Wow heading for another wave of player loss

I remember when dwarf rogues became a thing. I was one of the first players to create one and max him out. A lot of people, in-game, tried calling me out and saying I “don’t belong” or some such nonsense. Now, tauren rogues are kinda ridiculous, but it’s kinda humorous at the same time.

Hey, lets have the godlike Lich-King rolled up by the Forsaken’s castle Mom.
How about you can BE a dragon RIDING a dragon, yeah?
Lets fight beside Angels!
High elves are available? Lets give them to the horde.
The last incarnation of the light exists? Lets give it to the horde.
We just made the cutest fox people around, lets give them to the horde.
Everyone loves flying? Well lets get rid of that.

The list just goes on and on of questionable or even outright idiotic decisions in the development and management of the game.

The OP may well be right though. Not because Lightforged Warlocks are THE last straw. But perhaps because they are another wobbly wheel in a long wobbly line of them.

Things like that can fatigue players, make them question their purchases.

I know someone who just gave up at the Angels bit. They didn’t have a hate-fit or anything, they just lost interest.

And that’s how that goes, nice and quiet, tens and hundreds just drifting off to find something that interests them, trying to rekindle some sense of joy amid scratchy eyefulls of monotone glitter.

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“Dragonflight has been very underwhelming story-wise”

I was willing to entertain the topic untill this point but anyone who thinks Dragonflights story has been “underwhelming” either isnt paying attention and just posting to Troll or doesnt like Blizzards style of story telling. If its the second then fair enough, maybe you should play something else because you’re never going to be happy. The story and world building is the best its been since the end of Legion. The content updates and patch cadence is the best it has, literally, ever been. Giving more people the ability to play whatever class/race combo they want is exactly what the game needs and I pray its not long before factions are removed all together. This isnt the early 2000s, the VAST majority of people aren’t playing for the deep lore and meaning of things. Make a cool, shiny, understandable story with interesting characters that you can take part in in any way you want and you’ll keep modern players happy. If you want that deep lore, eveything has a meaning, everything is cut and dry, yes or no fantasy then maybe try some ARPGs. The days of Muh Immersion are in the past. Maybe try an Roll Playing Classic server?

Do you have any idea how much manpower and time it would take to balance/restructure all gear so that warriors could wear cloth and locks would wear plate?

That is not even remotely equivalent to allowing a new race for a class. Do you even hear yourself? This isn’t even apples to oranges, this is apples to magnificently appointed Tuscan villas.

I wouldn’t say it would cause a wave of player loss. However, I agree that these any race any class changes are terrible for the game.

You got new dev’s backstabbing the original devs and destroying the decades of established lore and story, just to appease an entitled generation who grew up getting participation trophies and were never told no.

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Whats cringe, is this post. lmao… it’s gotta be the dumbest thing I’ve read all day.

Most of this games lore was established before a song of ice and fire (GOT books). If anyone is copying game of thrones, it’s the younger employees working at blizz, you know, the people game of thrones is actually culturally relevant too, the ones more likely to be inspired by it.

You think THATS the reason people are leaving?
More customization?

Lots of reasons to leave.
Lots more reasons to hate Blizzard.

I don’t think anyone really left because Tauren Rogues or Orc Priests dare to exist now.


I would say this is race homogenization, not customization.

I mean I still play the game because I like my character and PvP is fun (and infuriating at the same time). But I don’t feel a connection to the game anymore. Alex Afrasiabi was a scumbag but at least he wouldn’t let this garbage fly.

This is my very simple answer. If you see this as an issue, make a guild or discord where people are only allowed to play class/race combos that make sense. If people join, Great! You habe tour own personal community that is catered to what you like. If nobody is into it, that most likely means that you are the only one who thinks this is a major issue

Ah yes, I too recall that every ancestry in Pathfinder is the exact same with zero notable differences. D&D as well, no differences between a Dwarf and an Elf there. No discernable differences in culture or anything, might as well be blank mannequins.

