Wow heading for another wave of player loss

You’re WAY overestimating the amount of people that actually care about lore in this game. What’s actually going to kill this game is how bad it is in general, not some weird race/class combo only you and other serial killers care about.

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I’m not overestimating and plus calling me a serial killer doesn’t prove your point. That makes you look like an idiot.


Best state the game has been in since mop, and still people say it’s in a bad state

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We called that game Ultima Online. Well, and a number of others like it. IT was flipping amazing.

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what a ridiculous hill to die on

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When you come back, as we all always do, remember that sometimes to enjoy a story, you have to yes, and it. “Lore” is a jumping off point, not an unchanging set of rules. Lore grows. Lore changes. Ask why the light forged are looking into the fel instead of…acting like it’s the end of the game.:sweat_smile:


As I’ve said elsewhere, this honestly sealed the deal that Blizzard’s current devs have no idea what they’re doing anymore, and clearly don’t give a damn about the lore.

They may as well just removed all of the races and classes, and just let players play build-a-bear with whatever racial and class abilities they want. Clearly none of it matters to Blizzard anymore.

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Not going to quit over it, but I am extremely disappointed that Blizzard is shredding their own lore for the sake of convenience.

Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei and Mag’har Orcs should not be warlocks, their races are 100% incompatible with those classes, especially the Lightforged and the Mag’har.

But people asked for this trash, so, Blizzard delivered.


Oh chill out, the game isn’t suddenly going to die all because Blizzard is opening up more classes to races.


That is….what’s the word?…a…stretch?

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Think you mean drama queen.

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Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the drama queen…

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One of the biggest appeals for this game, especially for roleplayers like myself, was the lore surrounding the races and classes. It created a foundation upon which to build our characters, to really get invested in the world.

Now that foundation is being eroded by irresponsible game design decisions.

This will do more damage to the game overall than what Shadowlands did, and that’s saying something.


Right because adding more diversity will kill the game as a whole and the world will explode because o f it right, see you in a few months.


Oh I’m not quitting.

I have no intention of quitting. But I am extremely disappointed and I’m going to be vocal about it in the hope that Blizzard listens and changes course while this patch is still on the PTR. Because Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei and Mag’har Orcs should not have warlocks as a class option.

The other races are fine, if you want to play a Zandalari warlock, by all means, go for it. But those four have lore that clash to the extreme with the warlock class.


I understand people being upset over Lightforge, that is just dumb and really doesn’t make sense but qutting and crying over it is really dumb.


That’s not going to happen. They wouldn’t have announced this if it wasn’t already a done deal.

They’ve announced a bunch of things and then changed them due to pressure from players. So I’ll keep pushing for Blizzard to scrap the warlock class option for those four races (and only those four, again the others are fine, yes, even Highmountain Tauren, as much as it grinds my gears).

If it doesn’t work out? So be it. But I’ll be damned if I don’t try to make them remember that racial lore is important to this game and many players who play it, especially in the roleplaying community.

And given what we do for WoW and Blizzard, especially with respect to charity events, I think they’ll listen if enough of us show we’re annoyed.


I think the story is one item on a lot of people’s lists of “things that make me want to quit the game.”

But as far as players who will quit because players get to play more race class options they were never able to before, I think the number is going to be really low. I don’t remember hearing anyone say Tauren rogues or mages made them want to quit.

Odd that all we heard was crickets when Tauren mages and rogues were released.


I wasn’t telling you to stop, just pointing out that it’s probably pointless. 99.9% sure on that.

But like people always say “so you’re saying there’s a chance” :rofl: