Wow heading for another wave of player loss

The lore is ridiculous.

The story progression is full of lazy macguffins. Not the least of which is the constant reliance on corruption which allows lazy storytelling by removing the strength and agency of the main characters to fill whatever plot hole they feel like digging for themselves.

I’m willing to bet way fewer people care than you think.

Wave? Hardly. The only people who leave are folks stuck on the old lore unwilling to adapt and except change. Also they strangely seem them selves as the masses when in reality they are the minority.

The truth is there has been more new players are coming and old players are returning than people leaving. Those who troll the forums and dont play the game are unhappy. Those who are actually busy playing the game are content.

This person gets it

Where are the statistics for that? Did Blizzard start releasing subscription numbers again?


This is actually a false statement.


If you cant tell in game alone you are blind as a bat. All 3 servers I play on are more active than they have been in years. Same with the Warcraft fakebook groups I am a member of. Shadowlands felt dead across all platforms. Dragonflight feels more revived and active.

Are there people leaving the game? Of course. Its a 19 year old game. 19 years buddy. But its far more lively then it was in the last expansion

But then you have some people who are not happy unless they can be the doomcaller. But its ok sit there in your tin foil hat. No one is taking it away

Sounds like a cop out to me. Numbers or it didn’t happen. And my server isn’t nearly as populated as it used to be even if that metric were acceptable, which it isn’t. You don’t have proof and you’re just lobbing insults at me to hide that.

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You sound so miserable. If your not happy to be here then why are you here? This isnt a job you have to come into. Its a service you pay for. No one is twisting your arm to be here. If you dont like the food at the restaurant just dont eat there?

I dont know what else to tell you. I dont know about you but I dont often pay for things I dont enjoy. I mean you dont sound happy. Why stay?

Yes they sure do… seriously enough to think lightforged warlocks are the first instance of questionable lore alignment :rofl:

Most people aren’t mocking the act of caring about lore in itself. Role play all you wish. Care about lore as you wish.

We’re mocking the choice of hill to fight on and your perception of how many people are on that hill with you.

This is nowhere near the first instance nor the most offending change “against” previous lore. Lightforged warlocks are extremely benign compared to other lore breaking content.

See: ardenweald reframing everything we thought we know about emerald dreamers.

See also: night elf mages just existing at all wayyyy back in cata.

You can care about lore, but if lightforged lock’s are your “final straw“, then you don’t truly “care about lore”

When you chose to play a ~20+ year old game, you should do so expecting some lore may not align.


I love this game and have been playing since vanilla. I do hate certain aspects of the game and rue the direction it is going. It’d suck to resort to leaving because Blizz refuses to fix the stuff that’s wrong so the game can continue to be fun. It’s like watching a friend slowly die of cancer or something.

No its really not. Its nothing like that. That analogy is ludicrous. You could not have picked a worse analogy . You have to stay by a friends side. You dont have to pay for a game you no longer enjoy. The day I stop having fun? Is the day I cancel my sub my self. Sub loss is how Blizzard tracks if the expansion is a success or failure. Its all a company understands. Wow is a service you pay for. You no longer enjoy it? Dont pay for it

This is the reality of the situation


Are you seriously comparing your dissatisfaction with a video game with a person dying of cancer? Do you know how unhinged that sounds?


100% this

If he or she honestly sees it that way? Then they beyond addicted. To the point where its considered a mentally unhealthy addiction. So much so that he or she doesn’t even see it. Put simply he or she is not ok and needs to seek out counseling.


Well considering Demons and Fel go hand in hand it’s kind of difficult to explain a Ligh infused being being able to be a warlock, but the Void Elf Paladin, that’s not too far off.

You have Void Elf Warriors who have mastered void energy’s and gameplay wise it’s just a Paladin with minimal work done on the dev end to introduce it.

Now, if we had to be picky, it would be real nice if every race had one race specific spec that only they could be, Void Elves could have Void Knights which play in some way similar to Dark Knights in FF14 where you use your dark energy to harm/heal in a way like a Blood DK+Dark Knight Mix.

Mag’har could have the true Shaman tank spec as well as Dranei since their roots are from Draenor.

Lightforged could have like, Uber Paladins that could be the Holy opposite of the Void Elves Knight.

Blood Elves could get their remaining High Elf population to be Spell Breakers.

The list goes on, but it would be fun and cool to do so. Homogenization is not always a good thing even if it means access for all races, you still want some uniqueness in the game. Washing everything down to the same just leaves the environment lore stale and boring.

Wrong. It’s one in a long line. That doesn’t mean some people aren’t going to be upset.

There’s zero reason to mock anyone for anything. One of many hills and you have no idea how many people. It also doesn’t matter.

This is a ridiculous comment and doesn’t even make sense. It’s one in a long line of issues. No one cares more or less because this one bothers them.

Get over it. People are going to be upset about many things. People have been in the past, they will in the future. You don’t get to judge anyone. No one does. Move on.

Wait till Bill Gates gets his hands on this game it will be like candy crush ticktock

People who quit over something like this were pretty much done with the game anyway.

Stop your whinging. Whinge whinge whinge whinge.

I get really annoyed when Blizzard butchers lore, but I get more annoyed when adults whine about it without putting two seconds of thought into how they could actually make it lore relevant. As far as paladins go they are blessed by the lights and channel the light, yes. But why couldnt a paladin exist that channels the void instead? We have an entire race now that does so without going insane. And for lightforged warlocks…lightspawn exist, and Lothraxion is technically one of the “demon” races but he is infused with the light. So there could be lore relevant warlocks that summon creatures of the light instead of demons.

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They’re letting the most succubus looking race play a class with a succubus. LFD also have really nice looking customizations.

Lore fully aside I really think this is a hook and not something people are going to vacate for. For the majority of people on this planet aesthetics > fictional rules. That’s why blood elf druids have been the most requested race/class combo since TBC.

Probably been said earlier in this thread but I’m not going to comb 500 posts for it

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People have in the past and they ever made a lot less of a fuss about it than they are right now.

Cry more. Anybody who would seriously leave over fake goat people and fake zug people being able to be warlocks has bigger issues.

Void Elf and Forsaken Paladins would be a good thing. The lore of WoW has ALWAYS been a meme and anyone who takes it seriously deserves to be mocked.