Wow heading for another wave of player loss

And they are treated as exiles and hated for good reason.

These shifts however are not ‘a group of exiles existing in a vacuum’ this is a cultural shift for the race itself, as shown by the quests that have been added to the PTR attempting to explain this crap away.

This is next. After they homogenize all races everyone will start wanting them to get rid of classes and open all abilities to everyone.

I spent 150 hours on that game and I will never go back. I enjoy WoW more than almost every game I’ve played.

I stopped caring about WoW lore and story a long time ago. It’s been terrible for several years, and recent expansions have not really improved it. At this point, I could care less if they want to open up more classes across races. Tying class to race is honestly outdated in today’s MMO world, especially when you look at other games like FFXIV, ESO, and GW2 where you can be any class on any race.

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I know, warlocks are always hated. That’s why they’re in a basement in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

But night elves have accepted the weirdos back into their ranks. First they said it’s as ok for DKs to come back, then mages, DHs and soon warlocks.

At this point it would make Tyrande look really odd to throw a fit over this. Putting a side the fact she’s tolerated the above weirdos, she’s been working with dwarven, human, gnomish and worgen warlocks for years now.


Seriously OP, you’re here after BFA and SL. If that wasn’t enough to drive you off, you ain’t going nowhere for “lore reasons”

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I’m going to fight too! So far I think there are a couple of ways to give this feedback:

  • Forums
  • in game PTR feedback
  • canceling sub with explanation about how this change is bad

Any other methods?

i worry for anyone who cares about wow lore in 2023. warlocks are breaking the camels back and… not everything that’s happened in the last 2 expansions? really?

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She hasn’t really tolerated them though.

One of the reasons why the Nightborne joined the Horde was because of Tyrande’s intolerance towards them and their reliance on magic. Thalyssra even states that Tyrande’s dogmatic views are the reason why she refused to join the Alliance because they would leave her people feeling cloistered.

She admitted the Highborne into their civilization again only because desperation called for it after the Cataclysm. She tolerated the Gilneans and other races because she has no authority over them. But she absolutely has authority over her own people, and after 10,000+ years of remaining vigilant against the Legion, and after multiple wars that decimated her people and cost them far more than most other races paid, I seriously doubt either she, Shandris or Maiev would tolerate warlocks within their ranks.

No, she has.

Either the player matters and she has been working with Alliance warlocks for years (us) or the player doesn’t matter so these race/class combos don’t matter.

You can’t have it both ways.

Also the Alliance has warlocks. She is part of the Alliance. So she has most certainly been working with Warlocks for years.


i run keys because it’s fun to play with my friends. we’re not all obsessed with the number or the loot or whatever

People only leave wow when there is nothing to do besides mindless M+ grind/raids and come back when new content comes.

I’m not saying that there aren’t some people who will take a break if they don’t like lore or patch features

Those are the main three, although I’ve also tagged some of the WoW developers on Twitter.


All warlocks are treated as exiles and hated, by your logic none of the races should be able to be warlocks, but here we are :dracthyr_shrug:

A few night elves who wanted tro try fel magic aren’t going to ruin an entire culture, they will be treated as outcasts and won’t be accepted, but you still can play as one.

i hope every time some of you see someone playing a warlock race you disagree with you send them a whisper letting them know how disappointed you are in them. :pray: :pray:

I look forward to all the new race/class combinations.

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i am wondering if night elf paladins are here would some of you be saying this is not right or say cool about time?

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the whining should have ended here.


And then then squeeze borrowed power into talent trees.

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Well, then it’s not borrowed anymore, its just power