Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Different levels of exposure was not added in Legion!

It was something that was literally part of the lore since Warcraft III. The first case of Orcs changing skin color based off exposure was during the Warcraft III mission where you slay Cenarius with Grom Hellscream and the Warsong Clan, because after the cinematic plays that shows Grom consuming the well that was tainted by Mannoroth, Grom and all the Orcs of the Warsong Clan all had their skin turn red.

Then in Burning Crusade, when we encountered Fel Orcs for the first time in WoW, we were exposed to even more levels of exposure, since we saw green skinned Orcs that were part of the Shadow Council, as well as the various red skinned Orcs like the ones in the Blood Furnace, and then there were the other Fel Orcs, the ones with the bone spikes and sharp teeth who continued to consume demon blood.

TBC is also where we saw the different levels of exposure in Blood Elves since that’s when we encountered the Felblood Elves for the first time, who had red, dark blue or green skin due to consuming demon blood for days.

I’m totally quitting WoW because draenei can be warlocks soon and that will ruin the game.

I dunno panda warlock are kinda off as well

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I’ll actually consider trying the class now that it’s on a race I can aesthetically stand.

Panda warlock I honestly have no problem with.

We’ve got Pandaren who are only focused on their own self-interest (Madam Goya). There’s no lore that strictly forbids Pandaren getting access to Warlocks. So… really there’s no barrier for entry there.

You can try to deny it all you want but it’s what they went into when they changed things for Belves’ eyes. And if they felt how you do, there wouldn’t be Mag’har Warlocks.

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Building a world that players can learn and understand is a big part of establishing successful rpgs. People like knowing the world, even if they’re not editing the wiki they can still enjoy the payoff of the world working the way they would expect. If the author stops respecting their world, it won’t be long before the viewer/reader stops being invested in it.

As I said before, people aren’t likely to quit over this. But the ongoing effect is that they continue to give people fewer reasons to stay.

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Again, the ‘lore’ for different levels of fel exposure is not new. It was not added in Legion.

It was added back in Warcraft III.

Different shades of eye color is not lore. That’s simply player customization options.

I’m gonna start drawing a line between the game and the lore now. Shadowlands never happened, Vol’dun is hundreds of miles around, and Lightforged cannot be warlocks.

yeah OP you are digging for “the sky is falling” moment, no one is leaving over lore issues all people care about is: is that class sexy and does the mog look sick on them.

honestly anything but Orc or Undead warlocks baffle me as they are the chad of the warlock races but to each there own I guess.

Your race/class combo was a retcon.

The original story for 3rd gen DKs was we were part of the army that fought against the Scourge. Blizzard had to create lore to cram worgens and goblins into the starter zone.

“Oh huh they’re not Gilnean worgens, they’re the mindless worgen from Silverpine that we’re going to suddenly make not so mindless anymore! Yeah!’

“Well yeah the playable goblin was from a volcano but the DK goblin was huh… oh I got it! From Booty Bay. Nailed it.”

I would think you would be more open to things like this :rofl:


They definitely did go into the lore for the different eye colors. Just didn’t reflect it in game. They only explained it in interviews and on social media.

They opened the doors for what they are doing now. And they’ve made it obvious again in interviews that they are working on unlocking class/race combos. Some of them with lore to explain why.

You can try and argue the sky is purple all you want. They laid it all out there.

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If this is your “final straw”, you would have left for any imagined reason you could come up with. Just do forget to leave the keys on your way out.

The WoW forums: “Who actually pays attention to the story? Everyone just mashes the Accept and Turn In buttons, the story doesn’t matter, nobody cares just give me my loot.”

Also WoW forums: “This text blurb says these guys are universally good and have no moral ambiguity, further developments deviating from this at all will break the lore and everyone will hate it and quit the game because we care about the story so much.”


Look. Lightforged Draenei CAN work. Just don’t give Blizzard a pass for being lazy.

They should be using Lightforged Demons, not regular demons.


It’s because the forums aren’t a hivemind. But there’s unlikely to be a mass exodus over customizations. Most reaction has been positive everywhere

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Most reactions seem to be willing to accept this… As long as it’s not lazy.

There’s a lot of buzz for Red Eredar looks. No way Blizzard doesn’t know how much demand is there for that.

If they don’t come now, then they should come later. I hope it’s worked into the Draenei Heritage.

I think this is best quality life improvements that people were asking for and generally don’t mind? You’re freaking out over the ‘lore’ implications when warlock as a lore perspective is easy to pick up. Like hello? People can easily follow the light as well as a paladin and serve the light as well.

The class fantasy element is there and race description is a template so them being a warlock for the ‘good’ of the light isn’t that far fetched either.

This thread just seems fearmongering

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I didn’t say shades. I said they explained why we got different eye colors. And it doesn’t matter when they established it first. They said it again, then re-iterated on it and gave everyone Warlocks.

Seems pretty clear what their thoughts are on it.

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Technically, worgen DKs are from the village of Pyrewood and we are pretty rare in lore.

Goblins DKs are there simply because they’ve been populating all around Azeroth for a while, though I admit their DK logic is much more odd.

With races like Mag’har and Lightforged, it just doesn’t work. A Mag’har warlock would literally just be a green orc since they have a specific reaction to fel energy. Lightforged were devout draenei who vowed to destroy the Legion and never give in, specifically to fel energy.

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