WoW Dropping Back to #3 Most Popular MMO This Weekend

It’s always funny when someone throws out information with no backup (no one actually has any idea how many subs WoW or FF14 has), and people take the bait and argue as if what they said was true.

Never change internet.

You’re making up :poop:.

I play on one of the most notorious servers ERP happens on in FFXIV and I barely ever see it. Once in awhile you’ll see 2 people in a random place laying on a bed. THE HORROR.


What killed WoW for me was the realization that they made changes to appease the woke crowd within a short period of time but haven’t made significant updates or changes for their paying customers in years.


Again–WoW is a game that relies on hard group content without many tools to help players kill that content. The LFG tool is archaic. There is no LFD passed Heroic, and most players are out of that area under a month of playtime. The guild finder tool is just a joke.

WoW needs QoL overhaul badly otherwise most gamers are just going to shrug and go play a game where it’s click and go.


Yeah, much like WoW the ERP is restricted to certain areas. For the crystal database the official non-housing spot is in Ul’dah, otherwise it is in housing areas. Neither Blizzard nor Square Enix will moderate private chats at the end of the day unless you actually report genuine harrasement - well, square enix will punish actual harrasement at the very least.

It is a fact, though, that the FFXIV crowd is more open-minded about it, or at the very least do not care as deeply.

FFXIV also gives better tools for roleplaying, with actually animated emotes, as well as animated facial expressions. You can play instruments in the open world, interract with a whole lot of different objects in the world via. emotes.

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Where is it even at in Uldah? I’m obviously not looking for it but would like to see how many people are actually there.

That Adventurer’s Guild place, I think it was called the Quicksand… but it is primarily on Balmung, which is FFXIVs Moonguard.

I think the lore will be developed after launch. Having a lot of fun doing corruption portals and closing them. So what is on the other side? There could be a lot to the story.

Ok and everything in WoW is p2w. WoW has become mostly a boosting service now. Tokens were the worst idea imaginable. I find it funny when ppl bring this up when WoW is one of the biggest pay 2 win games out now.

You are entitled to your opinion but I think it’s great.

Yea we have a great idea how many it has. You can use many metrics to come up with a precise estimate. WoW has between 1.2 and 1.6 mil subs. It’s not like that number is far off and it is between that range plus or minus a few %.

Disagree, about 5% of the population wants hard group content. Most MMOs are made up of gamers that just want to have fun doing something typically in open world. When you force the majority of the population to M+ Arena, Raid or quit. You won’t have a healthy game.

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When I said relies what I meant was that’s what they think keeps them afloat. I fully agree with your comment here.

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New world has me hooked like wow did originally. I’m tired of feeling forced to play certain parts of wow just to enjoy the things I want to do.

The fact that I was able to pay $40 and buy a copy for my wife and still spend less on it than I will on wow in half a year…with no monthly sub and hundreds of hours of content I will easily get my money’s worth. If they are as aggressive as they indicate with their updates this game could keep me hooked for a while to come


The only true thing I’ve ever heard about the decline of WoW is that it’ll only happen, not because of a competitor, but because of Blizzard themselves.

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Exactly! I’m forcing myself to log off New World which is how it used to be with WoW many years ago. I’m definitely hooked and enjoy that I can play the game how I want.

100% agree and if they release the new content next month like Void gauntlet and are aggressive with content updates, they will have huge player retention. Something WoW hasn’t done in many years.

It’s seems like New World and FFXIV are competing with each other and WoW had become a 3rd wheel.

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WoW is at 1.9-2.5m as of May, courtesy of multiple sites according to multiple big times streamers. This game is total trash, if I didnt have over $10,000 invested into it and 13 years of game play, I’d have stayed unsubbed.

Your word for today is Shill:

Lol where’d you copy/paste your opinion from?

Literally none of what you said is true, especially framed next to wow. I’m sorry you tried to play on your favorite streamer’s server and had to sit a 14 hr queue

onloy reason i see why that number is spouted is the analytics from raiding, pvp, and m+ which all numbers are really down previous patch. if i recall active players was last estimated at around 800-900k. before the lawsuit it was over a million easy

I hope the new crew at blizz does take notes and improve warcraft. Losing so many subs seems to have awaken them from the looks of the new patch.

As for new world, you all check out their forums. I’ve read nothing but negative posts, much worse then here. Time will tell if they can keep what they’ve gained …

You should try other games I think, you didn’t ask for my advice but this seems like a bad reason to stay in WoW- like an abusive relationship almost. I don’t think you’re alone though, probably a lot of people in this boat, it’s why I think WoW will never truly die, people have just worked to hard to quit now

Are you counting in the cost of an Amazon Prime sub for both you and your wife so you can get the exclusive “character content packs”?

Only 1 New World account can be a bound to an Amazon Prime sub

You didn’t play Vanilla or TBC judging by your achievement score shown on this toon your posting with, where you had to run everywhere for 40 levels before getting the ability to get your first mount…that was one of the biggest mistakes blizzard did lowering the level range down too 30 then 20 …they gave into the cry babies… or spend over a hour killing same mobs over and over just to get 6 hoofs from a specific mob.

NW has fast travel you just have to build up enough of the agent you need to use it…doing quests…killing mobs gives you that item …I hit max amount I could have 3 days ago of 1,000 and keep it at that range and still can move around NW quite fast…

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