Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Blizz has weighed the potential losses against the potential gains, retentions, increased playtime, and shop sales and determined the folks who want an action game with cosmetic skins is the safest bet. They’re probably right.


Let other people have fun. It’s not that hard. Will i ever make that race/class combo? No. Am I glad others who want to can? Absolutely.


tbh i cant help but feel if you cancel your sub over races being some classes than you where looking for a reason to leave in the first place.

stop being a baby.


Clearly you haven’t seen how many Tauren Rogues there are now lol. I’ve already started thinking of my Tauren Warlock name.

Source? Stats? Data? Thanks in advance.

Oh no, the perfect flawless lore!

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Just for the record, I think borrowed power is fun.

I respect that you and others play for the lore. But I think you are VASTLY overestimating the amount of people who do. People want to have fun and have a character they like. A vast majority of players are casuals who don’t even probably watch or understand the cut scenes.

What this does is open the game up for more players not less. And they’ve already said there will be lore quests and explanation surrounding it.

I think this is a good thing. I want more inclusivity not more division.

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Oh no! Another doom and gloom post!

You’re right, from a lore perspective it doesn’t make any sense. But also, it’s a fantasy game with fantasy world stuff. Let people have fun.

And yeah, sure, WoW is probably going to lose players. Players leave all the time. The game will eventually die, but that likely won’t happen for a very long time. If we got as many “I’ve joined the game and I love it” posts as we get diaper baby adults whining about how much they don’t enjoy WoW anymore, we’d have a much more positive community.

Then again, if all you doom and gloomers leave, maybe the rest of us will finally be able to play in peace.

Any source for this?

there’s one on the ptr already.

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Nobody making a thread like this is quitting WoW, let alone anyone else.

Im looking forward to Belf shammy myself.

Gib gold plz

Trivial players are known for exiting WoW. They dont play the main pillars… dungeons, raid and PvP. They can easily get bored with the limited content they play.

I mean, if they didn’t leave for Tauren rogues… I’m not sure I buy the premise that any sort of significant numbers are preparing to leave.

Lol, When was the last time Blizz gave two flying craps about lore. I’m honestly more shocked you’re still here if this is causing you such pain.

Like, yes it’s dumb af from a lore perspective. But, so were all the other class/race changes or art changes or story changes etc etc. Why now? Why is THIS the last straw of all things :rofl:

I’m reading this and honestly, I don’t really care. In the sense. I feel Blizzard (under Lord Activision) have already destroyed this once rich lore world, I wouldn’t even mind at this point if they shut down wow for good and totally started over or at least made three new smaller game worlds and actually then stuck with whatever they make from there.

Druid personally. Gimme that lynx form :joy:


Maybe we were finding ways to excuse or justify it for the last two expansions and we’re tired of it. Ever think of that?

People can say gameplay > lore all they want, but you can’t tell a story off of gameplay and expect it to be believeable forever.