Wow heading for another wave of player loss

you are talking about classes people don’t play.

Don’t you know this is world of ORC/HUMAN/BE craft? the others are just a minority nuisance.

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like I said there are all types of players playing wow. Not everyone is into Dungeons, raids and pvp. For instance, I couldn’t care less which one is the top damage class of the moment or how to min-max my damage. I know there are people who are crazy about that and would quit the game in case Blizzard changes something they like about that. The thing is: will Blizzard get more players by messing up the lore continuously? I don’t think so. Will Blizzard lose players for that reason? Yes. If the number is significant or not I don’t have statistics for that, but time will tell. I’m glad you guys are enjoying the game and thanks for taking the time to share some thoughts. I’ll just stick around until my sub expire and will head to a new adventure…


followed by a wave of new players that enjoy playing their fave race with their preferred class! woo ! all aboard the sub train!
:steam_locomotive: :woman_elf: :elf:


Yeah the lore is the reason people are dropping the game, not the myriad of issues, it’s the light forged Draenei warlocks that’ll cause the mass exodus. :grimacing:


wave of new players who will start playing the game with their favorite race & class combo only to quit a few days after because the story is a big mess. You start in a certain area following the story only to a few levels after be told to move to another area without finishing the first one and another few levels later you are again asked to move to a different area even though you didn’t finish the first or the second areas… and finally get to Current content where people will be arrogant to them because they don’t know how to play … sure

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You make that sound like a bad thing.

A few days in ascension…might expand your outlook there.

And yes, magic using rogues would be cool. I tried that out there. You’d be surprised how many classes get better with rogue bits mixed in.


Shadowlands says “Hello”.

Anyway, I’m probably gonna leave over it, I’ve got other games to play.

The lore wasn’t the only reason why I stuck around, but it was A reason nonetheless.

Do you think Lightforged Warlocks is gonna make people subscribe? I think more folks will leave over the future lore implications than join over this, in my opinion. Treading all over existing lore like Shadowlands did isn’t gonna make people like the Warcraft series even more, especially when they go back on the most foundational lore in the series- demons are bad, and caused pretty much everything bad in-universe.

It honestly makes me a little sad considering I really enjoyed Argus lore and they are just erasing all of that, imo. Lightforged tolerating demons is very strange, same deal with Night elves.

But yeah I guess I’m in the minority now- I just this stuff to be extremely immersion-breaking.

Any time they introduce stuff without precedent in the game, I want to play less. They’ve been chipping away at my desire to continue playing a lot lately.

There’s still tons of problems with the game, this feels like a low-hanging fruit distraction to keep people invested as well- it feels underhanded.


Said it before, but people who care about the lore are in the vast minority, and even more so since BFA and SL drove so many away because of Mr. Bare-Chest at SylvanasFest.

I and others like me might dip out of WoW but we’ll be replaced by people who go “Aha oooh, I can be a Draenei Warlock. Neat, draenei have horns and hooves, they must be demons!” And Blizz knows it, so they’d sooner cash in with promises of greater “accessibility” than actually keep something resembling a cohesive world or racial/cultural themes intact.


I honestly think you’re overstating how important this “issue” is to the core player base. There is SO much more they could focus on to make the game more accessible.

Like fixing the atrocious leveling system

Better communication on various plaguing classes

Not time gating the story

Fixing the professions which are so needlessly complicated, especially for anyone new.

I mean you could make a list a mile long, before hitting LF warlocks imo.


I just consider all of those changes to be a exception to the rule lore wise.


lore also states that there can’t be any void-magic near the sunwell, yet blood-elf shadow-priests exist. they also say that orcs can’t contact the light cause of the fel in their veins, yet we’ve got orc priests now. undead can’t be druids or paladins, but we’ve got undead elves on both factions that can be those things. the less said about lightforged death-knights, the better.

what am i trying to get at?
well, i don’t think this will reduce the amount of players for one. second, i’m thinking your looking at it wrong OP. they’re not absorbing the demon-magic into themselves to cast the spells, they’re just doing the chanting and casting. in other words, all the demon-y stuff? all external, not internal.

atleast, that’s my understanding of it. otherwise we’d have a lot of folks just exploding from their race/class combo not meshing.

of course, i’m just playing devil’s advocate for all this.
i’m not a fan of mag’har warlocks from either. lightforged ones i can see them turning the legion’s power back on itself, but mag’har? not really.

HOWEVER! i’m a massive fan of the other races getting warlocks, especially pandaren! was hoping for that combo for a loooong time, and it’s finally gonna be here! :smiley:



I left retail for some the above items you gave and other crap in SL to go classic fully.

I gave 10.0 a go…and went back to classic for the above.

I… think space goat locks idea is kind of cool. Not retail return worthy till team ion get their head out of their butts in 10.3 rip cord fiesta. but at 10.3 if I gave retail one more a go a space goat lock could happen.


as much as I personally as a lore junkie dislike what I see as a stomping on in-game cultural identities by opening up what I see as illogical race-class combinations I seriously doubt that the number of players who would actually quit the game would be significant, and would likely be off-set by those players who would be interested in trying them out.

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Oh no, I’d hate that. Please don’t give me more player choice haha, that’d be awful. Noooo Blizzard please don’t give me more transmog options haha.

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An exhausted playerbase with multiple patch specific borrowed power systems, torghast and no mounts in the maw, says “Hello”.


Everyone that I know who has quit - and I have been playing since vanilla - has done so because:

a) the game doesn’t respect their time;
b) player toxicity (e.g. verbal abuse, griefing) is unchecked and unmoderated;
c) an expansion theme was uninteresting;
d) Steve Danuser is an untalented Narrative Director;
e) ActiBlizz lawsuit and Bobby Kotick


I figured some would love the idea of a specific race combo, and I’m happy for them, more variety is a plus in my book.

Now if I could only get the D4 werebear Druid into WoW, and just be fps rather than tank I’d be golden.


I remember, back in Classic, chatting with some other players who were incredulous when I told them I’d never played any of the Warcraft RTS games. I told them that the specific “lore” was pretty meaningless to me, I just wanted to play a MMORPG set in a D&D-like universe. As time went on, I began to find the lore full of holes, dead ends, and unintentionally humorous retconning. I try to ignore lore as much as I can; the opposite way lies migraine headaches.

Exception: MoP. Some of the lore in that expansion was first-rate, particularly the graphic-novel-like animations near the end of the expansion.


So you’ve got no problems narratively with Shadowlands? That would be a first, lol.

Sylvanas is a good girl friend, Jailer is a 4-D chess-playing robot that’s behind every lore twist in WoW, and Elune let Teldrassil burn, and the Night Elven race as a whole crippled, just to send souls to her robot sister the Winter Queen, oh oops they’re going to the maw instead. I guess moon-robot-goddess can make mistakes too!

No one I know, none of my friends continue to play WoW by the way. The reason that continually comes up, is that they dislike the direction the story was going.

I guess they’re gonna do what they can to keep whoever is left still playing, since anyone who cared about the lore already quit.

I’ve clearly missed the bus.


Oh well. More races and combos honestly make me more likely to keep playing. I get bored. I like to tmog and dress up my characters as if they are dolls. I’d gladly pay more $$ to buy race changes and stuff. Might lose the odd sub, but money from race changes will make up for it and likely extra