Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Most people don’t even seem to read quests, let alone worry about lore.

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I’m all for more class options (Kul Tiran & Zandalari are the only realistic options) but Mag’har literally means uncorrupted & Lightforged Draenei are literally infused with the holy light, stupid stupid that they’d give warlocks to every race it just doesn’t make sense.


Not really. Mag’har and Fel CAN radiate them and turn them green yes. But if you knew your actual lore. The Fel Orcs DRANK mass amounts of Fel, instead of just channeling it.

A difference that is seen again with Blood Elves vs. Void Elves. Channeling the magic doesn’t mean it entirely consumes and mutates you.

Also Warlocks use Fire and Void as well as Fel, so a Warlock is not exclusively Fel.

It invalidates NOTHING. We don’t yet know how the lore will work. Tauren Sunwalkers don’t ACTUALLY use the light for instance. But use Paladin spells for gameplay.

Zandalari Paladins are actually worshippers of Rez’an, not Light Paladins we know of it traditionally.

They also wrote new lore to say that Orc Priests are an evolution of a questline from Outland or Draenor that deals with Spirit Tending. The animations are Priest for gameplay reasons only, not due to actual lore. Since Green Orcs physically can’t use Light.

They canonically studied and used Fel before they became the Legion. So brush up on it.

True, and thankfully there are LOT more bits of quest text and debuffs reflecting your race or class in certain situations from SL and DF now. Like DKs being negatively noted by Alexstraza, or Dracthyr being effected by Dragon Controlling magic, and much more. Which I am loving to see.

You say this, but yet EVERY time you post, you go back and edit it 3 times, to try and seem like you have actual point, but you’ve not proven anything.

But it’s still supporting Blizzard, and supporting their actions that you claim to be fighting.

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Good thing the only person who’s opinion I tend to put stock in on morality questions is me. Did you have anything else to say? Because all I’m getting now is hot air blowing against the mountain dudes. I’m not paying for my monthly fee, but I am getting my entertainment. So that’s a win to me. Hate on if you must.

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bring on the Archimonde cosplayers.

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The frostwolves and blood elves are actually key points here though.
The frostwolves, even their non-warlocks, had their skin turn green simply from being around warlocks.

Most blood elves’ eyes turned green, not from the misconception that they all swallowed fel, but simply because they did trap demonic souls in their crystals which was used to keep their buildings floating and other minor things going.

So if skin can turn green simply from being near a warlock, I would assume the warlock’s own skin would turn rather quickly.


First post

First Edit

Second Edit

Third Edit.

Just like I said, lmao


You know, the only hot air being blown is from someone that doesn’t support Blizzard by supporting them with $20 a month.

Good job. Rebel yell!


That’s a lie because if I had, the system would log that I did. Strange I don’t see edits!

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It only logs it if you edit a post that quotes someone, and then it usually tells them.

Oh look, ANOTHER edit.


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So now it’s ongoing repetition of the same gushing drivel? Got it. Have fun with that.

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No one is going to quit playing because LFDraenei got the Warlock class. Don’t be absurd.


Oh there’s an edit mark!

Is this where we say “Yahtzee!”? :rofl:

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I suppose it depends on the time you get the edit in. But anyone actively watching the forums on their monitor, and can see your edits pushed after your first post.

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I didn’t see this because of the edits but I’m not the one hating on a game that I’m paying a monthly fee for.

That would be you.

But I’ll let you get back to funding this greedy corporation.


TRUE, and the Sylvanas book or a Dev tweet, mentions that Belves they all used Fel so much, that even those who never touched it in Silvermoon got green eyes as a side effect of what was essentially radiation in their city at that point.

So it’s a very strange and trippy set of rules they’ve set up for it all.

But still they could give it a unique and interesting lore twist when it comes to live, who knows. :slight_smile:

Well IMO lore can be created to accommodate gameplay.

I think it comes down to player choice, when I want to play like the existing lore I just play the classes of said lore allow.
If I want to go with my headcanon like my friends do we can go with this weird mix, I think its a win win… IMO

Reminds me of ESO were it comes down to preference but if you like mid maxing the will be better races for each of those classes.

Also I see this and other post being necro back when those classes are unlock posting for sure! :laughing:

To me its a real win, anyway I look at it. I can already see deep and cool stories being created by some of the RPG community with these changes! (IMO)

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No one saying that mate. What people are saying is that certain combos should not exist under the lore, and if they do or must exist for a Gameplay reason, then the Class should not be considered the same class, but rather something that is thematically similar but different because of various lore points that would preclude the use of it. Much like Forsaken and the Light, Shadow using Lightforged etc al.

Mag’har cannot use Fel without becoming Green. Fact.
Lightforged cannot use Fel without exploding or becoming Felforged. Fact.

People however are too obtuse to grasp that very simple thing. I said straight up at the start if they simply made two glyphs that were about Blood Magic for Chaos Bolt and for Drain Life, Mag’har Warlocks would have my stamp. I’d chalk it up to Bleeding Hollow Blood Mages.

Lore is uphold, but the class is playable in that case.

Likewise, if there was a Golden version as well that seemed like a massive burst of Order magic? There. Now you have the Lightforged version, but obviously if a player wants to lore-break and do w/e they can.

This isn’t about limiting players. It’s about holding Blizzard to the ethical standard of giving a s— about their franchise and the game world they created. You want to add X? Ok! But do the leg work to do it right or go the hell home.



The more freedom for character expression the better.

Afterall, we are the Maw-Walkers, and we’ve slayed Arcane Gods, and Old Gods. Like, if we can’t break the mold a little bit, then the world just wouldn’t be near as alive to me.

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Seriously. I was actually shocked to open this and see OP saying people were going to leave because of more race/class combinations. That’s an absolutely left field take.

But I still agree with the sentiment (that this patch isn’t for some people). I’ve never felt more forced into 40+ keys a week than I am right now. I enjoy M+ when it’s a side activity, but this feels like the most required version of M+ in the game’s history. I don’t think it’s going to be a Korthia exodus at all, but I could see it stagnating a little.