Wow going to xbox?

are you sure? thats been nerfed since shadowlands

when was the last time you farmed old raids for gold

I still play on my 360 here and there so it still has the horde shirt on


They put it into the game, sort of. It exists but there isn’t a dedicated UI to doing it last I checked, it mostly has to be done with console commands or an addon. Though frankly one should just use ConsolePort because it’s far better designed than what Blizzard has for controller support.

It probably won’t happen until after everything blows over. The Xbox boss (for the Xbox division) said he was deeply troubled by the scandal and was reevaluating the relationship they shared with Activision. Which is kind of important. It isn’t enough that Blizzard makes it work for consoles. Xbox can decide whether or not it’s going to be allowed and have legal grounds to do so. Similarly, Blizzard won’t allocate the effort if there isn’t a clear cut approval for the port otherwise it’s more wasted resources. If there was any work being done on this it’s likely been halted until this matter gets resolved and they get an okay.

Similarly I doubt Sony is willing to touch this mess with a 10 foot pole and the Switch just can’t handle WoW.

This is going to be the real thing that hits Blizzard. It’s not going to be the community’s outrage with them, it’s going to be more that with this albatross around their neck, other companies aren’t going to want to deal with them until it’s reached a satisfying resolution or at least one that isn’t going to drag them down with the company for daring to support them.

Once companies that handle consoles decide to pull back, their stock is absolutely screwed and heads will roll. It’s not enough of a dent for them to piss off WoW players into quitting, it really isn’t. It’s if Microsoft and Sony said “No more games on our platforms, fix your s- or make your own.” That market is HUGE.

It’s not about connecting a keyboard and mouse to the console. That is not the hurdle everyone thinks it is. It’s building the game from the ground up with console support in mind.

WoW works with code that is “throw against the wall and see what sticks.” It’s barely computer friendly most of the time.

I do it weekly

I can see that. I use Glosk with my steam controller to lazy farm & Fish. With the help of fishing buddy addon keybinded to the joystick for the cast.

I mean in this case Playstation and XBox both saying they’re re-evaluating their business relationship with them would probably actually have more of an effect.

that will do wonders with the effort to remove the sexist and misogynist culture on wow…