Wow heading for another wave of player loss

If the millions leaving during Cata didn’t kill this game space goat warlocks are not going to even put a dent in it.

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Hmm the biggest drop wasn’t in Cata, it was MoP then WoD.

Realms constantly shift in population as patches change, and I’m sure with Cross Faction, more of the realms have been merging so some bigger ones have lost members that hopped to make all toons be in the same guild.

If you read the OP’s post, it’s clear to see what he’s mad about. Void Elf Paladin, because “HOW DARE”. Otherwise the OP would’ve mentioned Orc Priests, or Tauren Rouges in their post, but didn’t. So they’re pulling anything they can to try and bait people into forcing Blizz’s hand against Class/Race restriction removal.

YOU DO REALIZE that MOST Tabletop games, like 99.99% allow the player to chose whatever race and whatever class they’d like. Even if it goes against the traditional themes or story for said race or class? They give players the option to go off on their own, and add that unique distinction with how their people will feel about their choices.

World of Warcraft is one the very FEW to insist on a Race/Class restriction for everything beyond niche classes(such as say Evoker or DH) in a game tabletop or otherwise.

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Only bad GMs do that. Especially if the world they are in says that an Illithid grows when an Illithid hatchling is planted in the player. Same thing with Mag’har / Lightforged. Fel Using Mag’har = Normal Orc. Fel-Using Lightforged = Green Tattoos like Illidan. Source, The Gift Cinematic.

Sorry but it’s a one in a billion chance to become ‘the adversary’. And the character still grows tentacles and a new face. Just a bunch of mobs of psychology trying to ignore the rules and lore of the game because MONEY! WE HAZ MONEY!!11!!

Blizzard wants to cater to the Trust Babies? Go for it. But don’t expect others to have any sympathy, loyalty or respect for the logic being given however. Expect contempt and people on the RP servers bailing. That is assuming that anything past Vulpera humping eachother still happens on those servers.


Who said it was the biggest drop? From what I can find Cata went from 12 million players down to 9.1 million players which is way more people quitting then those who are outraged over space goat warlocks.

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Example being my kobold warlock/paladin in 5th edition D&D that became a lich at 18-19th level. Not just this, but this is a good example of where race/class shouldn’t be restricted by ‘lore reasons’. Sure they function differently slightly… but it’s not that much different.

btw next character in the campaign I’m gonna be playing is a gnoll paladin with very low wisdom and or intelligence.

That doesn’t make a bad DM. Nobody wants to play on a incredibly restrictive game world like this. Those are the types of environments that don’t retain players.


Whatever you found should also tell you that MoP lost over 3 million and WoD went from 10 million to 5.6m. The WoD loss was so bad, Blizzard stopped reporting.

Those numbers are found in any sub graph.


Yeah I took Cata because it was the first one that lost millions of players I didn’t need to go to the worst part to prove that warlock being open to more races is a non issue.

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You mentioned an Illithid Race, which is not considered a playable race, except for in certain home brew situations, in Dungeons and Dragons specifically.

GMs still allow for Dragonborn Druids for instance, which is very odd for their race.

So, try again of how this arbitrary point of yours has ANY negative impact on a game?

Or how allowing the player to be something, means entire peoples are suddenly OK with that choice.

Look in-game even. The Centaur don’t like Necromancy, but yet Necromancers of that race exist. It doesn’t break Centaur lore, and they view it as extremely taboo.

Same with Blood Elf Shadow Priests.

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I agree with you on that. Millions have been leaving the game and I’m pretty damn sure it had nothing to do with race/class combos.


I’m mentioning it because it’s a biological function the same as Mag’har and fel. Couldn’t bring yourself to admit the logic was sound eh?

It invalidates both Warlords of Draenor’s Premise and Legion’s Premise. It’s not arbitrary either. It’s been a part of WoW Lore for 15 + years. People like you might be kosher with throwing that away if you get your selfish way yet again, but others are not so short sighted.

As for Tovi’s examples. Yeah those do exist. But then using Shadow does not make one a Void Elf. By contrast using Warlock magic MAKES one a Green skinned Orc. There is no if and or “maybe” about it. Same with Draenei.


After the abomination that was Shadowlands, which ripped 15-20 years of Warcraft lore to shreds and then set it on fire, I guess I don’t really much about the lore anymore.

You are absolutely correct.
Most ultimate tabletop RPGs lets players do whatever they want to do, and a GM will allow it provided the argument is good enough.


If you have lore that is setup in a such a way in your campaign, that there would be some consequence for your class-race choice, then it would most likely be implemented. But if you do play a table top RPG, that consequence is usually a part of the fun of playing that exact character, so it is usually not a big deal.

Sadly, WoW’s lack of RPG elements does not lend itself well to these consequences, and that is honestly the biggest problem.

But giving players more agency of what combinations they want to play, is always a plus.


Like I said earlier. I’m just going to sit back, watch and laugh. I know they’ll still do it. Greedy crap like this and petulant whiners who can’t understand logic or game-world rules, always happens from Blizzard and from the fanbase. Doesn’t mean I won’t fight it regardless.

That’s why they have to have the last word yet again and are feverishly typing… again. :rofl:

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Fight it by still giving them $15 a month, amiright?

Rebel yell!

Do I do that? Or do I make enough with selling stuff to whales that I don’t need to?

Just because you can’t win at the AH and get a token doesn’t mean others can’t. :slight_smile:

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Ohh that’s much better then. You’re part of the system that insures Blizzard gets $20 a month instead of $15.

That’ll show ‘em!

I am all for smacking greedy corporations.

But 'ey, give them some credit too, no?

They outright removed a service from the store, in order to provide it to players in game instead. Such as changing your character’s entire appearance (not race) down to every last detail.

Now they are making flying free upon levels, essentially giving you free gold in game (Although 4500 is not a lot of gold).

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No I’m a part of the system that is an account that has ceased to pay them anything aside from money they create with bad decisions such as this. It’s money that would of been spent anyways by a Trust fund baby. Using such morons to my advantage is a good way to moderate when I want to and don’t want to play.

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Right… you can spin this any way you want but the only reason Blizzard is making $20 a month off you instead of $15 is because you participate in the token system.

That does not make it better dude.

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