Wow heading for another wave of player loss

And that’s one of the reasons for why the lore sucks now days. Blizzard can do whatever they want to it, players only care about how they’ll get their next purple gear pices.

Who deserves to be mocked are players of a RPG that do not care about the most important thing for the genre: lore. Yes, it’s also an MMO, but it’s still essentially a RPG.

The fact that YOU treat lore as a meme but play on a roleplaying server, where the majority of players roleplay and care about lore (since lore is the starting point for any roleplay), is also something to be mocked.

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WoW is barely an RPG. The Lore has been dead for years now.

Class restrictions being broken down is good for the part of the game that actually matters.

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Anyone that doesn’t care or sugar coat this kind of thing is literally being one of the reasons for why the game has falling down hill. One of the main things that made WoW different and unique from other MMORPGs was its lore, its complexity, even with story problems. The inconsistencies in the lore that we see since WoD and that ridiculously culminated in SL are the reflexes of a soulless team that only care about profit and a community that is more divided than Alliance and Horde. We saw the problems of the borrowed systems during BfA and SL, but there was still people defending Blizzard. We saw the inconsistencies in the lore with the Sylvanas + Zovaal plot, but there was still people defending it. Now we see Taurens being Rogues, Lightforger Draenei being Warlocks, and there are still people defending it. No matter how bad things are, people will always defend Blizzard. Those people only care for their purple gear pieces, how they get them and big numbers on the screen. If these things are not good enough, then they leave the game.

For anyone that doesn’t comprehend the problems of these new class + race combos to the lore, there goes a “brief” explanation for each one of them:

Lightforget Draenei are infused with Light, their bodies are basically made of Light and flesh. They spent a hundred thousand years fighting demons on the Twisting Neather. Demons for them are what undeads were to the Scarlet Crusade. They would never even think to touch Shadow/Void/Fel even if it was to fight fire with fire. Yes, a Lightforged Draenei being Shadow Priest is already against the lore, since their own bodies wouldn’t accept the Shadow/Void energy. They’re incompatible, Shadow/Void would hurt their bodies just like Light hurts undead (yes, undeads feel pain whenever they use or are healed by Holy/Light magic because of their necromantic nature, but still can use it because they’re not totally infused by Shadow magic). The only reason for we have Lightforged Draenei is gameplay, since it seems to be impossible for Blizzard to block a spec for a specific race.

Mag’har Orcs are orcs uncorrupted by Fel magic. That’s all the difference between them and the regular Orcs that we have since Classic. The use or simply prolonged exposition to Fel magic turn the Orcs’ skin green, that’s the reason Warcraft and WoW orcs have green skin: they have all being exposed to Fel magic or even consumed it. Culturally, a Mag’har Orc would never be a Warlock because they’re from the AU Draenor, they saw what Fel magic can do to their people from the enemies they fought during WoD. A Mag’har Orc Warlock would quickly turn into just another green skinned Orc like many others in Azeroth.

Void Elves Paladin share the same problem of Lightforged Draenei, just switch Light for Void. They’re bodies are literally infused with Void energies. Lorewise, they also shouldn’t be able to be Discipline and Holy Priests, since their bodies wouldn’t accept the Light, it would hurt or even kill them. Take Turalyon and Alleria for example, when they tried to touch each other in the Audio Drama and both felt and excruciating pain. Or when Turalyon crossed through a Void rift with Alleria and felt the same pain. Turalyon is literally a Lightforged Human, what he felt would be felt by any other Lightforged being, and the same would be applied to any Void infused being. Undead Paladin sounds weird but are 100% more viable than a Void Elf Paladin. A Undead Paladin would just be a former Human or any other race that haven’t lost their faith in the Light and managed to wield it even in undeath, just like Undead Priests. Actually, we even have some Undead Paladins in the Argent Crusade, if I’m not mistaken.

