Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Everybody knows that the pet cause you personally care about is what causes massive player loss.

Like if blizzard doesn’t let me choose my pets spec again, the game will soon be on life support because so many people I know, who are totally real people, are ready to quit over it.

We’re holding our subscriptions over a ledge blizzard, Don’t think we won’t drop them!


Lots of people have, on this very forum even…

They aren’t gonna create a server just because you hate this thing. I’ve checked the comments on Wowhead and social media. You are the only one saying you’ll leave about it.


You are correct that people were not asking for void elf paladins before void elves were created. Well done. But since then plenty of people have advocated specifically for void elf paladins. Myself included. Working from the idea that naaru can fall into a void state, and blood elf paladins once drew their power by siphoning directly from a naaru. So it would be paladin mechanics with the lore that they were fighting with void power.


They’ve created classic servers for people who wanted to play classic style, instead of turning retail into classic. Why not do the same to people who wanna play warrior who casts totems and wears cloth ?

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Blizzard deserves most of the crap they get from us, but the last thing that people should be getting up in arms about is race/class restrictions being removed lol


The thing is, people enjoy the game in different ways. I for instance couldn’t care less about what they do to mythic+ or pvp, because I don’t play that part of the game unless I have a quest to do it. Still, I don’t go on and mock people who complain there is this or that wrong with those things. See for instance, people complaining about BFA because of azerite power and essences. BFA was a really cool expansion in many levels in my opinion…

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as a roleplayer i will be playing a lightforged draenei warlock.

thankfully im creative enough to come up with my own story as to why MY lightforged draenei became a warlock. it’s a very exciting opportunity to come up with a brand new story.

the players should have this type of control. not every single lightforged draenei is going to be exactly the same. i dont believe anyone mad about this actually cares about the lore. it seems like complaining just for the sake of complaining.


Lightforged eredar are a thing now with sargeras out of the way :hugs::innocent::smiling_imp::space_invader:


Classic had way more people requesting it. And it was for a whole different version of the game. You are just one guy. Blizz isn’t paying for a whole different version of the game yet again, for one guy.

And this isn’t Warriors who wear cloth and cast totems. You are thinking of a certain private server. This is everyone getting to be Warlocks.


While I think this is some of the dumbest stuff they do… people aren’t leaving because of some lore inaccuracy and/or a dumb combination. We already crossed that line with things like Tauren Rogues… only thing we can do is accept the idiocy.

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yawn, not all of us are limited in our creativity. MAYBE you don’t see a story there. that doesnt mean the rest of us do not either.


I think players leaving for lore reasons due to class/race combos is a really really small number of players. I also think OP is still going to play wow.


You do understand that just because they believe in the light and all that doesnt magically make then immune to being corrupted yet alone tempted by power which yea by lore i think fel magic is the more powerful


well if lore doesn’t matter anymore, might as well give paladins and holy priest some fel magic spells and maybe let hunters tame demons and give arcane spells to rogues


Meh, I already have a LFD DK.

I like the “shouldn’t be” combos.


I mean there is a lightforged demon so id assume the reverse can happen. Besides they have showen the light is willing to enslave a demon tried with illidan pretty sure warlock pets are kinda in the boat of being enslaved


where exactly did you see the light use fel, shadow and void magic to try to enslave illidan

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The introduction of the spacegoats ruined the lore aspect of the game for me. I actually didn’t play for most of BC because I didn’t want to see spaceships in a high fantasy game. I feel your pain but at the same time the lore has been wonky for a really long time now. Even Undead priests don’t make too much sense. It’s even worse now that every quest where I have to honor some ancestral ghosts seems pointless because they should have been judged by Pelagos or his predecessor.

Something that helped me enjoy (cope with?) the game more as a lore enthusiast was searching for parallels to real world phenomena, people and events. For example, diasporas create more plural societies where cultures mix and evolve. People in reality are also not entirely or necessarily bound to stereotypes about where they were born either. Not every American is a loud, gun-toting jingoist so why should, for instance, a young and impressionable Pandaren doing a study abroad in the Mage District in Stormwind completely eschew learning what warlocks have to offer? What if he believes that being a warlock and studying demons is a way to better understand the Sha? What if a Mag’har Orc thinks her people are stuffy and close-minded, blind to opportunities before them? What if she thinks that fel magic practiced by a Mag’har Orc may actually have different properties and applications than fel magic practiced a green Orc?

Imagine yourself as an Allied race setting foot in Stormwind or Orgrimmar for the very first time and then living and questing with all those Alliance/Horde races for years. You would absolutely think about your world in a different way, consider things you never would have considered before and totally have your mind blown!


Oh no,not the dreaded slippery slope fallacy!


Like I said, I don’t doubt that there are some who will leave due to differing lore opinions. But I suspect that gameplay mechanics are far more of a significant impact on the player base at large than lore ever will be. Bad lore usually just leads to people making fun of blizz like what happened at the end of BfA.