Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Yeah, but corruption is a thing. Just like the undead can be holy priests and be pure hearted.

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How many active players do you think still play this game approximatey?

Lol, I mean the lore characters in the dialog post-raid.

It’s because they were being painted as desperate for power then. Willing to do anything for it. Eventually that power was used to bless the well restoring it, allowing them to realize their wrong-doings.

But really TBC story has some major issues, major flaws. It’s this has to happen for this other thing to happen sort of plot driven storytelling.

And I mean WoW story was never not comic book grade, but it was beyond in TBC, lol.

You know what? I just got out of Normal Aberrus. We died over and over and over again because the tanks insisted on swapping on the Amalgamation Chamber bosses instead of having DPS swap. They screwed the swap up each time and then kicked every person who pointed it out, telling them to uninstall the game and play Fortnite because they were so “bad.”

This, right here, is what is killing the game. It’s the lack of civility in this game and there is no moderation. It’s 2023 and people are still playing this game like they haven’t grown up, and Blizz doesn’t care. So many other MMOs don’t have this problem. The story is OK, the theme is OK. Why should people put up with toxicity on top of it all because Blizz refuses to evolve as a company and actually moderate their game.


Hilarious… if you cared about lore then you’d be upset at more than just the last two xpacs. Night elf mages happened in cata and I’m certain you could find beginnings of retconned lore in wrath or BC.

Lore hasn’t mattered for a decade or more. Next.


I get what you are saying. I didn’t like the idea of Blood Elf Pallys, I got over it. Also +1 for Hunters taming demons, I would put a point into that skill.

The ability to play a Lightforged Draenei warlock has probably cost the game at least 750 million players.

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6.9 billion players lost. All because a glowy goat learned how to make green flame. No disaster in universal history can compare. Not even the Zawlek Catastrophe of 419 DKP.


60% of the time LFD Warlocks are right all the time.

I was just in Darkmoon Faire at 10 before 9am EDT on a Saturday and it was emptier than I’ve ever seen on a Sat since DMF island was dropped. It could be that my server group is just in a dead shard, I dunno.

I can’t wait to make my Eredar (Dranei Warlock), i just wish there was a red skin option for them so I could truly look the part

no one cares about Lightforged Draenei

everything can get fel as seen in game and in lore. no ones safe.

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I plan to roll a Lightforged Drain-eye on an RP server and just stand in Stormwind at level 1 so I can make all the nerds seethe about the fact I exist. Lol nerds!


No one else is leaving because of more player options.

No one asked
No one cares
Sacrifice more, dh
Post less
Fall off
Please leave
Stay gone

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If your going to leave, just leave, not trying to speak for everyone, but we don’t care. Goodbye

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All these trolls trying to convince me that a hundred million billion people don’t care about Lightforged Draenei being able to be warlocks. Well they’ll see when Blizzard goes out of business over this.

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Blizzard’s gonna go double-bankrupt 'cause shiny goats got to do demon things. 8932 quadrillion players don’t lie, and they vote with their WALLETS.

Sad to see so much people mocking those who actually care about the lore.
I don’t care about raids and dungeons, i just enjoy outdoor contents and story, it’s not a reason for me to disregard those who like these contents.

Regarding Lightforged warlock and Void elves paladins, there is an easy fix:

  • Lightforged warlock: Replace every fel spells with a more aggressive variant of the Light.
    As for the demons, make them Lightforged demons like Lothraxion.
  • Void elves paladins: Turn every Light spells into Void spells.

We got the class with a way to make it fit with the lore and it adds variety. Everyone win.

But it requires Blizzard to do additionnal works outside of the copy/past but when it comes to the RP side of the game, they are very lazy.

I on the opposite end, I could care less about the lore & barely tolerate it in quests. I’d be far more inclined to quit if they added more lore. We each play for our own reasons and have our own dislikes as well.