Wow heading for another wave of player loss

YASSS please

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People definitely care about lore and Blizzard knows they do, which is why dragonflight is so lore heavy. That being said i dont think this is really contradicting lore or really the nature of war and people.
The whole argument is based on the idea that light is “Good” and Fel is “evil” and that is even what is described by the Lightforged description. They put it into binary terms and polar opposites that are not accurate. Ever since Vanilla, this has shown not to be the case. A better way of looking at it would be Light is conviction on your actions. The Scarlet crusade have never really been about being “good” for example, they are not good people but they have the conviction that they are doing what is necessary. While “Fel” is more a manifestation of raw strength to do what you want to do. Illidan is the perfect example of a character that is not evil but uses Fel magic. He isnt good either, but he is definitely not evil.

You also have to take into account why the burning legion and the light were at war. They were not at war because Fel and Light are opposites, they were at war because Sergeras saw what the void lords had planned and decided the best way to fight the void lords was by leveraging the power of Fel, they are not exclusive to each other and we see this in game. We have light infused demons and we know that the Naaru wanted to light infuse Illidan, so we know it is possible. We also know that even if they were opposing forces, they can still coexist, you have life and death coexisting and shadow and light coexisting, so even if they were opposites, there is no lore reason that they cant coexist together.

History also shows that just because someone has seen someone else as an enemy in the past, it doesnt mean they always will. Many Westerners integrate themselves into Japanese society after WWII for example.

So, the lore before Vanilla established that: Light by nature is not necessarily good and Fel by nature is not necessarily evil, it also establishes that they were in conflict because of Sergeras, not because of the cosmology chart. Later lore establishes that opposite forces can coexist and there are both characters that have a Fel nature yet are light infused. There is no reason to think that a character could not be Light in nature and become Fel infused.


Dude you complain about lore yet say we want high elves when blood elves are high elves. Just leave already and stop crying over ridiculousness clown

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They don’t care about lore or game integrity. Opening it up to more races means more race change cha-ching for them.

But can you be surprised when they’ve already been destroying the faction divide just to hide bad que times and server imbalance?

I mean you can still restrict yourself if you feel like it. Why should others get restricted though. With disguises I can play stuff like dranei warlock right now if I main a blood elf for example.

It’s really nice to just pick the race you want to play though. The eredar toy and the orb of deception on blood elves right now is the only way to play the cool warlock race.

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Dude. Undead druids. Been saying this since lk. Zombie animals please!

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Someone made these and I think they are cool. Rot druids would be nice. We are seeing more rot stuff in Dragonflight.

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If you can say this and believe it, then you don’t know the lore of the game.

Blood Elves and High Elves are two separate peoples culturally at this point, with one being strictly Alliance and Half Elf based.

When they say High Elves, they mean the faction (which is what we play really in WoW, not the races).

Aside from that, I don’t believe that Class/Race restrictions should be a thing.

Do your research, you can’t do ANY QUE activities with Cross Faction.

Didn’t wanna quote the whole thing. But you also have to consider that it is a KNOWN WoW tactic to learn/study magic of the enemy, in order to win. We’ve seen this with the Elven races most frequently.

Sorry. You’re wrong. In WoW belves are whats left of the high elves. They chanfed their name after the sunwell was corrupted. Its literally in the game and in the lore. Cope soecial ed and dont @ me again lmao

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Bro seriously who cares. Every class should be availavle to every race, lore locked classes are stupid in modern MMOs

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No, the game lore is that 90% of the High Elves died, and 9% of the remaining Elves renamed themselves to be Blood Elves. The 1% kept the name High Elf, and stayed with the Alliance. Often having kids with humans. See the likes of Alleria and Varessa Windrunner, as well as Arathor.

They are VERY distinct and have lore presence through out the entire game, including more recently in BfA, and before that in Suramar as their own people.

Calling people mentally disabled because they know more about a video game’s lore then you do, is incredibly sad, and abelist of you.

Lore wise I don’t think Light-based races should have fel-based classes.
But in the end, it’s just a GAME.
I’m not going to lose any sleep over this issue.

Well I know of a hundred people who are coming back because they’re opening up warlock to all races. So your point is invalid.

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I can see you’re incapable of reading and have no intention of a conversation. Why even respond to me with such nonsense?

You know people who are (although the lying was unnecessary), I know people who quit. That doesn’t invalidate anything. Especially the absolute statement of “no one is” when some did. And absolutely everyone matters— those that are coming back, those that are leaving, all of us. What did you even think you’d get out of the dismissive attitude?

Learn to have a conversation, please. Good day.

People are dismissive when the change being made don’t have an effect on them. The moment it does, the attitude takes a total 180.

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Not attacking you directly here or anthing.

But as I’ve said before in this thread, Blizzard does provide lore for pretty much every unconventional Class/Race Combo out there.

Just recently they added in Goblin Monk and Green Orc Priest Lore, to help explain how the monks and priests of those races work. Even if visually they use a different spell animation (ie: Green Orc Priests using Light instead of a form of Kyrian or even Maw like Anima, that would more closely match their lore).

But they also added in lore for playable Troll Druids and Night Elf mages back in Cata. On top of the fact that Goblin Shamans SHOULD by alrights be an abomination, yet they made for lore that.

So ANYONE that is jumping ship right now because “no lore for it” is just jumping the gun. I guarantee that Blizz will wright up lore for each of them that fits that race. Just that it might not visually match the lore animation wise.

Nope. Someone posted a rough cutout of the questline on the PTR and it basically boiled down to “Nethrezim shenanegans made all of this possible and everyone just kinda went with it”.

By the way, in case you weren’t following the lore (because you probably weren’t), the Nethrezim abandoned the Legion and followed Denathrius, whose grand scheme consisted of stockpiling anima from everyone, not fel.

They may be jumping ship for the poor lore given or because they just hate it regardless. ::shrugs:: It’s fine. They can. It’s their decision. I personally may quit anyway, because they didn’t really address Lightforged in the “new lore.” It was glossed over.

Some get to final straws. That’s fine. Others don’t care. That’s fine, too.

The issue is people belittling others for their feelings.

If people are okay with this and looking forward to it, I have no problem with that. If myself or others quit over it, I have no problem either.

Eventually, we all have reasons we stop playing. :slight_smile:

Do you by chance have a link to this? I’ve not encountered it yet on the PTR.

I know people are making somethings up from PTR as well. For instance I’ve seen some claim that the Black Aspect was leaked from the Evoker Talents. But that Icon is literally just a Bland Dracthyr, not an actual Dragon, and not one with noticeable features.

Which new lore glossed over the Lightforged? I haven’t seen it yet most likely, which is why I ask.

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This thread pretty much posts the breakdown.

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