Wow heading for another wave of player loss

I believe it’s on the Lightforged trainer.

Ah, thank you for the link. I haven’t see a Lightforged Trainer yet.

BUT I did read the link that was shared. I haven’t seen that quest yet, but I firmly believe a good chunk of it is made up by that poster. Who has been causing a massive panic stir in this thread as well.

Reason why I say this, is that WoWhead DOESN’T have an article on it yet for one, which we all know they would’ve made by now on it, since they made one covering Goblin Monks and Orc priests as soon as they hit PTR.

But also, the Warlock combos aren’t even available on the 10.1.5 PTR yet.

Someone posted a link to the image of what the trainer says. It may be buried by now, but let me see if I can find it. :slight_smile:

Edit: found it! Thank you, phone history. LOL

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Well, it IS PTR.

Pretty much take anything with a grain of salt. But it does consist of the general feel that people are used to at this point.

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oh sweet.

Honestly THAT guy’s quest text alone doesn’t sound bad. We know people often get additional powers that are considered bad or volatile and combine it with their own to use it against their enemies.

Fel and Shadow are usually the forces that are used like this.

But based on that one guy’s thread, I am REALLY hoping that’s not the actual quest chain.

I thought the quest chain was for unlocking imps. I didn’t know there was a quest chain for anything else.

But personally, that trainer’s response is extremely generic and doesn’t really address what Lightforged are. Which… makes me wonder how they ignored bron and green skin on orcs. Did we just retcon that? I don’t know. :woman_shrugging:

Fel isn’t evil. It’s just the other side of the (balanced) scales.

It’s chaos. I don’t think anyone said outright it’s evil. If they did, it’s wrong. lol

Lightforged are any beings with an initial strong connection to the light, who embrace/accept it into their bodies in order to become mutated by it, and therefore can never age again. At least based on the official Turalyon story we got in Legion.

Which we know all Draenei are inherently connected with the light as the Na’aru have saved them from planet to planet.

We also know MOST Lightforged Draenei in universe, are the Draenei who were left behind by Velen and Na’aru on all the worlds they jumped between.

So that guy’s statement is rather scholarly about how the light doesn’t always keep everyone safe/alive and each time more and more are left behind.

Another forum oracle that is able to make sweeping judgements about how other people will feel and act, based entirely on how they feel about an issue. Most people would say that’s stupid.


(SPOILERS) So the Lightforged who eventually turns down the gift of fel is the lore basis for others to accept it? Which he is the only one to survive this debaucle…

Again, make it make sense.

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You been hiding under a rock the last decade?

We don’t know for SURE if Junzo’s post is true or not yet.

But for the lore, a Warlock in WoW is anyone who was once a mage, and seeks more power. Through Fel or Shadow usually, as those are typically the more taboo power sources.

So they could angle it that way, as there are Shadow using Lightforged already in game, oddly enough.

But who knows for certain.

OP quoted the Lightforged description, how they’re infused with Light to fight again Evil, alluding the fact that Lightforged Warlocks are contradictory because Warlocks = Evil.

Look at the Black Harvest, a community of Warlocks that banded together during Legion and fought alongside the other Class halls to overcome the Legion. Warlocks worked with the LF Dranaei.

No… it’s more that Lightforged pledged themselves completely to the Light to fight the demons and the Legion— including their brethren who fell to becoming demons. Not because Warlocks are evil.

make eredar draenei and have them only be warlocks and w/e else they can be in lore.
or give alternate color for lf draenei in red, so people can pretend they are the eredar lol
probably the easiest way next to adding some text or w/e but that’s my idea.

Red Draenei: -tries to walk around Stormwind-
Guards, mistakeably: “DEMON! SLAUGHTER IT!”

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I’m so excited for the potential dialogue Draenei Warlocks get.

I love being a Void Elf and walking into the Cathedral of Holy Light, just to get their collective ire, lmao.

Gotta keep the altar boys busy cleaning scorch marks off the floor.

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hey the dracthyr came flying in unannounced with the other dragon that helped killed your king and all they get is snarky replies. for we all know the red draenei will have the red carpet pulled out for them lol