Wow heading for another wave of player loss

I don’t think many people will leave over this one thing, but I also know that trolls like you exist who will say whatever and meme on the degradation of good things :slight_smile:

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Ah yes, the degredation of good things, such as the removal of idiotic restrictions that shouldn’t have existed in the first place. The horror, people might get to play their favorite class on their favorite race, what’s next, a good UI that won’t need add-on tweaks that offends the add-on authors? My god, think of CURSEFORGE!

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when I mentioned before that trolls will crack and seethe, this was what I meant :rofl: :rofl: ty ty

How many subscribers does Wow have at the moment ?

Did… Did we look at the same post? 'Cause I’m posting that it’s a good thing that players will be able to play the race and class they find most appealing, while you’re trying to spin that as somehow a negative. Or is it because I saw those restrictions as complete nonsense because every class in this game is trained?

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No what do that l. It will be fun

i want a wow Renaissance as far as race classes. Wogen curse for all races. Mecha all race. Undead all race. Lightforged and on and on. Open all classes. Open all factions. Anarchy wow baby!

I think the world as it is is already like that .let us have some sanity with a video game.

Think of it like this:

It’s a world, not a community. Hell, it’s more than ONE world now. In one single world with billions of people, you’re bound to have a few that go off the path.

Not ALL lightforged will be X, not ALL tauren will be Y, not ALL mag’har will be Z.

We saw tauren warlocks in Legion. What if one repented? What if he/she saw the error of his/her ways and decided to use his/her powers in favor of the Horde again?

What if a lightforged gets to a frustration point where he sees he’d need more than just the Light to fight back against the void? What if he sees the fel as a tool for it?

Should we be so narrow as to give every race a creativeless narrow vision of what it should be?

Do we not have night elf paladins? Do we not have former draenei paladins turned shaman? Do we not have undead hunters now? Goblin shaman?

If people exist, stories exist, and a few of those stories will diverge from the majority.

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I agree,but only a few not the whole of existence ,we need balance ,you can’t paint a world in psychotic colors and think it’s fine nor can there be total lawlessness. We are the product of what we are made of and if we muck it up it’s a big problem.

I don’t think you’d go beyond the few even if everyone played it.

I mean, if we go by the “what would be real in lore”, then we are already very badly represented. The most played race-class combo is blood elf paladin and they’re supposed to be only a few survivors, let alone every single one of them diverge to the path of paladin.

I think we should be thinking in the billions, where a few thousand tauren warlocks would make absolutely no mark at all.

Lore wise I would think the “few” would be rare occurrence in thousand or millions ,if we do get NE paladin it would be no different than a BE paladin just different in lore belief.But in general,it would be too much that everyone would be a paladin,undead or not.

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No, it wouldn’t. Lore-wise, the other PCs don’t exist. Lore-wise, we barely exist. That the class is popular shouldn’t arbitrarily limit it’s availability just because a dust-gathering line of text from ages ago said so, especially since every class in this game is trained. Otherwise, BE, NE, NB, and VE should be hard-limited per-server, and there shouldn’t be any more than maybe 100 DHs per server either, and those DHs should have been force-deleted once the Legion pissed off.

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Uniroincally a good idea. ‘Undead’, ‘cursed’, ‘augmented’, those are all states of being, not racial traits. So all races should have access to them. Furthermore, yes, races should not be locked to factions, and classes should be available to any member of a race willing to train in them.

“But the lore!”

I’m not even saying junk the lore, I’m saying there’s room for the PC to break the rules by virtue of being the PC.

We’re not units in an RTS.

In a single player game, perhaps. In an MMO like WoW? You’re more equivalent to a nameless RTS grunt.

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And some have a hard time understanding that. I can sum up a story for an Alliance augmented undead tauren warlock in 5 minutes, if I want. Wouldn’t break the lore.

No, we’re not. We carry titles no NPC could dream of. We do things even the Big 4 have trouble with.

If we really were some common stamped-out RTS unit, we’d never leave Orgrimmar/Stormwind.

If there going to open it up then do it all the way .let clothies wear leather…and give them higher stats… and specc options that are exclusive to tanks and they can survive…

It would be wicked a mage wearing leather armor with a shield…a be a master blaster…

In the movie dungeons and dragons they wore. Leather…

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