Having every member of a race be the exact same isn’t cultural ‘uniqueness’, it’s ‘stereotyping’.

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I dunno. I’m still shuddering from the memory of the first time I saw a female dwarf in Ironforge so many years ago — with no beard!

… but it was ok for them to be shadowpriests using void magic?

The lore went out the window years ago.

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I think this is the most sound positioning on this topic. They have made thousands upon thousands of changes over the years to the game. As well as various ret cons, a plethora of them in fact, since vanilla wow was out. I do remember the uproar about this a little bit. But this was the era before everyone had a smartphone and face book, and tik tok, and all that bullcorn.

While I am not a huge fan of these changes either, It isn’t going to make me quit. And I do feel like this would be a pretty petty thing to quit over in the first place for those who are quitting.

Alot of changes made to the game, for better or for worse. I mean, there are other mmos out there as well. If anything, this change adds more options to the game, and I think adding more options in general, is for the better. Now if only blizzard would add the original classic wow 1-60 overworld, and the original deadmines and shadowfang keep, original barrens, etc, back to the game. That would be amazing. But I will probably never have that option.

That is the issue to me. Over the years, more and more playstyles and options have been taken away from the game. Burning crusade automatically started changing core features, such as alterac valley having no PVE components to it anymore. That battleground was so much more fun in vanilla. And the 5 mans turned into loot halls from bc forward. I preffered the longer 5 mans.

But it is what it is. I still remember people being mad about world of warcraft being 15 bucks a month. Or that the next warcraft game was going to be an mmo to begin with. My point is, that, what changes that don’t cause players to quit today, will probably cause some uproar tommorow. I mean there has been so much that has been added, or changed, or deleted over the years. And the game either still tickles your fancy, or it no longer does.

As much as I don’t care for alot of the changes made over the years, I always find a way to work around it. And if retail isn’t cool anymore, then you have classic wrath or classic wow. I do wish blizzard would add a pristine realm option for retail wow though. That would be amazing.

When It comes to the lore, it honestly hasn’t made any sense to me since wrath. All lore after that seemed useless. Deathwing, was legit a dragon, that no one knew anything about, unless you read the books. And a couple of quests mentioned him to. The lore and the class race combos haven’t made any sense since wrath either.

I mean, the only reason arthas has any relevance in wow period, is because of his role in warcraft 3. Some dirtbag who had good intentions but decided to be stupid instead.

The main thing about wow to me that stood out, was how good the combat systems were. It was fun to play. Still is. It just feels like everything else is irrelavent to me. It was just really fun to play.

There is always a change or whatever that causes people to quit. And it’s like, ok, go ahead. And quit. It isn’t like working where we have to work to get a paycheck. I just see it as, if a change is made that doesn’t make sense to you. And you don’t like it. You can just quit. Not that hard. If that happens in my case, I sure won’t write an article on the wow forums about it lol. I would just silently quit and move on to other things.

Like maybe tears of the kingdom. Or some random other mmo. But so far, wow is still my go to game.

You say laughable, but here is an entire Forum of folks stating how displeased or “lame” this is. Are people going to quit over it, probably not. In Droves? Nah.

But. It is the endless pet issues, is why this game is in the state it is.
Trying to stay afloat.

And yet, more people are elated that this is happening. So the math still balances in favor of opening up class availability.

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I can see more people leaving over the wow token in wrath classic than this. But, at the same time, not really a whole lot.

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I have not read the replies to this thread (yet, anyway) but want to mention that lore is meant to grow and expand. It could be perfectly logical to have a group of unsatisfied “religious space goats” that want to embrace new and different ways. Lore is not meant to be a static backstory forevermore, but a storyline that grows and expands with changes that better gameplay and mechanics. A good story is great, but a good story is meant to grow too.

I personally felt excited at seeing the news for warlocks. I’ve wanted a draenei warlock since around Cata, long before the lightforged were playable. I think expansion of race/class combos can only better the game, but that’s just me.

They didnt they used the light so why can’t the opposite be true.

Can I have your gold

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