Wow going to xbox?

Sure, though the subpar fps and no addon support is going to turn off some people i would imagine.

Because unless you know your way around bot tech, you would have commit to a grind so tedious (through rep gains, renown, and time gates) that it would fall so boring to your casual player. Also, players REFUSE to go back to old expansions. Only the hardcore players do that.

More money in their pocket though, I suppose.

And even then when you do know your way around bots, you’re risking a ban, along with a spot already occupied by another bot.

Online game console multiplayer wasn’t really a big thing back then unlike it is now where there’s more console players than PC players.

you can get like 400k alone just be doing old raids that u can solo easy and vendor everything alone makes u a ton of gold, not to mention doing the old LFR that u can 1 shot everything gets you tons of gold as well. idk what you do but it seems you dont know how to do old stuff and vendor it all for tons of gold lol.

Yeah… wonder how empty it is now-a-days…

I’d be genuinely surprised if the PS5/Series S/X struggled with WoW.


DUDE you solo it all and vendor everything you get, you dont need people to join you lol…

I wouldn’t be surprised, since consoles are notorious for sub-par fps and locked hardware as well very little, to no graphic options to turn it down. That and WoW is pretty CPU intensive.

Because they were built for it from the ground up.

WoW wasn’t.

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yes but the way the spells are now and how all 3 systems work you can bind spells to lots of buttons.

I had my BM hunter set up to work with an Xbox controller in BFA. It was a little janky, but you can make it work.

I have this on mine still to this day

This reminds me of a quaint little anecdote when I was working in the gaming section of a Micro Center

Twas the eve of Burning Crusade, the announcement and people were scrambling for WoW subscriptions back in ye-olden-times of 2007.

We had the typical Karen asking for a “Wii-Station 360” and “Is GTA good for my 10-year-old” but this one story, oh this one was on the top-tier of BS that still makes me wonder what happened to the guy.

This man, walking up next to the Burning Crusade poster we have up to promote the game, asks if WoW is on or coming on to the Xbox 360. At the time this was a baseless rumor that was floating around online.

I told the man the truth: “That is actually a baseless rumor on the internet, it’s PC only man, sorry.”

And he looked at me like I was covered in green fur and taking Christmas ornaments out of Whoville,

"Well, I saw it elsewhere for Xbox 360! Your lying just cost you a customer, I’m never coming back!"

To this day I wonder where he saw this copy of WoW for the 360…


Oh god I had that on my avatar back when I played 360

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And? That doesn’t mean they can’t do it. You’re acting like technology is still in 2002. We have AI robots and self driving cars. I’m sure they can sort out how to make WoW function on an Xbox.

I saw this in my Google News feed this morning as well. I immediately identified it for the clickbait BS that it is when I saw the words “readers should take this with a grain of salt…” blah blah blah. I’ve noticed when websites use that wording (looking at you screen rant) it’s usually bubkiss. And wasn’t their source a now deleted Reddit thread claiming to find now removed source code in the Xbox store or something? So we can’t even see for ourselves what they’re talking about. How convenient.

I have actually thought for years, and still do that A VERSION of WoW would do pretty well on console platforms. Certainly not the version we’re currently playing (or at least subscribed to for forum use, as is the case with many here), but at least a reworked, controller friendly version with its own servers. Same world, same story lines, same open world feel, just different, or reworked abilities, mechanics, etc. I’d seriously consider switching over if such an animal were to ever be brought into existence.

I bet the Xbox and PS4 would have better graphics/fps then most of the players currently have. Add-ons would be harder to implement but for the most part stock is fine.

Do a 360 and walk away.

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With the current situation. Xbox will certainly not let WoW the console right now. Sony already pulled CoD Vanguard off their stores to show they meant business about Bobby’s poor attempt to last week to make himself look better. So I’m sure with the statements Xbox CEO said, it likely won’t happen until we hear more.

*Xbox SX and Ps5. Though Xbox 1 and Ps4 is fine too.

Also, not really true. PC players always have the potential to have better graphics and such because of the graphic settings and upgrading hardware, as well the benefit of having more then 60fps and such. It’s better to have more options on a gaming platform then less.