Wow heading for another wave of player loss

If people are willing to quit the game over this, the biggest non-issue ever, then good riddance, it sounds like they were just annoying ragey man babies anyways so I’m glad they’re leaving honestly. :dracthyr_shrug:

Bye, please don’t come back

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I came back to WoW so I can make a light forge warlock. I want to make an undead paladin next. Right now I have 2x Void Elf Holy Priests. Feels good.

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folks are leaving for far bigger reasons than that haha. You’re just part of another infinitesimally small rivulet leaking from the playerbase pond. There are countless rivulets joining up to create the steady exodus stream we have.

plus the biggest chunk of people that Really cared about lore probably jumped ship years ago

untrue we stay with hope

You didn’t even leave. You logged in on your DH yesterday. lol


The game must not suck that bad.

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I honestly can care less. I don’t even notice what race people are when running content 90 percent of the time.

The only race that matters to me is my own characters. Beyond that I could care less.

Also regardless of lore it makes for bad game design to have some classes like Warrior or Hunter that have the option of like 13 races. Then other classes like Paladin have like 4.

That’s just bad game design imo. Personally I hate being a blood elf. However I cannot do troll or tauren no boots. And I have no other options as a paladin. At least on horde side.

My hunter however can be BE, Orc, Mag har, Troll, Zan Troll, Nightborne, Tauren, Goblin, Vulpera, Panda etc etc

Just feels bad having so little options on one class then endless on the next.


So uh, which one is the succubus?

“The one with the horns…”


“The one with the horns and a tail”



Right I think they should open all class to all race. At this point race restriction is such an old game design

Just remove it.


The one with the skimpy leather outfit and the whip lol

I appreciate your stance.
You’re going to get a lot of haters because the only people that have stayed subbed to this game at this point and thusly able to respond to this thread are the ones with really low standards so far as lore, politics, grinds, pvp, etc.
They will defend this trash game to the death, they will make no sense, they will troll, they will seethe.

But yea, exclaiming all class/race combos will be available (which is already bad), then starting with the ones that don’t make sense and nobody wanted like tauren/rogue, draeni/lock, etc is just more insults to people who appreciated this game once upon a time.

Yet here you are, so addicted that you can’t stop spending your money on a game you don’t even like.

I just bought this sub yesterday with gold, for reasons :slight_smile: Thanks for having me!

Void Elf Paladins. Who do you blame? Blizzard for making it possible? Or players choosing to make one?

I’m sure if players learned the proper lore as they continued playing, they might not want to BE a Void Elf Paladin. Incidentally, proclaiming this would produce a wave of players leaving is reaching way too far from realism for my liking.

You’re suppose to blame the devs who make the decisions, not the consumers…
unless you work at kotaku or polygon I guess?


Speak for yourself; plenty of folk wanted Draenei locks since the concept entered their heads. Tauren Rogue is also perfectly fine and valid, as is Tauren Mage. The ‘lore’ ain’t hurt by their existence 'cause it doesn’t actually undermine anything. Dunno why you’ve got a stick up your bum about expanded player options, but go off I guess.

naw, I’ll continue to speak for the majority on this topic, and you can keep trolling on your alt, it’s all good :slight_smile:

I’m reminded of a bit from Kipling; “Ha’ done! Ha’ done! Put up the steel at your sides! This morn you struck at a border thief, tonight ‘tis a man of the Guides!”

‘Speak for the majority’ my guy, the Warlock forums lit up about this with positivity, people were going nuts that their options exploded.

Call it trolling if you want, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone leave a game over having more options to pick from. They usually, get this, just don’t pick the offending options.