Wow going to xbox?


This was story of woe and bad omens before the story became wow is coming to mobile.

Either way, horrible devices for this game unless they simplify DH even further and make it the only class we can play.

Sony only took Cod off their featured section. All they did was make it slightly less convenient to buy. AFAIK.

either way it be fun to see it on xbox and see how they are able play, or if they would get there own servers and stuff as well.

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If you look at the current PS5 and Xbox they can handle up to 120FPS . So I don’t think WoW would be an issue

What PC build is equivalent to PS5?

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X

Along with the AMD Ryzen 7 3700X processor and the AMD Radeon RX 5700XT graphics card or Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 graphics card are both great options for a PS5/Xbox Series X PC-equivalent build since they both have similar performance to the console’s custom chips.Sep 10, 2021

What PC is equivalent to Xbox series X?

Ryzen 7 3700X desktop

Xbox and PC Hardware Capabilities

Xbox Series X specs are almost equivalent to a Ryzen 7 3700X desktop processor paired with Radeon RX 6800 or Nvidia RTX 3070. So, the Xbox Series X graphics card is impressive enough for 4K gaming and 120 FPS experience on paper.Aug 20, 2021

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That’s not all it takes. It’s not about how many bindings you can put on a controller.

Considering how badly this game start running the more people you add in to an environment I would surmise if it was to move to consoles it would be a very different and watered down version of the computer game similar to how League of legends ported to mobile phones and cut out several of the more précises controls.

Diablo 3 was able to transition to console because at that point it was fairly resource light compared to what the PS3 could handle and it didn’t involve more then 4 players in simultaneous play. even then the PS3 version kind of looked not great and had a bunch of crashing issue when it first came to the console. Keep in mind the game was over a year old by the time they ported it and sources indicated that the port was being worked on during later years of D3 development.

For WoW to release on consoles we would likely see more areas segmented with low player caps per segment/ shard. Twenty man raids would be unlikely considering how many issues even the PC version has with some fights. WoW has a habit of making PCs that a re closer to the minimum requirement for expansions preform drastically worse by the end of a given expansion due to poor optimization in updates. I remember in BFA when they made the jump to DirectX 12 and the game was a hot mess for a large number of people until they added the DX11 Legacy option while they worked out all the “kinks”

I am not saying it can’t or won’t happen I just have hard time seeing it being the exact same game we know on PC running smoothly on consoles.

Oh no
no wonder this game is going downhill even further

I’m okay with it if it does- I think consoles need to allow MKB configurations. XBOX is nothing more than a budget PC at this point anyway.

based on xbox and sony condemning actiblizz I don’t see it happening.

look at the D2 remaster, if you keep saying something maybe it will happen eventually.

I swear some of the people here haven’t owned a console since SNES. It most definitely run and run well on the current gen. Assuming Blizzard but the effort in. Now how it would handle on a controller is another thing. Although they could just put a tip to use keyboard and mouse.

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I dont think people know just how powerful systems are now lol i agree

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You can’t understand how a person plugs in a mouse and keyboard?

Exactly. The current gpu market is making it next to impossible to build a decent gaming pc nowadays for most people. I have to assume the expansion of pc gaming has come to a grinding halt.

One of Newegg’s Black Friday specials is a gtx 1050ti for almost $300. Absolute insanity.

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Well keyword being “can”, can doesn’t always mean it’s there 90% of the time (generously speaking).

I mean as long you don’t have the high graphics mode on the consoles on, then it should run that high.

Alright a couple to few things here that i think it might need clearing up here

First off, you don’t really need console equivalent or better PCs to play at 4k 120fps. You can play at 1440P 120fps, or anywhere in between on what suits your fancy. Something that the PC can afford to you. Hence, it’s greatest strength is in the variety of options in not just higher graphics, but higher framerates, options to use any peripheral, freedom to play any game or mod, backwards compatibility, etc etc

Second, let’s talk about the CPUs here.

