay at all.

It’s not like those of us opposed to Warlocks for the four races that should not have that option are instead saying that no races should get the warlock class, or that races that already have it should have it taken away.

Those of us objecting simply want Blizzard to respect the lore they created for this game, which for these four races in particular, they’re not.

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I don’t know exactly what content people want, they never say, but I’m sure if it was worth it player wise Blizz would put it in.

They don’t just remove popular things, people talk about things like the covenant activities (feast, the little battle event with the angel people, etc) and asking where that is in DF, well, we would have similar things if people actually did them.

It’s always been a rewards based game, people do things that have rewards they want and ignore things that have rewards they don’t or no reward at all.

The more healthstones in game the better :crazy_face: :popcorn:

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Wave of player loss… because they let us play whatever race we want.

Yeah, ok.

If you’re so into RP just don’t create that particular combination and pretend like it doesn’t exist.


Or… and here’s a crazy idea.

The Blizzard developers can actually consult someone who knows the lore for their own game and respect it, which still allows for race/class expansions without torching the lore and pissing all over the ashes.

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Or… and here’s a crazy idea.

Let players play what they want.


I kinda agree but I also believe a compromise can easily be reached for most of the issues to make everyone happy.

Make it so Draenei/lightforged Warlocks use the red Man’Ari corrupted draenei skin color palette options and for Lightforged maybe change the loock of the glowy bits to green “felforged” look. Boom Draenei Warlocks that make sense for everyone.

As for the Mag’Har Warlocks for me personally I can justify them existing in the sense that the first Orc Warlocks had to be uncorrupted before they got corrupted right? Can just pretend they’re early in the process or initiates so they haven’t succumbed to the green skin change yet

There are plenty of other games out there if you want all races available to all classes.

WoW is not, and should never be, one of them.

Says who? Not the people running the game

Devs have always been in a gameplay > lore if they clash mindset


And that’s the problem.

But hey, players asked for this trash, so that’s what we’re getting apparently.

I’m going to keep fighting for that to change though. Because all races for all classes should never happen.

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Why should it never happen?

Somehow I don’t imagine there’ll be widespread outrage over a handful of races getting new class options. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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If we were lore appropriate from the start, tauren wouldn’t fit anywhere

If some people want all races/all classes.

And some people don’t.

It kindve equals out doesn’t it.

Can’t please both.

The people who would be mad enough to quit wouldn’t likely amount to much.

pretty sure the people complaining is smaller than the pvp minority so im sure not only does blizzard not care if they lose 100$ a month because u guys quit but the community as a whole would be happy because you would stop complaining about improvements. the devs havent cared about the lore for over a decade and change it as needed to.

Because it erodes the foundation of what makes this game unique.

It would be like completely scrapping the factions.

Blizzard spent a LOT of time building up the lore for the various races and classes in this game, to the point where each race and class has a certain identity. You look at Night Elves for example and this is clearly a race that is highly attuned with nature, and that has remained vigilant for 10,000 years, preparing for the return of the Burning Legion and the demons that serve in that army.

When you look at the Orcs, you see a troubled race that is recovering its identity after having it almost completely destroyed by their dark pact with the demons that enslaved them and turned them into a bloodthirsty race that sought death and destruction at all costs.

When you look at the Draenei you see a race devoted to the Light, but one that is desperate to find a new home and refuge from the demons that have pursued them for over 13,000 years.

This is the core fantasy of the Warcraft universe. It’s one that Blizzard has successfully built up for close to 20 years now. But now, sadly, because of this unfortunate shift in development, they’re pissing all that world building and unique class/race lore away, just so random troglodyte 5002 can play as a Draenei warlock.


But that same race stabbed themselves in the eyes and ate a demon for its powers. Even the most anti-demon race has its section of weirdos.