Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Me who unsubbed because 10.1 PTR was that bad. The crappy cutscenes on launch only further cemented things.


False outrage over something that doesn’t even break lore. Take a look at the cosmic chart and then tell us Fel and light are in direct opposition.

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I didn’t say that. SL lore was stupid to be sure. The jailer was a dumb idea. But the whole butthurt around Sylvanas was overblown. It was perfectly reasonable to focus on her story arc. Especially when we consider how much more of a superior character she is compared to Tyrande, Malfurion or Anduin. But that’s all an aside.

You’re still missing the forest for the trees. Those gameplay systems I mentioned mattered far more than the jailer or Sylvanas ever did.

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What even keeps a Draenei from doing something like becoming a cultist? Like does some celestial entity reach out and grab their hand and boop their nose? There’s cults and other nefarious groups all over the place on Azeroth. Tons of unique (and some generic) groups of evil-doers who’d get involved in things like this.
A warlock doesn’t have to be some fancy member of the black harvest. They can just be a power hungry individual. Draenei aren’t incapable of evil.


LIGHTforged draenei are NOT just draenei much like VOID elves are not just blood elves


meow. i liked to think light followers were incapable of evil, but i suppose that’s naive.

How? What story?!!! Lmao all of it happened off-screen. She’d show up and do something evil and disappear, again and again, until she became Good Sylvanas. There was no payoff, nothing.

I remember people enjoying SL at the start, the systems were confusing but DF is no better with the professions. It’s more of the exact same if you ask me, same problems just in different areas now.

Lore is still taking a beating, and the best parts of the gameplay are the parts Blizzard hasn’t touched, like PvP and M+

Mythic was very active in SL so people were still invested in the gameplay. Even that Nathria raid, but after that I think people just weren’t invested anymore.

I do think DF has an even smaller playerbase than SL, because I knew a few friends that played during that time, for a few seasons. It’s anecdotal, but my friends were always around for more popular expansions.

DF seems fairly emptier, especially in the PvP community.


I feel like the WoW Ascension players are having a field day with this information and are slowly coming back and supporting Blizzard on this.

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never said I would play in that server myself lol

Oh no, I’m not accusing you of being one of those players. I’m just saying they’re the type of rabids that are probably playing that and keeping one eye on that idea becoming supported by the official source.

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Giving up on keeping lore consistent is indicative of how little the creative team behind WOW cares about the game in general at this point.


Eh. I’ll give you that. There really was no proper explanation of her death powers. Yes they came from the the Jailer. But it was poorly explained and badly pulled off. And then of course there was the absolute travesty that was the hilarious fight between Sylvanas and toast-boy. Lmao.

But even despite that, do you seriously not recall:

  • No mounts in the maw.
  • The maw.
  • Korthia (more maw).
  • Conduits.
  • Soulbinds.
  • Oribos (worse than the maw since you had to spend way more time there).
  • No swapping of covenants.
  • CN specific borrowed power armor that lasted for such a short period of time I don’t even remember what it was called. I still have void storage filled with the stupid crystals.
  • Suspected deleted content due to misnumbered Oribos portals on the second level.
  • The completely borked Kyrian covenant vehicle fights.
  • Torghast
  • Torghast.
  • Torghast
  • More patch specific pathfinder.
  • The fact that this was the third iteration of the exhausted Legion format as admitted by Ion himself.

The list goes on. There were a lot of problems with SL. But the lore isn’t one of the major factors imo.


To be honest, I don’t think wow has any chance to survive in the long term. GenZ are not into this type of game with low quality graphics and overcomplicated systems specially when the game story is completely broken like it is now (not just dragonflight but try to think as if you were a brand new player starting wow the way it is now). Finish that off with an impatient community who thinks everyone should spend AT LEAST 5 hours per day watching youtube and memorizing raid/dungeon mechanics or else be yelled at…


GenZ has no connection to the history of Warcraft, going back to the RTS games. Just a bunch of normies happy to consume medicore gaming content.


I would probably come back for a bit if they ever add Sethrak as playable race, but I really don’t think it will take too long until Blizzard starts adding toyota corollas and ice cream cones as mounts to make player immersion into the lore even more dreadful… I still like the books though… at least there is that…


I think if anyone still passionate about WoWs lore would’ve walked out the door by now.

So far I’ve accounted DF lore as bunch of Dragons siting around whining about why I haven’t gotten their morning newspaper yet.

i cant say i like what they doing but have had this feeling bout lots of little things in wow over the years, i certainly wouldent leave over it, because the lore has become pretty muddled anyrate, its still the best game out :slight_smile: and i have looked at heaps

whow whow whow… let’s not lose our minds here fellows. Best game out not even you believe that come on now…

i seriously do, tell me one better i should add i tried ff i hate it because has no structure, if i started wow now i would not like it, but i started back when it had structure so i still level lots in that way

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I honestly think it’s shameful you didn’t finish your sentence with “meditate on that”.
Just another proof the game’s lore is dead

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