The Xbox Series X’s CPU is 3.8 GHz, 3.6 GHz with SMT, While the Ps5’s cpu is, 3.5 GHz. And both are running 8 cores at zen 2, proudly by AMD.

You’ve picked out the Ryzen 7 3700X twice here, one for the laptop (assuming that’s what you mean by the first time around, because you did specified later on as a desktop processor). The Ryzen 7 3700X is also an 8 core zen 2 cpu, but with 3.6 GHz for base and 4.4 GHZ for turbo. So already this more powerful then the PS5’s CPU, but with overclocking by 10% to 3.96, it will be better then an Xbox Series X. Sure, that doesn’t mean they aren’t equivalents, it just shows the power of the PC Cpu’s, as well showcasing one of the better aspects of PC gaming.

Going with what i’ve, i’m rocking an AMD Ryzen 7 3800 XT, It’s also an 8 core zen 2 processor, but with a base clock of 3.8 GHz to 4.7 GHz. Already, it’s what i can call an equivalent to Xbox’s, just right out of the box. Overclocked it to 10% also
 and you get the idea.

Also, those dates. What articles did you get them from, now i’m wondering?.. :thinking:

Bring WoW to the Switch

Add a keyboard and mouse to a new generation game console and there’s almost no difference in performance compared to the average gamer rig. Things like addon support is a separate topic, though still a valid concern.

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Of course it will and of course you can plug in a keyboard and mouse. However a console requires a different setup from a PC. For example:

–First, I’d need to get the console to begin with since my husband uses the one we have already. I don’t want a console. I only play WoW. The only two other games I’ve branched into (Aion and FFXIV) I also would not have wanted to play on a console.

–Second, I would need to get a second TV to play it on, since my husband uses the TV also due to my lack of interest in TV. The last show I watched was Good Omens two and a half years ago in early 2019. Sharing a TV for computer use is NOT going to work in this marriage.

–Third, I would need to get a whole different room to put the damn thing in since my current desk isn’t going to be big enough for a TV and I wouldn’t want to play so close to one anyhow. My computer room, AKA my indoor she-shed, doesn’t have space.

–Lastly, regardless what people think about it, I play on a laptop which allows me to take WoW with me while at the same time keeping it out of the hair of people wherever I am playing at the time and a console doesn’t allow the same.

–None of the above even covers not wanting to screw around with something like Disc on a console and definitely not wanting to screw around with keeping a second machine of some kind nearby to facilitate it’s use.

So yeah. It has nothing to do with thinking a console can’t handle it. These reasons are just my own, but are examples of the whole pile of reasons many people prefer playing on a PC. :woman_shrugging:

And this is worth noting too. Part of the reason I quit FFXIV was because of how bloody annoying it was to deal with a game that fully supported being playable on a console. The best example of which were the obnoxiously annoying “menu” layouts for everything, which makes console life easier but which is also ungodly annoying – both on a console AND on a PC. If I wanted to play a console game, there are piles of them out there. I want none of it.

With fps on consoles being as they are. Would probly be like DC heroes and villains mmo it could get pretty leggy.

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i think the main issue for success is getting basic mods on the platforms if it does get added.

maybe console versions would be kept separate from the pc version but if not, console players would be at an addon disadvantage.

i suppose biz could make their own addons that fill the basic needs of a console like UI mods. maybe more built in controls for for ui customization. dps meters are nice but wouldn’t really break the game without them. some pvp addons would need to be made baseline. and its not even a case of people having it over those who don’t the base game doesn’t do a good job for pvp in general. if no one had the addons its just a worse experience for everyone. having them allows for it to at least function imo.

Actually, you can connect your PS5 and Xbox to your computer monitor. Since they use HDMI cables. :point_down:

Now, it’s important to note that even if your TV doesn’t support an HDMI 2.1 connection, you can still plug the console into a standard HDMI port in a TV or monitor – just with more more picture limitations.

Since the PS5 doesn’t support 1440p, the resolution of many gaming monitors and projectors, it seems likely that the graphics would instead default to 1080p, which means the PS5 won’t benefit massively from a 1440p resolution monitor or screen.

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