Wow heading for another wave of player loss

Not at all.

Most races are actually fine with Warlocks.

  • Humans were initially hesitant and shunned them, but by the events of Mists of Pandaria/Warlords of Draenor they were an accepted part of human society.
  • Dwarves kept a close eye on the warlocks within their ranks but didn’t shun them or treat them as outcasts/exiles.
  • Gnomes fully accepted warlocks into their racial structure.
  • Worgen/Gilneans did not shun the warlocks in their ranks or treat them as exiles.
  • Void Elves openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.
  • Dark Iron Dwarves openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.
  • Mechagnomes openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.

As for the Horde:

  • Orcs originally shunned warlocks, but Thrall allowed Orc Warlocks to remain in the Horde simply because they’re Orcs, but he did not tolerate treason. Under Garrosh they were treated extremely poorly and many of them were killed, but under Vol’jin, Sylvanas and now the Horde Council, they are an accepted part of Orc society.
  • Forsaken openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.
  • Darkspear Trolls openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.
  • Blood Elves openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.
  • Goblins openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.
  • Nightborne openly accepted warlocks into their ranks, despite the destruction caused by Elisande’s pact with the Legion.
  • Vulpera openly accepted warlocks into their ranks.

The only races that outright rejected warlocks and treated them as abominations/heretics were the Night Elves (along with all arcane users until the events of the Cataclysm where the Highborne were barely tolerated), Draenei, Lightforged Draenei and the Mag’har Orcs.


LMAO that’s funny and cute you think a “wave of player loss” will happen due to this. Oh man, I needed a good laugh today. Thank you!

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By the way, fun fact, Mag’har Orcs and Warlocks cannot co-exist. They are literally opposed to each other on every possible level. Even the name ‘Mag’har Orc Warlock’ is an impossibility.


Actually they can and they will because Blizzard is who decided they can and will, just like eventually stuff like Blood Elf Druid, Blood Elf Shaman, Void Elf Paladin, Void Elf Druid, Void Elf Shaman, Undead Paladin, etc. will exist.


More horde players are going to leave over the cross faction guilds, My server is seeing a huge influx of them and it’s not welcome.

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I wouldn’t like Night Elf paladins, but I could see a lore way into it. I don’t like these Warlock expansions at all, but the broken unacceptable part is having Mag’har Orcs and Lightforged Draenei becoming Warlocks.


If every lightforged draenei player unsubscribed in protest, how many people would actually notice they weren’t around anymore


The story was gone when the writer in shadowlands trolled the lore before quitting blizzard. You guys really need to realize this and move on. Go play FF14 and learn their lore.

This burn is wonderful. :clap:t5: :clap:t5: :clap:t5:

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People quitting over a minor thing when a player should t be held to those rules anymore.

Anyway on the way tauren warlock!!! Woot

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No they can’t, and here’s why.

The word ‘Mag’har’ is Orcish, it means ‘Uncorrupted’ so what you’re really seeing when you decide to play a Mag’har Orc is the game telling you that you’re playing an Uncorrupted Orc.

We first saw the Mag’har during the Burning Crusade expansion. These were the Orcs that were quarantined in Garadar during the Rise of the Horde since they had the Red Pox, and as such, they were not exposed to the fel, did not become warlocks and they did not drink the blood of Mannoroth, even though other members of their clans did.

The term was used again for the AU Orcs from WoD. Same definition, different background, but the Mag’har Orcs in WoD were those uncorrupted by the fel that Gul’dan forced on many of the Iron Horde following Grommash’s capture and were those who did not get corrupted by the Light and become Lightbound.

Now what do you think happens to an uncorrupted orc the moment they start using the fel as a power source? I’ll tell you precisely what happens, their skin turns green and they become corrupted. At that point there’s no difference between them and a regular bog standard Orc. They’re no longer Mag’har, they’re just Orcs.


The amount leaving because of cross faction is probably the same. Just five guys in a trench coat.

Specifically meaning uncorrupted by the blood of Mannoroth…

They established that there are different levels of fel corruption in Legion and not all lead to green skin.

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So it won’t follow the lore like lots of other things, it will basically be a like a cosmetic skin with the class like every other race so you’ll still be a Maghar Orc Warlock, as I said Blizzard makes these decisions and they are bringing Warlocks to all races next and for someone like me it’s a very welcome change.

Actually I welcome all races having all classes including Evoker if they ever do that.

I don’t think many people will be mad enough to quit, and I don’t think many people will see this change and care enough to resub. I do think people playing will pay for race changes because that is what they do.

No one cares anymore, just play the game to have fun killing things. Forget what makes who and who is what, and light is this, and fel is that. Just go kill things and be happy.

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All fel corruption leads to Orcs getting green skin.

Actually drinking the blood after you’ve already been corrupted turns the skin red, continued drinking of the blood then causes bones to protrude from the flesh of the Orc to form spikes and for their teeth and tusks to become longer and sharper.

Even exposure to excessive amounts of fel will corrupt an Orc, turning their skin green, this is why Durotan and Draka both had green skin (in the main universe) even though neither drank the blood of Mannoroth. The corruption is also genetic, meaning even an orc baby born of corrupted parents will have fel corruption tainting their skin, which is why Thrall has green skin despite never having been exposed to fel magic.


None of what you mentioned here is the fault of the race/class combination.

Being able to play your preferred class on your preferred race is strictly an upgrade to the current system.

This isn’t the RTS.


Velen took in all of his kin after the Legion fell. If they wanted to join. I am sure some found the light as well. Did Illidian not teach you anything. The magic is not what makes the character good or evil. It’s how they used it.

If they leave over this, then the community is better off for it. The lore has been absolute trash since the end of Legion/Start of BFA and it is a good thing that players are getting more choice and freedom in playing how they want. The people spotting “Muh lore!” would see the game stagnate and die.

No need to be afraid of change. It’s a good thing.