Wow heading for another wave of player loss

I didnt what i said is the light tried to enslave illidan which is a objectively a bad thing plus it shows the light can exist with fel magis aka a full on demon so why not the reverse.

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Oh wow another warlock thread.


No, people are leaving because they are sick of classes being constantly changed, known bugs/problems not being fixed and ignored feedback.

Having to tweak a few things? Fine? But having major/complete class reworks DURING the expansion is terrible. All of these changes/reworks should have been ready for when the xpac WAS released.

It’s starting to look real half-assed and it’s now becoming obvious that the xpac just wasn’t ready.

Hello, I see you posted a thread about a wave. Haha, I doubt anyone is quitting over this! Most of the people that claim they are quitting over lore are mostly just looking for attention! Maybe people should try Final Fantasy 14, it has fantastic story! They just released the trailer for the new patch and it looks great:

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


People here are correctly saying that this alone will not drive players away.

However, this is just one thing in the consistent decay of this game, as it loses its uniqueness, its wonder, and slowly declines into generic blandness.

Anyone who played Rift and witnessed its decline is familiar with the moves the WoW developers have been making lately. There’s only one place this leads - not right away, not soon even (maybe), but inevitably.


I’ve been playing since BC and I remember some salty RPers threatening to quit when they made forsaken need to breathe underwater. They’d have assassinated Thrall to prevent orc mages let alone tauren rogues.

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Lol this post is ridiculous.

First of all, if anything, letting people play what they would result in a net player gain, not loss.

Secondly, the like 4 people who would actually quit the game because of it wouldn’t be a loss, because you… I mean those people… don’t actually contribute anything to the game, nobody would notice.

This is a minor issue compared to the total devastation the creative team have already caused to the overall lore. Not to mention the total lack of any semblance of consistency in the stories told.

If lore people have not already permanently left the game, then this small issue won’t make them leave.

Fun Fact: Being righteous doesn’t prevent one from using demons to kill other demons.
I do think Lightforged is a weird choice and would definitely be a sort of social outcast in their “culture”, and I know that’s not going to be reflected, but it’s not like it breaks lore for it to happen.

If blizzard does this right though, we won’t see some of the class-race combination in NPC forms.

Blizzard can still lift the restrictions, while making a clear implication that it just is not the cultural norm - the player characters are just oddities, which should honestly be expected.

Y’all complain about the strangest stuff.


That and honestly with Ascension( free WoW) being a thing where you can do multi combos and create all kinds of classes it was a matter of time before Blizz opened more to all classes.

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cant wait. ty blizz


20 years of WoW is dead and you post this unironically.


Nope, me finally getting my full collection of Gnome everything will actually keep me around longer.



While I doubt many folks will leave over it… even a small percentage of a small number is pretty big at this point, and Blizz can’t afford to keep losing more players, we’re already bare bones after DF didn’t bring back the folks lost with BFA/SL…likely permanently.

I do plan on canceling my subscription just so I can voice concern on this specific issue.

More players will come to play to play Warlock than will leave over lore. Therefore this is a W.


Why are people so hung up on imaginary light that they shun imaginary darkness? This is the question that keeps everyone up at night. :grimacing:

If you’re threatening to quit over a minor change in a video game that frankly doesn’t affect you, then you’re incredibly, childishly, sensitive.