Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Thinking about this some more, this is farther than even Hearthstone has gone and they just introduced a Worgen Demon Hunter!

Legit I’m so excited to have and play Kul Tiran Warlock, Lightforged Draenei Warlock, Tauren Warlock and Zandalari Troll Warlock. :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:


Which is in Silverpine…

Oh I know but the largest population of them in the Eastern Kingdom is in Booty Bay and it does say in their race quest that they are the Steamwheedle Cartel.

I’m just pointing out that as someone playing a less-than-perfect race/class combo that I would have expected you to be more open to stuff like this.


You do know a lot of people died in BFA? so yeah expect some corpses get yoinked up by Lich king during that time and take them too the lich king himself, did you also forget there was San’layn in the expansion as well?

But they weren’t mindless worgen stalking the wilderness, they were once human villagers and were infected just like other worgen players. However, they didn’t have any antidote to calm them, so maybe… dying calms them? Yeah, it is wonky.

Going to be honest here. I’m the exact opposite of you. I’m more likely to play with a class/race combo I like rather than one I don’t. I like pandas. I like warlocks. This summer I can play both at the same time. Win.

Are there are few weird lore combos? Sure. Lightforged Draenei as warlocks, mechagnome druids or Undead Paladins. But I could see why a rare one might. Or why an Eredar might turn away from being utterly evil. We’re PCs. We decide for ourselves what our character is like - not because our race said so.

Sorry it bugs you so much but… good lord am I happy about this change.

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Evoker pandas,

We can now shoot out fire from our mouths! :rofl:



They can be relatives of Nomi.


Yeah they original worgen in Silverpine were mindless and they were also summoned by Argal from the Emerald Dream. The men and women bitten by these summoned worgen were taken behind the wall.

Worgen behind the wall were not raised to be DKs. Also, something else they retcon’d was worgen not being to be raised as undead. I had forgotten about that so you’re a double retcon.


Where was the OP when they announced Orc Priests? As the light physically can NOT touch them due to the Fel in their blood?

The game wrote their story as a Spirit Tenders, who use PREIST spells for gameplay reasons, but lore-wise are not using the light.

They will likely create a similar notion.

Also, no one is saying that the story will show NPC Lightforged Warlocks. Just that the player can choose that path now, which isn’t far fetched considering the actual feats our PCs have accomplished at this point.

That would be like saying Nords in Skyrim shouldn’t be allowed to use Magic really .


We all know who really burned Teldrassil.



Or maybe Arthas had some family dogs that he wanted to become DKs. Arfus and the rest of the dogs became the first worgen DKs.

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It’s specifically stated that Arthas/Lich king raised the worgens as Death knights but it’s almost impossible given their connection too the emerald dream etc.


Blizzard does funny things.

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That’s a flat out lie, because I ran a guild of over 120 people in BFA / Shadowlands and Shadowlands and it’s ridiculous lore caused it to become a 12 man guild by the end of that expansion. I also note Blizzard is again altering the upvote counts in the wee hours, just as they did during the Mists of Pandaria / CRZ debacle.


You are aware that only money talks, right?

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120 people could quit and Blizzard wouldn’t even blink.

Where’s your evidence to support this claim that all these people are ‘leaving in waves’

Yeah and 120 people quitting again and again and again usually kills the game. Saw the same stupid with Star Wars Galaxies. You want my advice people? Go to Chris Metzen’s Twitter. He’s supposed to be helping on Lore decisions, so make sure he knows about this.

Because he says he runs Tabletop and thus he also is supposed to know how basic things like this works, and sometimes saying no to petulant children that demand everything is completely fine if it preserves the game world and lore. But if it still goes through after because of corporate greed? Whatever.

At least you know the answer then.

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