Wow, doesn't feel like Warcraft anymore?

No? Most real wars start because of resource disputes (Oil, Water, Rare Earths) rather then because one day the guy at the top decides “WHEE LETS DO A WARCRIME!”

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I feel like Gnomes and especially Mechagnomes, just need a metric ton of new customization options, and i don’t just mean eye color or hair color, I mean aesthetic cosmetic changes which can substantially change the theme or feel of a character. I feel like they’ve been neglected for a long time now.

Ogres if done right would probably be a win for the community and Blizzard.

Blizzard, if we’re going into a Void expansion, guess who would easily slot into that as a new playable race? The answer is of course is Gilblin. Kidding, Ogres are a must at this point.

EDIT: Why are people turning this thread into a self pity garbage fest? Just grow up, and focus on the game. Thank you, all.

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It’s kinda slimy how y’all all always accuse people of what you’re guilty of.
If you didn’t have a fragility issue in the first place, none of this would be “needed”. You’re the ones that proposed changes where none were needed, and now those against the changes are called fragile for it. It’s stupid.


So you’re not arguing that the crusade against the LGBTQ community doesn’t exist…you’re just trying to justify with exaggerated arguments while pretending to be a “victim.” Sounds about right for someone with your beliefs.


I hear the best way to get changes added to the game is to argue in a thread until it 404’s.


I didn’t propose anything, and other game companies were doing it years before Blizzard did.

Whether it was needed or not doesn’t change the fact that people lost their minds over something so petty. There is no question to their fragility.


It’s like calling a white blood cell fragile because reacts to infection.
Your side’s fragility lead to the issue being created where no issue needed to be, people are just reacting to your provocation.


It doesn’t help that the current devs just write the races terribly.

Blood elves were introduced to basically be Drow ( in culture/personality) now they’re a bunch of light praising diet humans that would starve than feed off creatures to sustain themselves( blood knight type of Paladin is gone)

Worgen in all the cataclysm promotional were shown to basically be the alliance monster race with a darker tone and now we do their heritage quest and they all have Worgen guilt and feel like being a Worgen is shameful.

These are just 2 of many examples. Alleria leading the void elves but blizzard afraid to commit to make her a void elf in appearance


What’s the provocation? Asking for equal rights and the ability to live openly without being discriminated against or the threat of jail or violence?


We can’t turn every race on Azeroth into an allied race just to fight cosmic stuff.

The dragons everywhere and lack of the alliance vs horde stuff - - to be fair, DF has not given me those warcraft vibes - - more so a feeling as if I’m playing some disney version lol

The place a game is made definitely effects a game… was this statement serious???

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Yes, I’m serious. Have any examples of the actual location where the game was developed affecting the game vs. the ideology of the people making it? (Hint: No, because they are not correlated…and even if they were it would be impossible to prove.)

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I would say that the state matters a lot less these days. Sure, California is a cesspit, but most of academia is as well. Yuri Bezmenov warned of how academia was being infected even back in the 60’s and 70’s, so it’s no surprise things are as bad as they are today. It started as the de-moralization effort, and has likely snowballed beyond anything those subversive agents even intended.


You do realize that war is kin to any conflict. it does not have to equal Horde vs Alliance garbage tropes.


Yup. It is just funny seeing the whiny raid loggers prop up DF so much 'cause they can finally raid log or do a few keys and bugger off. That indirectly had an effect on the rest of the game ending up feeling so pointless to do lul.

I’ve seen quite a few comments on the interwebs and forums how they are tired of the same old stuff - - so that I agree with. I think the ‘template’ or formula they had is being more present now and so the shine wore off and those people are not interested in the game. I guess those people finally have had the proverbial curtains opened and what is revealed was a team who just really is good at making raids and dungeons and nothing else.


The owners are making them write every character like a Disney character.


The problem are the small fries… if you take any of the warcraft 3 characters and put them next to the characters we have currently they would stick out like a sore thumb.

Put wc3 Grom,Sylvanas, Tyrande, Illidan in dragonflight and they stick out.

This is the one good thing about us getting Cataclysm Classic is we will get some good ol classic warcraft characters, can’t wait to do scarlet monastery and deadmines on heroic to fight some good evil villains with great voice lines

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This illusion that the setting a game is made doesn’t effect the game is just willful ignorance

A place effects the people… I’m sure if wow was made by flordians we’d get some kind of swamp nonsense and how slavery isn’t bad


You realize that not all "JRPG"s are made in Japan, right? Nah, probably not.

Oh my…


Granted I haven’t played a lot of it so far, but DF feels more like WoW than the week of SL I played. I know updating the old world is kinda controversial but personally I’m in the “love to see it” camp. There does seem to be a pretty big tonal change but I don’t think I’ve seen enough of it and have been gone long enough that it’s hard to put into words.