Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Lightforged Draenei race description in the character creation screen: “The Lightforged Draenei were infused with the Holy Light to become the living weapons against evil”.

Blizzard just released the information about warlock class expanding to other races, among them, the LIGHTforged Draenei and MAG’HAR (Uncorrupted) Orc. Soon, we will also be seeing VOID elf Paladins.

It’s true no one is being forced to play those races as warlocks, but there are a lot of people who play the game mainly because they like the lore (myself included). I highly doubt anyone that stopped playing wow will come back because now they can have a non sense warlock character. However, players that will no longer be connected to the game due to the completely messy lore will definitely stop playing (myself included).
They should instead create an “anarchy server” where people can do whatever they want with no lore or any other limitation.

Dragonflight has been very underwhelming story-wise so far and the brand new area released with 10.1 makes you feel you are playing a toddler-oriented game. I’m honestly not renewing my sub once it expires.

For the last person to leave, please don’t forget to turn off the lights.



No one is leaving due to lore reasons. Not in numbers worth mentioning. If people leave, it’s usually due to gameplay issues like how the multiple borrowed power systems basically killed the last 3 expansions.


I’m probably overestimating a bit, but I suspect the number of other people who feel as strongly as you do about this is on the scale of one, with a plus/minus of one.


Lol nah, I prefer them opening up all race/class combos. Allows people to make their character how they see them.

And player characters are specifically not in lore to defy lore anyway. It’s just a general, non-descript hero.


Based on the amount of hate I’m seeing online, I don’t think your math is correct.


I sincerely doubt that this is going to start another wave of player loss. If anything, opening up race/class combos may lead to more people joining and/or sticking around. Probably more of the latter instead of the former though.


Don’t make a character with that race/class combo. Problem solved?

(The way I see, we’re on the brink of a new age of hybrid cosmic forces where magic-wielders who flirted with devotion to single cosmic force begin to rediscover they can still tap power from different, even opposing, sources without blowing up)


Well, hopefully those players grow up during their time away.


I guess not.

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and like I mentioned, they could open up an anarchy server where people could play as they wish without lore restriction. Wanna be a mage with a shield and sword? Go for it. Wanna be a warrior wearing cloth? go for it… etc etc


I already know of many people who are. So… that’s not true. And everyone matters. Not just the people you think matter.


Or people can play what they like and people that hate it can myob.


This eight-boss Mythic-only mega-dungeon…

Stuff like causes exits.


They usually start mythic only, but then they add a heroic version later on. I think they should just release the two simultaneously, but maybe I’m crazy. :roll_eyes:


not everyone is into dungeons and raids. There are people who cares more about the other 95% of the game content.


But why is it mythic only is my question? I get what you are saying.


And you think that will cause a wave of player loss? Most people will just say, “That’s stupid,” and carry on with their day. Plenty will also say, “Hell yeah! I’ll play that!”

Oh no, that thing people have been asking for since void elves were first added? What ever will we do?

The story has been awesome.


Bye, then.

I’m sure the 5 of you freaking out over this will be missed.


people were not asking for paladin void elves. They were asking for HIGH elves to be a playable race, and Blizzard created VOID elves instead for no reason, so what choice but to ask for void elves paladins?
If they want to open up all classes to all races they should make lightforged draenei, void elf, mag’har orc, mechagnomes as additional customization to the already existing races they were made of … or create anarchy server for those “I want all” players.


My Lightforged warlock’s succubus is gonna be so jealous! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: