Wow heading for another wave of player loss

I would point out that Shadowmoon Orcs existed for a very long time there for one, and the fact that Shamanism and the Oshu’gun worship could of intersected. Orcs probably should of had Priests from day 1. While not Necromancers, a lot of the Warcraft 1 Lore on Necrolytes could of functioned beautifully, especially the dual nature of an Orc’s soul.

As someone who has worked in the business, I can tell you it does not. It takes a spell Id, a palette swap, and the spell being given a number assigned to a player for it to work. Two of those can be created in a matter of minutes. It is not a large amount of work. Heck if they gave Mag’har the Shadowflame spell effects already created, we could rationalise Mag’har locks as being Blackrock Orcs or the like. Simple.

The problem here is we both know Blizzard. We both know their history and their track record. We need them to outright SAY these things, because when you add stuff like this that totally undermines the lore or past expansions? It damages the game, and not every new player is going to stick around for the time required for them to fix it SOMEDAY in the future, maybe.

It makes Blizzard look like a greedy joke, and maybe that’s a fair assessment to have given it really looks like less of a lore driven or game improving idea, and more of an idea focused on earning them the sale of as many character services as they can.

I hope that in time after the Opening the Classes for all races they consider updating the visuals bit by bit to fit with such lore. :star_struck:


NOT fact.

From in-game and Out of game sources. Lightforged Beings would PRESUMABLY just be in MASSIVE amounts of pain to use another magic that conflicted with them.

Like when Turalyon tried to touch Alleria after she used a great deal of Void.

Being in pain while using spells isn’t new. As Forsaken Priests canonically can use the light, but their characters suffer immense pain from it, and can smell themselves rotting and bugs crawling through their bodies.

Also there are Lightforged Shadow users on the Vindicar already, so I think it adds to this?

Every lore source has said the Light can’t be used/channeled by them, because it forsakes them due to the Fel in their blood. Which is why they were never given Priests until now, and why they have the unique story to go with them.

The NPC priests you mentioned in classic were likely just using a similar animation.

Tauren Sunwalkers are followers of An’She and the Sun, and based on current writing the Sun’s magic is more Nature, not light. Oddly enough.

Zandalari are stated to be Priests of Rezan, and essentially like Nature Paladins due to Rezan’s Wild God Magic that he bestows on them.

Priest yes, but not the light, at least once they had the Fel and became Green.

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Na people actually want void elf paladins so blizz wont do it. NO ONE in this UNIVERSE asked for lightforged warlocks. So blizz thought it was a good idea.

Lol “im unsubbing” is the moat common thing you guys say but you always come back. Stop making it seem like the end of the world. You guys (neckbeards) are so fragile.

If they keep nerfing healing and overtuning YA its heading for a loss

There will be a lot of reasons this game fails, but it won’t be lore, that died a long time ago.

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Hmm that doesn’t make sense because the playable orc isn’t the orcs that drank fel blood. They’re the children of orcs that did or they were exposed to it in the womb. We’re the same age as Thrall, not old and crusty like Eitrigg.

And the opposite of fel magic isn’t the Light, it’s the void. So if velves can fling Light spells around then orcs definitely can.

And no they weren’t using “similar animations.” They were using Priests spells. Btw, priests do have three different orders and not all races use all of them.

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Then the entire story with Illidan where the Light replaced the Fel is moot. As for the point you raise later, the Devs literally said it triggers a violent or explosive result. Xhul’horac documents it. Alleria / Turalyon documents it. Pretty much every instance of the lore documents that certain spell types mesh well and others do not.

Light, Nature, Order = Copacetic.
Shadow, Death, Chaos = Copacetic (except in Xhul’horac’s case).

The other mixes? You explode, are insane with pain, or so driven to madness that you can’t do anything except scream. That’s why Gul’dan used the red mist on the Draenei and why they devolved. I mean Mag’har aside, this totally disregards the Broken and Lost Draenei’s genesis story.

That’s why I have little in the way of trust for Blizzard doing the nessecary world building to explain it. They won’t. They never do. They never have, and if they do it’ll be in a book probably.


There’s nothing that says An’she is nature magic. Anduin says that he’s a god of Light. The existence of Seers and Sunwalkers prove he’s a god of Light.

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The opposite of Fel (disorder) is actually Arcane (order).

But we still have the green skin, which isn’t genetic, so much as it a mutation from lingering amounts of Fel in our bodies. In a way, the green orcs will forever be a type of Fel Orc.

