Wow heading for another wave of player loss

I’m surprised the final straw for you wasn’t Lightforged Draenei being able to play as a shadow priest.

Though even lore wise, from my understanding. Light Magic serves neither good nor evil. It is summed by mere emotions, willpower or faith. It resides within every living being, good or bad. The light can even be called upon by undead, with there being both priest and at least one undead paladin.

I really don’t believe anything light infused or void infused can purely just be within than magic. Infusion Is a sort of ritual, a faith to that magic and its ways. What’s to say that faith cannot be lost and who are we to say what happens if it is? I would not doubt one bit if one was able to draw from Light and Void even Chaos. After all, from my limited understanding. The biggest limitations of which power one harnesses seems to be devotion and how easily one could connect with it.


That may be, but he like the Fel infused Nathrezim is biologically changed by the power he’s infused with. This is alluded to in their books as well. Loyalty might not change, but the body certainly did.

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Oh come on. Don’t be such a bore. If you behave, I might just let you skewer one of those Demons and Chaosbolt them as a Draenei warlock! :o:


And lore wise? Didn’t we have those Draenei heads of a slain Draenei around a warlock artifact weapon. Light or Darkness, it depends on the wielder. If the Lightforged wield the power of the chaos to fight darkness, nothing wrong with it. As long as in essence, they remain followers of the Light. And I doubt that people dropping due to one small like this would really matter. :flushed:

When it really mattered lore wise, was probably SL with the whole Sylvanas ordeal. And maybe BFA too with how they were writing their stories, I saw lots of RP’ers complaining. The ones who loved lore went to classic by the way. That’s what I noticed trend wise. So not like Bliz was losing subs, probably just expansion sales. :sleepy:

Though I wanna add in hindsight. A modification of Lightforged Draenei would have been awesome! So they used Lightbolts instead of Chaos bolts and all the spells were more light oriented. Would keep everyone happy, probably? Doubt it, there’s always someone unhappy. :o:

That would be, because it was accepted as a game-play nessecity. The other specs fit for the Race. The Devs even said “Void Elves are Shadow Priests”, “Lightforged are Holy / Disc”. In that scenario you can’t deny a spec based on race. You have to accept that those spec combos are just players lore-breaking, but not tied to the actual lore itself.

Not so in this case. You can and should deny an entire race the class when the story is calibrated on it changing the race into another already playable race. A Mag’har Orc Warlock is a Regular Orc Warlock.

A Fel-Forged Draenei is a Man’ari or perhaps a Draenei like Thal’kiel.

Small but important differentials.

Insert Grumpy Cat “Good!” Meme here XD Void knights FTW

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Lore is a snore.
I will never understand people who play a game soley for a story, when the game is not advertised as a story game.
if you want a better story, FFXIVs is miles better, and actually immerses you into the lore and story more, rather than just reading some quests and a very rare cinematic.

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We desperately need mecha-gnome Druids

*Void Elf Druids, with Nightmare forms

Fixed it for you, lmao.

Although Mecha-gnome druids would be interesting to see, and I’m excited to see what they’ll look like.

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Request Mods ban every person who reported OP. It’s an attempt at Heckler’s Veto.

It’d be like transformers meets wow

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You don’t have to be fel-forged though to utilize Chaos magic? I don’t even think becoming light-forged has anything to do with how or what you do after, as becoming one is just a very long ritual you go though to become light-forged. The knowledge how to, was given to the devoted Draenei by the Naaru.
I’m not sure fully how it goes though, but to me that doesn’t imply any restriction. Only a devoted life. But could a Mag’har orc be able to call upon Chaos magic, I don’t fully know. The only difference between them though is that the other one infused the Chaos magic within them. Which is the Corruption the Mag’har speak of.
After all, Warlocks are not infused by Chaos, they are practitioners of it.
So one would still be uncorrupted wielding it but become corrupted by infusing it.

Mag’har + Fel (Please note it does not have to be ingested as Durotan turns green as well).

Lightforged + Fel:

They literally devoted two expansions to the why, and people who are cognitively dissonant want to ignore all of that for the sake of getting their way. That’s basically all it is.

Because blood elves are hot, and ret paladins are fun, but I play alliance.

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You’re late to the party bubs… night elves can be mages and had that potential so many xpacs ago… get over it… In your “lore-locked” world, races surely evolve and learn new things.

Seems 100% plausible lightforged Draenei have learned how to use “warlock stuff” without being consumed by it

Besides, the existence of ardenweald in SL at all already massively blew away any shot of solid lore consistency.

Proponents for OP are just whining simply to whine. Horse already dead, beaten, and buried at this point.

The kind of exposure and reactions to it are somewhat similar.

If you do not deal with fel directly in some way, or do not drink demon blood, then the worst that can happen is a change in certain physical aspects. For the orcs their skin turned from brown to green, depending on the amount of fel, it turned red and then green later down the line.

The High Elves’ change would be reflected in their eyes on mild exposure. Heavier exposure would see their skin darken, getting more brownish or greyish. Like orcs, they could also take on more demonic appendages.

It indicates that races are affected differently by the fel exposure.

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Yet still we do not get gnome paladins…


You think people are going to stop playing because there’s a class pick change?


Illidan did not reject the “gift” because Chaos cannot be summed by a practitioner of Light. Illidan declined as he wish not to be ruled by others. The Naaru are devotees of light who have vowed to bring peace and hope to all mortals. They are seen as the purest expression of the light so far, yet we have seen them fall into Void, even becoming Void Gods. And what is truly “peace” by forcefully infusing allies against their will and wishes.

And Durotan died by having his very soul drained out of him, I don’t remember him ever falling to the corruption.


I guarantee you gnome paladins would have less drama!

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new gearing system sucks , i am very close on calling it quit this season .