Tauren Rogues are the most obvious and stupid of all. Their too big, that’s all. It doesn’t sound like big reason, but it is. Rogues are stealth professionals. They sneak around in the shadows to do whatever they have to. Now tell me, how a 6-7 feet tall Tauren with hooves bigger than a male Draenei’s and with bull snort breathing would silently sneak around in stealth? Did you know that Taurens were actually supposed to be gigantic, according to their accurate height from Warcraft III, but had their height decreased due to in-game problems such as passing through doors? Now imagine one of those giant Ogres with two heads walking stealthy and suddenly appearing behind you with a knife on each hand. That’s what Tauren Rogues looks like.

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Yes, the lore is dead. But it doesn’t mean we had to kick and spit on the corpse.

Class restrictions are a problem when they have no reason at all, like Hunter for Gnomes. But some of them are necessary to keep the magic and immersion of the game, like Humans from Stormwind not being able to be Shaman because it’s literally not part of their culture, they don’t give a thing about the elements. Allowing some races to be new classes with explanations are also acceptable, like Dwarf Shamans of the Wildhammer clan because of their respect for the elements, Orc Priests because of the Human religion’s influence/indoctrination, etc. But others are just a disrespect with the lore of the race and the game as a whole.

Class restrictions being broken barely change the game for players that don’t care about the lore, but ruins the game for players that do. I don’t know if it would created another wave of player loss, since many players nowadays don’t give a thing about lore (just like the dev teams), but it would definitely affect many player.

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People actually complaining about Mag’har warlock’s when Thrall’s Horde was full of them by classic. Y’know. The Horde whose foundation was being freed from demonic control just let warlocks squat in the city because Blizzard wanted another class.

Troll and Forsaken priests too. Because letting the Alliance have two exclusive classes was too much. And don’t give me that “Holy/Disc spec isn’t canon!!!” Nonsense.

Gameplay can and should always come first. Preserving what “lore” is left is the action of someone who’s desperately clinging to something that’s long gone.

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Dude, take a breath. Maybe take a break from this game for a couple of days. You are too invested in a game. It can’t be healthy to be this angry over something so trivial.

…and if you didn’t quit when Blizzard absolutely shredded the lore with Shadowlands, i doubt you’ll actually quit now.


But the mega dungeons are always wildly popular

I mean I hate this change, but I’m not going to quit the game over it. I’m sure there are literally dozens of you, but I’d also bet there’s a lot more people who are going to roll maghar or lightforged warlocks.

Cy@ don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya

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Bye Felicia


I mean some Catholic priests do just that

That was before zones scaled to your level now can full complete lots of zones before hitting 60 and going to the dragon isles

You can use the fel and then the light to purge the corruption. You don’t even have to be “Eredar” for it (although the rp’ers around SW will still be them in all their pink glory).

Void and Light are not opposites, but appear on the same spectrum and in the words of A’dal “One cannot have void without the light.” So a void elf paladin is probably fine

Undead can use serious will to live and use light ala class hall

Mechagnome druids, however, kinda tick me off

And the Light itself is just a force of magic; I dunno why anyone would worship it but whatever. A lot of the in-game lore reads how a teenager would write about a magical universe anyway so why not open it up a bit ?

This is the attitude that makes Wow what it is today.
Keep saying the “You won’t be missed line”
Gonna run out of people to say that to one day…

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I hope you recover from this stressful situation. :roll_eyes:

Turalyon can’t touch Alleria when she goes void form which doesn’t bode well for a void elf paladins general well being, hopefully they get some kinda cool void knight cosmetics (with normal gold abilities as a glyph or quest or somethin) to make it go down smoother.

imo Paladins can fit virtually any race that has some kind of religion, it just needs to be tailored to be appropriate so we avoid stuff like night elves reading bibles and throwing hammers at people. Which isn’t impossible, its just dull

Why is it that some people think that because THEY dont like something then everyone else should be limited by THEIR beliefs? Because I mean if YOU dont like it then no one else can either right? GAME PLAY MECHANICS =/=EQUAL LORE!

There’s plenty of reasons making players leave the game.

Lightforged Draenei being warlocks isn’t even among the top ten.

Something that totally wouldn’t happen to a 20 year-old game eventually anyway.

I know people like to pretend that their pet issue with the game is why players are guaranteed to quit in droves, but opening up class/race restrictions has to be one of THE most laughable reasons imaginable.