Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

The whole idea of JRPG and WRPG is incorrect, because the Japanese don’t see their games as “JRPG” vs. WRPG. They just see their games as RPGs, and ours as RPGs. The distinction is moot from the start.
I would argue that the idea of the “JRPG” became something other than just an RPG, rather a specific type of RPG made in the vein of Legend of Dragoon and Final Fantasy, but the Japanese themselves don’t see that distinction and it’s essentially just shorthand nomenclature for those in-the-know about how specific types of games function to use it that way and nothing official.

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The post was already there

I like how you think Elon has actually done anything remotely smart in his ownership of “X”.

I’d love to hear you fully run this one out.


Well, it seems like it will be lonely up on that hill…because it doesn’t look like your argument is well supported, but you do you.

I bet it will sound something like this, just the opposite.


So is steam wrong?


Elon is definitely not smart but any sensible person definitely should have fired those people doing literally nothing

I have never felt that “WoW doesn’t feel like WoW anymore” feeling, and i will never understand that. To me this a game that is always changing but always there for me after a days work. I like that it changes I like that my char has been with me for 1 third of my life.

Now I was reading some of these post and found the move to another state opinion weird. Until i read more and you all basicly sayng if they didn’t make in a Liberal State like California then the game would be better ect. Cause i dont see any real ration reason the game would be better as you say if it was made in state you support.

Considering how he’s done nothing but lose money, advertisers, customers since firing those people.

It sounds like they were doing something.


Raises hand


And don’t forget that a lot of those people he fired are now suing him because he didn’t pay their severance, which is costing him millions of more dollars in legal fees.

Lots and lots of bad decisions.


They weren’t doing nothing and you would know this if you did any actual research.

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The current devs published these terrible black hair styles and what they’re doing with the current race options made me lose all faith.

Came even worse when i did the Worgen quest that was 30 minutes of Worgen guilt propaganda… I’m just done move the studio let a different demographic try

When you are in a making up things that will never happen competition and your opponent is a conservative.


So your theory is that studios only hire people from a 10 mile radius of where they are located?


Lol they’re fired now so they definitely were doing nothing.

Did you not see those videos and you’re trying to defend them??

Further, this is on top of advertisers dropping the platform because he was trying to extort them while also opening the flood gates for the alt-right and trying to charge people for blue ticks.

Like, Twitter spent over a decade trying to figure out how to be a successful platform and Elon is being forced to relearn all those lessons.

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My theory is they definitely don’t hire any black people after seeing those terrible black hair styles

Actually now that i think about it we’ve had multiple dev insights videos and i don’t think I’ve seen a single black dev

Makes perfect sense


You dont understand verb conjugation.

Because they are fired they ARE doing nothing for X.

They WERE doing something. But now they ARE not.

Ok. Cool. We are on the same page now.

And your theory is they are unable to hire black people unless they move to texas or another state?


Clearly cause theres no excuse on how those hair styles got shipped the way they are on the live game.

because blizzard has gone woke.