Wow heading for another wave of player loss

But at the same time, in game An’she is represented as the Sun, and Elune the Moon. Moon based spells are tied to Arcane and Sun based ones to Nature.

Which is why people believe An’she is at least somewhat nature. Since they get their powers from worship in a god of the Sun, and Solar Magic in game is considered Nature.

Similarly how people started to believe Elune was Arcane and not Light, despite her priest having Light magic in game, and come to find out over the years that Elune is Arcane and Possibly Nature or Shadow as well.

Not denying that Paladins get their power from Worshiping An’she.

Just stating there is reasonable evidence of An’she being nature based.

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But again you’re going back to Elune and Druids. They work differently than Priests and Paladins and An’she isn’t Elune. Maybe she is Light, arcane, nature and whatever magic.

All we know is An’she blessed Seers and Sunwalkers with the Light, not nature magic. If you read the story about Dezco and his poor kids, it talks about how he uses the Light. The tooltip for the paladin mount says that Sunwalkers bless them with holy magic.

There’s nothing, any where in game or in a book, that says Seers and Sunwalkers are actually using fire and nature magic but Blizzard had them using Light-based spells in game. That’s just player head canon.

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Yes, I’m sure they left because of “lore”, and not because BFA and SL are generally regarded as awful expansions.

Lore/Story has always been WoW’s weakest aspect.

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The light can come from Worhsip or Belief in game power wise.

If Elune is the Moon and An’she the sun. It’s possible that belief in him would grant Holy magic, when in reality he had Nature from being the Sun.

Based on the school of magic that the Sun Spells are.

I haven’t seen the tooltip, and I didn’t recall the story of Dezco and his poor kids. So thank you for that.

I’m going to miss talking about this kind of stuff when all races can be all classes.

We’re almost there.

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Void Elves are Blood Elves banished from Silvermoon City for trying to help find another power source for the missing Sunwell. If Blood Elves can be Paladins (oxymoron) then so can Void Elves.

Where is this coming from?

They weren’t banished for trying to find another source. The well was repaired far before they were found to be messing with the void.

Belves were Paladins because of the well restoration. It’s not an oxymoron.

I don’t know if he’s using that word correctly but he might be referring to the fact Blood Knights turned their back on the Light then kidnapped a wine chime to suck it dry.

Kind of a messed up backstory for a paladin.

It was to bring about a sense of journey. They eventually repent when Velen helps restore the well.

I guess. It just always struck me as odd that they turned their back on the Light just to turn around and steal it.

It’s like buying a necklace, returning it to the jewelers, then breaking into the store to get the necklace back.

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As Tovi said. OG Blood Elf Paladin story was them Mana-tapping a living Na’aru for it’s light magic, until it ultimately sacrificed it’s life to make the renewed Sunwell.

Do they though? lmao. I mean, no wrong way to play your character, but I still play mine as just Elven Spellswords who tap into the Light of the Sunwell for their own gain, with no repentance or reverence for the Light as a religion at all. Since they’d been doing it that way before the Sunwell got fixed. lol

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I have been waiting for void elf paladins since we got void elves. I cannot wait. It is so old fashioned for a game to limit race/class combinations based on lore. It’s like when terra limited you to playing the 500 year old Lolita’s to play the fun classes

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I didn’t know every demon was categorically evil. Even Lothraxion?

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OH SNAP!!! I forgot about Lothraxion!!!

Although there is speculation that he is Denathrius’ agent in the Realm of Light. BUT either way, still if his race can be whatever, then so can anything else, lmao.

Why would you like this unexplainable combination? Just because it doesn’t make sense?

i love this so much lol. i’d blast her too because shes forcing her nonsense on me with a ring lol. i wish i was here for when that released one of the best scenes in the game.

You are clearly clueless about the lore and the game design. Warlocks are not limited by their race or their alignment, they are simply users of dark magic that can be learned by anyone with enough ambition and power. The Lightforged Draenei and Mag’har Orcs are not immune to corruption or temptation, they have simply chosen a different path in the past. But that does not mean they cannot change their minds or explore other options in the present or the future.

The new races for warlocks are a great addition that will enrich the game and offer more diversity and customization for players who enjoy this class. They are also consistent with the lore and the theme of Dragonflight, where time is fractured and alternate realities are possible. You should be grateful that Blizzard is giving us more choices and more content, instead of whining about how it ruins your immersion or your headcanon.

If you don’t like warlocks, don’t play them. If you don’t like Dragonflight, don’t play it. If you don’t like WoW, don’t play it. No one is forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do. But don’t come here and spread your ignorance and negativity to other players who actually appreciate what Blizzard is doing. You are the one who needs an “anarchy server” where you can pretend to play under the pretenses of whatever fake lore you like.

Touch Grass. Thanks!

That was the name of the dude! But yeah. If you look at Lothraxion, his horns are gone and so is all of his Fel. Which is why I maintain that Lightforging based on the lore, simply kills all connection to fel. Your either Lightforged or you arent, same deal as your either Mag’har or you are not.

All other Warlock iterations I’m totally for. They all make sense within the Lore. It’s simply these two specific ones that either need their own version of spells, or need to remain unplayable because the Lore outright says no.

Well unless Blizzard just shoves it through for the sake of being greedy corporate sellouts looking to maximize their character service sales at the expense of the game, and trots Ion out to treat it like “What sword in Silithus?”, which is frankly getting old and stale, as is giving them a pass on time and time again.

Once or twice? Ok. Funny. Again and again? No point to giving a damn about the game or whatever they write in any given patch, because none of it matters; least of all to them.

Void/Shadow Paladins are currently in the lore. Just are Void Based Shamans (Blood Elves use the void to control elementals in Cata Zones). Also the Legion Order Hall would’ve seen us at first be a Void Paladin, until we resist the Nathrazeim’s magic.

Although, to be honest most who want Void Elf Paladin want it for 1 of 2 reasons:

  1. It’s the ONLY Spellsword/Red Mage kind of class we have that uses magic and a sword like that. Making it highly desirable for ALL Elven characters just because of core Elf fantasy.

  2. A large percent of Void Elves give them more Alleria like looks, and several even choose to RP as High Elves. As they’ve said giving us those options would be the closest thing we’d see to the Faction of High Elves. With Void and High Elves often being mixed together now in Alliance Zones to further this. High Elf Paladins are a key lore component for that Faction of Elf. Who turned to the light and magical artifacts instead of Mana Tapping and the Fel like thier Blood Elven Kin. Also, a LOT of Half Elves are supposedly Paladins in the Alliance like Arathor.

Lots of people believe Lothraxion is a spy for the Shadowlands and Denathrius. Since in SL you find lore about how the Nazthraziem were sent to engulf enough energy of the magical realms in order to infiltrate them and collect intel for Denathrius. I know we typically associate them all with Fel, but they are really beings of Death Magic/Realm in origin.

So, in your favor, Lothraxion MIGHT be a bad example for players to use, even though I’ll still personally use him, lol.

Honestly, people NEED to realize that Silithus is the BEST place for that Sword. If it were removed, it could very likely kill Azeroth, and it would require another Titan to come and remove the sword. Not to mention that Y’sharaj (who wasn’t NEAR as big or engrained as the sword SEEMS to be) caused the well of Eternity and shook the whole planet up when he was yeeted out of it. So who knows what the sword would bring if it were ever truly removed.