Just like Void Elves will always have purple blood from the mutations the void did to their biology.

If you mean where Xe’ra was trying to remove the Fel from Illidan completely, that’s not the same as him using Light magic now. Xe’ra saw the Fel as impure mutations, and sought to fully purge it out of his body and mutate him towards the light, ie: Lightforging.

True, but they’re met with pain, not exploding. Heck, technically Death Knights can’t exists either without massive amounts of pain. It’s just a part of the world. It doesn’t mean the powers can’t combine, just that you have to be able to endure said pain.

As characters like Alonsus Faol already do daily.

And some other merges have happened like Calia which is Death/Lightforged at the same time, but that one is still unkown.

Anduin also beleives Elune is Light or a Naa’ru. But we know Elune is more Nature and or Arcane.

They are also opening up more things in the way of Cosmic Magic types. Saying Night Warrior Tyrande used some form of Shadow/Arcane Cosmic Hybrid magic.

The Tauren lore heavily implies it. Anduin has never met An’she, if it came from a Tauren it would be more believable instead of just hypothesis.

Aside from the fact that Blizz has been known to give classes to races, when their story for it isn’t actually that type of magic. (Kul Tiran druids for instance, which are more Death Based). They’ve also said that anyone can channel the light by believe in their intentions as being purely just and righteous. Which is in part how the Scarlett Crusade gets their power.

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Well, that is exactly what it’s becoming. Clearly Blizzard thinks the reason they’re losing the sub war to FF is because of race/class combos.

I really thought the direction for the game was changing, but it’s not. They’re just pandering for as many subs as they can with as many gimmicks as they can. I regret my 6 month sub that I got a few weeks ago, but oh well. Time to accept this isn’t the game for me anymore. Should’ve listened to all of my real life friends. I’m getting out before BE druids, because I now know it’s only a matter of time.

I know.

Meh so what. Blood elves have been dabbling in fel and they can fling Light spells around too.

Not since Cata.

No but I wasn’t saying “well if Anduin said it then it must be true” I’m pointing out that as a priest, a powerful priest, his opinion matters. He probably did the same thing I did:

There are tauren paladins and priests.
They use the Light.
Where did they get the Light?
Their god.
Their god must be a god of Light.
Nothing in lore contradicts that.

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Be mindful of the fact that when Alonsus caught on fire while healing with the Light.

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But the Night Elf preists use the light, and they worship Elune. Elune however is not Light based on our current in-game knowledge of Elune.
Night Elves also have Paladin NPCs, not many BUT a family or so of Elune Paladins who in-game at least use the light.

So Anduin saying he believes An’she is light, doesn’t mean that An’she is. We probably won’t ever know truly what all makes up gods like An’she and Elune. Which I’ll admit does make discussions like this tricky/confusing.

Blood Elves haven’t been entirely mutated by Fel to the point that Green Orcs have been. At least based on the lore they’ve released and written for both respective races.

You said Void was opposite Fel, which is why I said that.

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Muh Lore.


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Well, Elune isn’t An’she, she’s just his sister. It appears she works differently. And like I keep saying: Seers and Sunwalkers now prove An’she is a god of Light.

And the playable orc isn’t completely corrupted by fel because they’re not the ones that drank the blood. The first Horde did.

And I meant to say the opposite of Light was the Void, not fel. I goofed.

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But at the sametime, in game Sun based spells are Nature based. We see this in Druids, with Wrath (used to be called Solar Wrath) is nature based, same with Sunfire.

Druids are a pretty important in Tauren Society.

So the link still stands that An’she might be nature or a Nature/Light hybrid even. Unless I’m missing something and there is lore I just haven’t read that explicitly states An’she is light based. At this point, he very well could be.

But based on the evidence I’ve encountered, he seems Nature based.

True they aren’t as corrupted, but the corruption still seeped down enough to them to make their skin green, making them inherently corrupted/mutated from the light as well. At least that is what their OG lore had. Which is why when they released Orc Priests for players, they added in NPCs with their new Spirit Tender/Walker lore in Orgrimar.

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Tauren druids got their powers/teachings from Cenarius, not An’she.

Seers and Sunwalkers get their power directly from An’she.


One of the things I really liked about ESO was the choice to play any class on any race. Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. I am for a larger scope of choices.

Except for Mechagnome Druids. That I do not want to see……morphing into a robotic rocket chicken.

Their battle cries are enough to give me nightmares.

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