Wow heading for another wave of player loss

People take the story seriously. If you were watching a TV series that stopped making logical since would you keep watching it?

Been watching the Simpson’s for like, what 30 years now? So yeah. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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To be fair, most people who care enough about the WoW lore to quit over something like this probably won’t be away from WoW for long. Maybe they will join us ghosts and try haunting. It’s fun! For the ghosts of course.

Oh look a holy demon.

ok and?

Then Forsaken Priests getting access to Holy and Disc specs.

Yall keep using the same tired old arguments, please come back with something new sweetie.

People don’t tend to leave for minor non-issues like story, characters, tmog, design, art, bugs. They tend to leave due to gameplay, mechanics, loot, class-feel, and most importantly, the daily-SLOG or hopefully not a slog. I understand you feel very passionate about this, but logically, you are in teensy tiny minority here and I hope to christ devs spend time fixing the fire in the house first when someone is complaining the wall paint looks ugly

I’m pretty sure only the most die hard WoW lore loving nerds care about the comically bad stories in this game. I’d rather read random ChatGPT created fiction than any lame lore in WoW.

Weh weh this race would never do this, weh weh this race would never do that!!

There are exceptions to everything.

Humans aren’t typically cannibals.

And yet we have cannibals.

I rest my case.


ROFL we know that everyone complaining, including Maldazzar, is going to roll one of these lore breaking race/class combos.

Get this.

A Mag’har Orc isn’t even in the new Warlock quest and all the races die there BUT the Lightforged Draenei cuz he didn’t commit to being a Warlock.

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So… don’t play those race/class combos if it bothers you so much?


If immature children want to leave because because they don’t understand the simple concept of Gameplay over Lore that’s fine by me.

I think lore has its place in the game and should be expanded upon, but I also like the idea of Blizzard opening up race/class for all.

oH no! …Anyways!!

They already exist. All the non-RP servers fit that description.

As someone that has been in the camp of Warlocks for all races for a long time now I see no issue with Lightforged Draenei, Draenei, Maghar Orcs, Zandalari Trolls, Kul Tiran, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Night Elves and Pandaren gaining the Warlock class. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

As for people quitting due to that if they do, who cares it will improve the game and the community because anyone that is rallying against others playing a race and class combo to represent themselves is just silly especially when there’s actual game issues that actually matter and could inspire people quitting like system problems, annoying currencies, major changes, bugs from PTR to live and so on and so on.

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We still have to see these illogical combinations in the world. It also impacts new player experience by giving them options that are contradictory to a race description.

I mean I watched Game of Thrones to the end :grimacing:

I’ll never forgive D&D and I hope they never make another movie or TV show in their life

Gameplay and player choice > lore, sorry


So um…eventually…we get Dark Elves Rangers?

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I’m getting to that point of leaving and finding other games to play. At the moment I’m staying to see how much worse it can get.