Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Nah the opposite, it will bring players in who got annoyed that their favorite race couldn’t be their favorite class. It’s annoying and unnecessarily limiting to have a crave or itch to be a certain combination but then the game blocks you from doing it.

I don’t care about this game’s story. It’s always been bad. It’s too clearly written by thirtysomething white males who tried to copy Game of Thrones instead of coming up with their own stuff. It’s cringe, and gameplay mechanics shouldn’t be bound to that. The game has always been fun of as a video game and not as a story, that’s always been Final Fantasy’s strong suit and not WoW’s.


hey special one, you just confirmed what i sadi hgih elves and blood elves are the same race you assclown sit down

inb4 C’thulu spacesquids…

Yea, definitely doesn’t fit the lore at all.

Maybe class change quests would make it appropriate? You have to start a Draenei caster class of some type, then at like level 20-30 you can start a quest that takes freaking forever but when you are done you can be a C’thulu spacesquid… (warlock)

I agree.

And it won’t be because people are consciously saying “I’m not playing anymore because of Lightforged warlocks”

No, it will be because the game will become more and more unrecognizable. Game will look messy. Pandaren Demon Hunters. Goblin Paladins. A mess.

Blizzard has created a WoW look that we all know and love over the years. It involves specific races and specific classes. That’s why there were restrictions in the first place — coherent world-building.

I don’t even care about lore. At all. I just care about a consistent setting. It’s a fantasy open-world game. Call me crazy, but I think part of the original appeal of a fantasy MMORPG is having an established world…

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If Draenei lock was all it took to kill the game…this forum wouldn’t even be here right now.

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The more I see more complaints of Draenei getting the Warlock class… the more it makes me want to make one of both types of Draenei Warlock.

I like the Draenei’s casting animations and intended to make at least one Draenei Warlock when they announced it. But now I’m thinking of making a LFD Warlock as well and RP as a WH40K-style Inquisitor.

I’ve wanted to play a Man’ari since TBC and now I finally can. Fingers crossed that the regular Draenei also get the Man’ari skin tones as an option.

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Okay but Undead Druids

If by wave you mean ripple.

You’ll be back liz lemon

Worgens monks got like 2 sentences from the new monk trainer in gilneas. I didn’t make it far enough to check class hall stuff. I wouldn’t expect much.

K thx bye, don’t forget to send me your gold on the way out.

I mean, there is nothing else to be said, right?

We have seen them since The Burning Crusade.

Some of us have been calling Blizzard out on this crap since WoW’s release. That is near 20 years worth of crusade against Blizzard’s horrible storytelling.

Draenei, lightforged or not, are by far the most minor offense and really is not as bad as people think it is. People have just gotten in their heads that fel and light are exclusives, and that races are somehow total monoliths.

Regardless, inconsistency is on brand for blizzard anyway, after almost 20 years, one would think you knew this.


Yes! While I’m against most the expansion of the Warlock class, the almost no effort they put into rationalizing these is appalling.

To be fair, SL ruined any significant lore this game had left

Beautifully worded. I found it to be the case with the void elf questline.

Warlock doesn’t mean evil. it uses a different style of mana but doesn’t mean evil in nature. This is stupid people can’t understand principles behind stuff and assume that light = good and dark = bad while we have seen how light forces itself on people when they choose not to go with it.

I’m just super hyped for panda warlocks

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Lore has not mattered since cataclysm let it go.

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Oh yes, WAVES of people will leave because more races can be other classes now


If lore was what made me play this game I would have quit a while ago. Dragonflight is probably the first expansion where I completely ignored quest text though.

More classes for more races is a good change in my book. I’ll be memeing that we got lightforged warlocks before night elf paladins until the ends of days however…

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Yea, this is ridiculous. Claiming there will be loads of players leaving the game because of warlock draenei is just plainly petty.

The lack of arguments to justify this is absurd.

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