Wow heading for another wave of player loss

I love lore, but gameplay will always trump lore to the majority of the player base. Quite frankly gameplay has been great!

At least you have the self awareness to not stick around and hate. Better to move on with your life (far healthier approach)


“Wow headed for another wave of player loss”

But I did all the necessary legwork. I picked Pandaren, then I picked Warlock. If someone picked Draenei and then picked Warlock, they did it right, too. Same deal with Mag’har, same deal with LFD, same deal with any race.

Also the Heroic Important NPCs and its Factions Leaders break the mold all the time!!

Its about time the “Champions of Azeroth” did it too! lol (IMO)


if the warlock draenei was the last straw and not shadowlands for ppl then lol.

So I give an honest reply and you post something I didn’t say, but that Valloryan said. Ok. I’m done trying to have an intelligent discussion with you then.

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Btw, someone reminded me of how nelf warlocks are perfectly fine.

Nelf mages are Shen’dralar. If you remember that dungeon, the night elves in there were getting fel magic from that dog demon. His name starts with an “I”.

Anyways, Tyrande allowed the Shen’dralar into her ranks. You can’t tell me these fel-sucking elves didn’t have warlocks.

So strike them off the list. Go back to crying about Draenei and Mag’har.

(It was Xavara that pointed it out. Giving credit where credit it due.)


Valloryan is the OP and is who I posted to. It’s their thread. I wasn’t replying to you, you replied to me posting to the OP.

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Restoring the part that you removed from my post.

Create a real reason this is suddenly different. Difficult to do given how ingrained it is in lore, but possible. Hence why I said recolored spell effects would be a potential way to have the cake and eat it too. Are you people just so megalomaniacal and hell bent on demanding blind submission and total obedience that you can’t see we’re pretty much on the same side?

I will not acquiesce to your mindset or support ignoring the lore.
But I might help you find a plausible way to the goal, if you can cool your zealotry.

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WHat blizz shoulda did was come up with a new “light infused” happy warlock.
These devs are clueless

I agree with the mag’har part.
But I have not heard of Lightforged exploding upon contact with fel.

The only case of two energies not being able to meet we have is void and light through Alleria and Turalyon, and appearantly even that is up for debate at this point, some claims.

We have, however, seen that the light is capable of cleansing fel. Velen does it all the time in Legion, quite casually too.

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I kind of wish Blizzard would give Mag’har one green skin option and it’s only unlockable by warlocks.

Kind of like green fire quest but for Mag’har. Not as hard though :stuck_out_tongue:

Just think that your characters are special like you know “The Champions of Azeroth” should be?

What you mention it is true… in normal cases but the Playable character is far from normal we killed Gods and Cosmic beings at this stage, specially if you been playing since Vanilla your Achievement collection would make an NPC dialog crash trying to mention all you done over almost 20 years alone!

Warlocks that pay with their souls for their power, what’s that? Their fine and with not a scratch of corruption to prove it! The Chaos Lord must really LOVE them out in the Twisting Nether! (funny example)

Just my take, not trying to impose or convince you, just trying to expand your “imagination” lol (joking but you get the idea…) :sweat_smile:

[Insert Spongebob Meme here]

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Firstly, I hit the Quote button and didn’t edit a word. If something got cut, it wasn’t by my hand.

Now, a Warlock is just using contract magic and pact powers to fuel their abilities. Nothing about losing one’s attunement to the Light, nor about consuming demons themselves. Warlocks could also be taught or independently develop a means to preserve themselves against fel contamination. Hell, I could even see the Light providing the means to endure fel contamination if it judged the task dire enough, so that even explains LFD DH in addition to LFD Warlocks. Mag’har DH would probably be done via whatever methods are explored by the Ztrolls that get passed around and refined a bit.

It’s not hard at all to justify it with a bit of imagination and willingness to stretch.

It’s dumb from a lore standpoint. Like it’s so dumb from a lore standpoint. But Shadowlands proved this team does not care about the OG lore all that much so…

Whatever? It’sn ot enough to make me quit. If I was roleplaying still I might quit roleplay but I gave that up after pointless Faction War 2.

And from a gameplay standpoint? While I’m still a every race with every class anti there are obvious advantages. If every class can be every race-

That means we get new druid races and forms (Vulpera and Mag’har druids here I come.) Horde finally gets more paladin options. Night Elf Paladins!!

My one thing is I want class skins. Alternative to demons. Void style paladins. Shaman and druids that use decay visuals. I want more abilities like “glyph of twilight bloom” that just flat out change the colors of spells. Just like we got mechanical pets with Gnome and Mechagnome hunters, class skins can add a whole new way to KEEp the race fantasy while opening up classes.


If you watch the movie short, the gift. It shows Xe’ra and what she is doing to Illidan. She is Lightforging him. His tattoos are filling with Light. However what happens when he rejects it? He flushes all that energy out, because the two cannot mix safely. Prior lore states that fel is extremely toxic to the light attuned. This is why Draenei became Broken after all, and the Lost as well.

Illidan then obliterates her.

Here I’ll link the source for a refresher.

People think I’m saying “YOU CANT HAVE X.” I am not saying that.

I am saying “You want X? Ok. Let’s create a legitimate lore driven reason how to give you this class playstyle (because I know it is fun!) before we completely destroy the game world we are playing in. Let’s do the nessecary leg work!”

Blizzard is like: “Duhhhh duhhhh! OH UHHHH MADAM SHADOW! YOU WARLOCK NOW.”

The rest of us are like. “…And… you call yourselves a Pros?”


Not … a SINGLE one…

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  1. Dude/Dudette/Non-Binary Friendo, there are 333 posts as of the time of me writing this. In our conversation I didn’t see your mentioning of wanting “Blood Magic Chaos Bolt and Drain Life”. I would’ve approached our conversation much differently if I had. It’s highly possible that MOST others didn’t see it either.

  2. You people are “too obtuse to grasp a very simple thing”. Yet here you are not grasping things either. A very CLEAR lore break is Orc Priests. But yet Blizzard has written in unique lore for them. About how it is like a Musical Melody of tending to the Spirits. Attributing to the priests spells like Hymns and the like. As well as tieing into the Spirit Healers/Kyrian a bit. BUT due to the gameplay they use the Light Spell animations still. Which is something I HAVE TOLD YOU. The same is the case for Zandalari and Tauren Paladins.

  3. It takes a LARGE amount of work to make a Green Fire animation swap for a class, and I’d personally rather them focus on new content and features before that. Like say Player Housing. HOWEVER, it is worth noting that they’ve said they are considering making more Green Fire esque items/unlocks for these unique combos. Which if you aren’t being too “OBTUSE” you would see that the race needs to be able to play the class effectively BEFORE adding in the animation unlocks, or it’s pointless. Take Worgen Monk for instance, they physically couldn’t transform and had NO WAIST in their model at PTR launch. That they had to fix. Right now, they’re focusing on unlocks, down the line, they’ll focus on animation unlocks for players to feel more in line with that race’s version of the class. Because in case you didn’t realize Paladin, Shaman, and Druid will take a decent amount of work/animations before they get their unlocks.

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What you wrote is that they’ll explode.
What I see is that one energy is replaced with another.

So essentially, a Lightforged draenei warlock, would just not be lightforged anymore.

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Nah. We’ve had orc priest NPCs in the game since vanilla. We first seen them in Blackrock Spire then we seen them again in TBC.

And Zandalari Prelates and Sunwalkers use the Light just like any other paladin. Not sure where this rumor was started with “fire” magic.

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